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Neurotoxic effects of Portuguese Man of War

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Here is a picture of the Portuguese Man of war: http://www.aloha.com/~lifeguards/manowar1.gif


This beautiful yet bizarre creature has tentacles that are extremely smooth, soft, tender, and silky. However, attached to these tentacles are nematocysts [stinging cells]. A nematocyst will inject poison into the bloodstream of the victim. The tip of the nematocyst will enter halfway into a capillary of the victim. Due to this, as soon as the poison is delivered, it rapidly spreads around the body via



Here is what a human victim will experience if the poison of the Portuguese Man of War enters his/her bloodstream:


1. A tactile hallucination of sharp pain all around the body [similar to that caused by excitation of the A-Delta Fiber Nociceptors]

2. Numbness to actual tactile stimuli

3. All voluntary muscles [including speech muscles; excluding breathing muscles] enter a state of complete relaxation and are unable to un-relax no matter how intense an attempt to stimulate those muscles. Victim cannot vocalize, move, or stand. However, the ability to breathe is totally un-affected.

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Well, clearly, the real answer is that the toxin would be massively diluted and have no effect.



"Injection of crude toxin apparently produces a general paralysis. It appears

to affect the nervous system, especially respiratory centers, before the muscular


from this rather old report



indicates that the respiratory muscles are paralysed.

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