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alternate energy source


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We need a new source of energy, one that can provide limitless quantities of energy, but without polluting the environment. Solar and wind power are prime candidates, since the energy is renewed naturally and frequently. However, we don't know how to create energy from these sources sufficient to power the whole world yet.


Or do we?


Do you think it's probable (not just possible, but probable) that some energy companies, like Exxon Mobile, already have a formula for the perfect energy source, yet keep it a secret for the time being, enforcing this secret with impenetrable security and rigorous non-disclosure contracts?


Think about it: Energy prices are at an all-time high. Even when you adjust for inflation, energy costs more now than every in the history of human kind, and while that's bad for the consumers, it's good for the people who sell it. Remember, the price of an item is directly proportional to the demand for that item and inversely proportional to its supply. Exxon Mobile is the most profitable company in the world right now, which just goes to show that high demand for energy + low supply of energy = major epic $$$!


I believe it is very probable that someone, somewhere, has a working formula, but is riding it out until the very last moment, and when we do exhaust our fossil fuels, that company, like the climax of a movie, will come out with a "miracle breakthrough" that saves the planet form destruction.


If they were to release that formula now, then all the money that comes from selling energy would go up in smoke. Let's ride it out, squeeze every last possible penny from those suckers at the pump, and THEN we'll step in and save the world.


What do you think?

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It's a romantic notion, but does not hold up to the physics. There are limits to efficiency of systems and the laws of thermodynamics still apply. The current situation is that there are materials that have a fairly high energy density that we can recover from the earth and transport — oil, coal, gas, and to some extent, uranium. To replace those with some magic mystery material, it has to be undiscovered by all but a few but also widespread. Unlikely.

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see the more you actually look into what energy companies are doing and what potential sources they are developing, the more you come to respect just how well they are keeping us supplied with energy. there really isn't a lot of wiggle room for them and they still have major setbacks that further reduce this and still we get a very reliable stream of energy.


if they had some magical sources of power then they'd use it. because the more energy the produce, and the cheaper they produce it, the more people will use resulting in more profit. it would be extremely bad for business if they didn't


while its a nice fantasy, its no where near reality.

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It is absurdly unlikely, and would require lots of very strange stuff (including the existence of said "perfect energy source"). Consider that anyone who knew of it (and it would take several people knowing about it to research it) could simply patent it or have a friend patent it, and they would become instant billionaires. If the company were to patent it to prevent this, then it wouldn't be secret. Plus, it would just be extremely dumb for business. A cheap source of vast amounts of energy would be very valuable right now, it would hardly bite into the profits of oil companies (oil is still needed for vehicles). Whoever invented one would become a near monopoly of the energy grid, which would be extremely profitable. Remember, they don't need to charge for the energy what it costs them, only what other people charge.

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... the price of an item is directly proportional to the demand for that item and inversely proportional to its supply...


That is a myth.

The only law is "Wring the customer wallet as much as possible for as long as possible"

In more polite terms, "What the market can bear"

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It is absurdly unlikely, and would require lots of very strange stuff (including the existence of said "perfect energy source"). Consider that anyone who knew of it (and it would take several people knowing about it to research it) could simply patent it or have a friend patent it, and they would become instant billionaires. If the company were to patent it to prevent this, then it wouldn't be secret. Plus, it would just be extremely dumb for business. A cheap source of vast amounts of energy would be very valuable right now, it would hardly bite into the profits of oil companies (oil is still needed for vehicles). Whoever invented one would become a near monopoly of the energy grid, which would be extremely profitable. Remember, they don't need to charge for the energy what it costs them, only what other people charge.


An offshoot of this is whenever someone claims to have discovered a "free energy" device, all you really need to do is check their electric meter — see if their house is still hooked up to the grid, drawing energy.

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An offshoot of this is whenever someone claims to have discovered a "free energy" device, all you really need to do is check their electric meter — see if their house is still hooked up to the grid, drawing energy.


lol what if it is till in the testing stages, or if it makes210 volts then it could only power there oven and mabey the stove


talking about distributed energy voltage

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lol what if it is till in the testing stages, or if it makes210 volts then it could only power there oven and mabey the stove


talking about distributed energy voltage


Don't you think that anyone smart enough to build an electrical generator would also be smart enough to use a transformer to make the electricity whatever voltage was needed.:doh:

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