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Sensitive eyes, Glare

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This is odd. I'm not quite looking for "medical advice", I'm trying to figure out what can cause this. I *will* contact my doctor if things aren't better, so no worries there ;)


This is very weird, though. I got to my internship 10 weeks ago, and instantly noticed that my computer screen is right across the door to the balcony, and produces REALLY large amount of glare. I tried to tilt it, it helped a little bit, and while the screen isn't perfect, it's more or less convenient.


But lately (in the past couple of weeks) I noticed that I'm a lot more sensitive to bright lights. I see just fine, but it's like I have this "glare" (like what happens when you look at bright lights and close your eyes? the "ghost" image?) a LOT, and it takes it a long time to dissipate, even when I'm not next to that computer.


Can it really be "just" from that computer screen? It's also summer and we've been walking outside in really extreme heat (and humidity).. my eyes don't hurt at all, and I see fine with glasses on, I just have this feeling as if my eyes constantly heal from the glare-image. It comes and goes, but it's getting annoying.


Any ideas? More importantly, any advice? If it's the screen, does anyone know of good eye-exercise to make this better? It's very bothersome. Also, how worried should I be about this? Obviously, if things get worse or don't get better soon I will go see an optometrist (or an eye doc).


Just a few more details in case they're needed -- I have glasses for about 12 years and never even needed to change my prescription (it's VERY low prescription, too). Also, I read online (teh interwebz iz nevah wrong!) that stress might affect "photophobia" -- and.. yeah, the past few weeks were a bit more stressful than usual. Could that really affect "glare" in the eyes?


Thanks in advance,



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Here's a wiki on the mechanics of afterimages:




This is a condition with that as a symptom:




If you've been staring at a computer screen for long periods accompanied with intense mental focus which sounds like you have, you ought to try to take time out physically and mentally from your work. I'd do this and if it still persists after a couple of weeks go and see an expert...your body is is telling you something and it's not happy. Hopefully, it's just stress and over-stimulation.

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Do the afterimages appear similar to the "shape" of the glare you see on the screen?


You know, I was trying to notice it, but it's hard... it's a "smeared" screen-sized blob. It's hard to tell if it's the screen/glare or if it's just hyper sensitivity.


But I tried to see if this goes on during the weekend, and it's less-so. I decreased the intensity of my laptop screen and I had no problems in the weekend. I think it's a combination of my screen at work and some stress.


Quite annoying, though :\


If you've been staring at a computer screen for long periods accompanied with intense mental focus which sounds like you have, you ought to try to take time out physically and mentally from your work. I'd do this and if it still persists after a couple of weeks go and see an expert...your body is is telling you something and it's not happy. Hopefully, it's just stress and over-stimulation.


Yeah, I usually try to go outside and stare at far objects / the horizon for a while to relax my eyes. I do tht every couple of hours or so. In this case of the summer, it was so humid and horribly hot out, that I just didn't go as much. Seeing as this didn't recur as bad during the weekend, I'd say it's probably a mix of stress and my horrible screen at the office.


But you're right.. if this goes on, I'm definitely going to see a doctor, even only so they can tell me if I need a different presecription or anti-glare in my glasses (which I'm SUPPOSED to have already... maybe I should test it).






Also, I arrived to work after the weekend about an hour ago, and as I type this (in my work comptuer) I *notice* the glare and how it's annoying my eyes.


It's most definitely this stupid screen.. or it's placement. How annoying.



Thanks y'all.



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