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Dogs of CERN’s Boss threatened to put me into jail.

Ivan Gorelik

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Dogs of CERN’s Boss threatened to put me into jail.


Yesterday some man, possibly from Rolf Heuer environment, had phoned me and asked – did I threaten to Heuer. The conversation was ended by the threat to put me into jail and by saying that our phone conversation was recorded.


Dear CERN leaders, I feel myself as if I am a prisoner, sentenced to be killed. Those are you, who already deadly scared many citizens of the whole Earth. They, probably, feel themselves as doomed to death. We do not know exactly the day when you will shoot us, and we do not know will we survive.


Our feelings of fear are different. These feelings depend from the probability, which some person gives to catastrophic scenario. Year ago, September 2008, I thought that the probability of the global catastrophe, caused by LHC, is hidden somewhere in the region 10^-6-10^-5. That was not so scary; - this risk probability is analogues to die in an air plane catastrophe. This probability did give me the possibility to sleep quite calmly. But in the period of the last year I had developed the theory of magnetic hole. My probability value of global catastrophe had grown almost each week, because I received dozens of proving arguments and two independent mathematical proves. I studied CERN’s documents about safety of LHC and found there three crude errors and lie assertions. Now I know that probability of Earth explosion, caused by LHC, is not 10^-31, as it follows from CERN documents, but it is hidden somewhere in the region 5-90%. Do you understand this value? Can I sleep calmly now? Who are you now in my eyes, potential killer?


So, Rolf Heuer, go on, send your dogs here, into my town.

My anger grows every day with the nearing of the day of proton collisions at LHC.

I do not know what I’ll do in the end of November.

I hate you, your CERN, your countries authorities.

Put me into prison now, otherwise I can not guarantee that I will not punish some tourists here in my small town. Dear citizens of France and Switzerland, please, for the sake of your children, destroy the CERN and LHC, and I will love you as loved earlier; otherwise do not come to my small resort town in the Crimea peninsula – that is deadly dangerous.




November the 30-th, according to the preliminary plan for the Large Hadron Collider, the collisions of protons with energies of 0.45 TeV will be implemented, the 14-th of December - collisions with energies of 3.5 TeV. If the magnetic collapse starts, it will be impossible to stop it. It will end with ejection of the Earth’s shell into outer space.


I give the following probabilities:

A. 10% - magnetic collapse will start at 0.45 TeV;

B. 50% - magnetic collapse will start at 3.5 TeV, if A did not happen;

C. 70% - magnetic collapse will start at 7 TeV, if B did not happen.

30% I leave to my mistake.


Why is such confidence?


Compare Newtonian black hole and magnetic hole:

GMm / r = mc^2 / 2;

pB = mc^2.


It was obtained two independent proofs that the equality pB = mc^2 is reachable at the energies of modern colliders, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html

There are many arguments in favor the fact that magnetic holes exist, and astronomers see them, but call them on the error as black holes, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/argen.html

It was found several crude errors and criminal lies in the assessment documents about the safety of LHC, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/tezeng.html


The rate of MH’s growth is not known exactly. Magnetic Hole can destroy the Earth in the period from 1000 seconds to 1000 days. If the second is correct, then you will wish to bomb the LHC yourself. But then it would not save you already, because magnetic holes would already grow inside the Earth.


Here is explanation of the most visible crude error, made in 2003 safety article.


1. Let the length of free path of a particle is equal to 1 meter, r = 1 m.

Let the radius of the object is equal to 1000 meters, R = 1000 m.

How many collisions will undergo the particle in order to exit the object?


Solution. R/r = 1000. N = (R/r)^2 = 1 000 000.


2. How many Earth’s protons will be ruined by dangerous particle, if R/r = 10^9?


A. CERN’s solution: N = (R/r)^2 = 10^18.

B. My solution: The Earth has its own gravity field. Consequently, the trajectory of a particle between collisions will not be straight line, but curved to the center of attraction. As a result the dangerous particle will constantly drift to the center of the Earth. As a result the dangerous particle will ruin about N/n Earth’s protons, where: N – the total number of Earth’s protons; n – the number of created dangerous particles.


Another crude error, made in the CERN’s safety documentation, is in equating of the consequences of protons collisions at LHC with collisions of cosmic particles with atmospheric ones.


To see the drastic difference between such consequences, let’s make two thought experiments.

There are two 10 kg bottles with neutrons.

