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Liquid nitrogen


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"well Gilded, im overclocking my computer to 10GHz, i cant be bothered to work for it though, so i'll just stuff the whole thing in the barrel, i figure that should do the cooling trick!"


liquid nitrogen isnt sold to often to random people who just want a little bit, its not worth companies producing, so i doubt you will get much.

outta interest, seriously, what did you want it for?

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Does anyone know how they make liquid nitrogen?



They just take normal air and compress it, then decompress it. They do this numerous times and it causes the air to cool down a tremendous amount. Once they've gotten the air liquified, they slowly let it warm up and collect all the different gasses as they boil off, then repeat the procedure for each of the different gasses in order to liquify them.

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boris, most compressed gas companies will give you as much as you want, the only thing is though, they dont give it to you unless you have a suitable container. like a dewar flask. and those are like...100+ dollars. also, dont store it in anything with a closed cover. because liquid nitrogen turns into a gas and it will make your container a bomb...lol. 100ml of liquid nitrogen will evaporate within an hour, so you have to use it quick...check out these




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sorry i didnt mean to sound rude but you must admit making your own is so much more fun you get the knowledge of how to make it and you get to view your end product in its glorious blue form, and i mean it does look a bit suspicious liquid nitrogen ok thats fine but a rocket propellant buying that would turn heads

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naaah, it was nothing to do with "Rude" at all.


and the idea of "making your own" is certainly NOT an alien principal to me either :)

however, there ARE levels of "Practicality" that are wise to listen to.

and the above ideas are far from wise OR practical :(

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well, unless you have a dewar flask, proper ventilation(asphyxiation), gloves and proper work materials to use liquid nitrogen with...i'd advise against it. but, if you really want to check it out, definately get a dewar flask. lox can be supplied by the same people with the liquid nitrogen. and the easiest way to make it is to dip a container of oxygen into liquid nitrogen.

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i have one dewer flask's i got it of ebay for £25 1ltr and in good condition as for ventilation i can do it outside and i have thick rubber gloves, goggles/glasses they look like sun glasses and a lab coat i have this because of school you were told to buy them for the chemicals which we use

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