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How to control one's thoughts?

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I can easily control what I say and do. However, I feel I have no control over how I think. This is what causes me to go crazy when confronted with the gender-discrimination I've previously spoken of. When I perceive such unfair treatment, I lose my sense of right vs. wrong and this has gotten my into trouble in a variety of forums & message boards -- including this one. Some fora have outright perma-banned me.


I am taking medications -- such as anti-depressants and anti-anxieties -- to help attenuate my self-pity, increase my expectations of myself, and decrease my expectations of those around me. Sadly, they don't always work, and I end up venting on the internet causing readers to want to conform to society's evil norms by banishing and out-casting me. I'm seeing therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists -- here and there. Sometimes I just hit rock-bottom.


I haven't done anything illegal, nor do I ever plan to. However, a lot of my "vented" messages contain material that is highly-offensive-and-disturbing to mainstream society. In a way this is society's fault for provoking me into writing such messages. I am more disgusted by society's evil codes than society is disgusted by my mentality.


The moment society stops torturing innocent defenseless individuals [like me] is the moment me and my ilk will stop filling the internet with anti-social text. Fair is fair. Yes, I have a mental illness called "Asperger's Syndrome". As such, society *should* sympathize/empathize with me and stop bullying my type around.






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Green Xenon - if you can make more posts like your opening post here you will find several positive things willl happen:


People will listen to you.

People will respect you.

People will sympathise with your situation.

People will do what is in their power to help you.


This has not happened in the past because you have not made people aware of your condition, but instead have posted extreme statements which you agree are highly offensive. This thread is a very good start for you doing things in a more positive way. Good luck.

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So, what's the question? What did you want to discuss exactly?


How not to want to punish society, if/when the following facts reinforced to me:


1. The men-of-the-society-of-humans are evil enough to perpetrate the "pro-girl sexism" which I've previously spoken out against


2. The men-of-the-society-of-humans commit the above horrific gender-discrimination in all cultures -- both western and non-western -- but more intensely in non-western cultures


3. The men-of-the-society-of-humans have polluted civilization with that disgusting gender-bias treatment of children ever since humans formed a society separate from their non-human ancestors


If N E 1 or more of the above facts are reinforced to me, I feel a disorienting sensation of indignation. Such a painful and confusing feeling causes me to lose my ability to discern right from wrong.

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Rubbish. You know right from wrong. You're merely here looking for an excuse to choose the wrong things. You want to choose the wrong things, but you're smart enough to know you shouldn't... So, instead of doing the right things, you're merely here laying the groundwork so you have an excuse later... "They made me do it!!"


You don't have to make those wrong choices. Nobody is dictating your actions but you. Perhaps it will be easier to do the right thing if you stop focusing so obsessively on this. You are the only one who controls your actions, and you know it. You are in control of yourself, your behavior, and nobody else. Place your focus there. Maybe things will become less intense and more aligned with societal expectations.

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Rubbish. You know right from wrong. You're merely here looking for an excuse to choose the wrong things. You want to choose the wrong things, but you're smart enough to know you shouldn't... So, instead of doing the right things, you're merely here laying the groundwork so you have an excuse later... "They made me do it!!"


You don't have to make those wrong choices. Nobody is dictating your actions but you. Perhaps it will be easier to do the right thing if you stop focusing so obsessively on this. You are the only one who controls your actions, and you know it. You are in control of yourself, your behavior, and nobody else. Place your focus there. Maybe things will become less intense and more aligned with societal expectations.


Try telling all of what you wrote to me to an abused daughter who kills her pedophile father after more than a decade of suffering molestation in his hands. Then, see if you make it out alive. Chances are, people will call you an "@$$hole" for not feeling sorry for her. They will then lynch you and throw stones at you.


I'm being very logical here. I have no more control over myself than the above hypothetical abused girl. So society should not expect me to control myself anymore than they would expect her to control herself.

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Moderator Note

Green Xenon, for the last time, you already have an open thread discussing these issues. Add your conversation there instead of opening up new ones. Thread closed.

Edit: In case you didn't see the link in the last thread I closed, this is it: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/58611-are-girls-really-treated-preferentially/

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