Additional requirements, used in the model: 1. free neutrons do not decay; 2. proton do not capture neutron; 3. any nuclei, heavier than proton, can capture free neutron; 4. neutrons do not interact with the matter of bottle; 5. the density of neutrons in the bottle is the same as of water.


A. Let somebody put one slowly moving nucleus into the bottle. Neutrons will begin to be captured by the growing and dividing nuclei. In a couple of moments this laboratory will be exploded a town will look like Hiroshima after the nuclear attack.

B. If somebody will bombard the same bottle by nuclei, having the kinetic energy about several TeV, he will see that nuclei are ruined in collisions and formed a cloud of protons and neutrons.


A. Approximate way of reactions can look like this dividing chain:

He3+n -> He4;

He4+n -> He5;

He5+n -> He6 -> Li6+e;

Li6+n -> Li7;

Li7+n -> Li8 -> Be8+e;

Be8+n -> Be9;

Be9+n -> Be10;


U235+n -> X+Y+2n

X+n ->...; Y+n ->...

two branches;


four branches;


eight branches;


Collaptical explosion!


B. Nuclei with TeV kinetic energy will be ruined by high energy collisions with neutrons in the backward order in crude approximation.


Nuclear collapse is impossible because the repulsive electrostatic forces of protons. That is way, I named nuclei by “nuclear quasi-holes”.

Magnetic collapse has no limit. Magnetic hole will grow till there is the food, - the matter of planet or star.


The biggest error of CERN physicists is in the equating the consequences of A and B.

A. Collisions of protons at LHC;

B. Collisions of cosmic protons with atmospheric protons.


Similarity: Energies in A and B are sufficient in order to make microscopic magnetic holes.


Difference: Velocities of created holes relatively surrounding matter are drastically great.

A. Magnetic holes, made on LHC, can have very small velocities, such as slow nucleus entered into the neutron-bottle, and exploded the town.

B. According to conservation law of 4-momentum, cosmic holes have relativistic velocities, such as TeV nuclei, destructed in the neutron-bottle.



A. LHC’s holes will capture slowly moving particles and grow. The bigger hole becomes – the bigger its rate of growth.

B. Atmosphere particles move relatively holes with relativistic velocities and, correspondingly, they have TeV kinetic energy, relatively holes. As a result, magnetic holes will be ruined almost immediately. Such collisions lead to creation of showers of secondary particles. Physicists observe such showers.


In our upper model with two neutron-bottles we could see that bombardment of bottle by eV-nuclei can lead to Hiroshima-like explosion, but TeV-nuclei bombardment are safe. Correspondingly LHC-collisions can destroy the Earth; cosmic-atmospheric particle collisions occur constantly and safe.


Most of physicists are confident that heavy particles, created at LHC will decay.

That is a deadly error.


LHC can create a particle with the mass by 10 000 times greater than the mass of proton.


To imagine this, compare the masses of a human and of a railway train.


Imagine what will happen, if biologists would make a creature with the mass of railway train, but having the human size. What will happen to you if this creature would seat at the roof of your house, exactly over you? Any roof will be broken and you would be smashed into a thin film and pushed deep into the ground.


Now imagine a proton, as soap bubble, and a liquid drop of the same size.

What will happen to protons, if the bubble has a field, attracting protons?

Protons would be ruined and their remnants would condense onto the drop.


Particle physicists think that proton consists from three point-like quarks (u, u, d). In fact, proton can be composed from some continuous substance, rotating with relativistic velocity. This rotating substance creates three mixed electro-magneto-weak poles (u, u, d). In a strong magnetic field this three-pole construction can be ruined, and the two-pole construction can be created. This process is accompanied by ejection of positron.


There are two independent math proves that this reconstruction can be performed at energies about 0,25 TeV per colliding particle, if the magnetic moment of resulting two-pole particle is the same as the magnetic moment of proton. If its value is different, then the needed energy would also be different.


We know two types of explosions chemical and nuclear. Astronomers see the third type of explosions – collaptical. At nuclear explosion only a few thousand’s parts of explosive rest energy is realized in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of fragments. At some stellar collaptical explosions about a half of rest energy of the star is released in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of the rejected stellar shell. What type of collaptical explosions do astronomers observe: gravitational into black hole or magnetic into magnetic hole?

Is it possible to switch the magnetic collapse at collider?

My answers: The observed collapses are magnetic ones. Magnetic collapse can be switched on by powerful colliders.


LHC will be switched on in the mead-November; the first collisions are waited in a few weeks later. Do we survive or do we start into outer space?


The Earth after the magnetic collapse will transform into a small region of exited superconducting vacuum. This region’s diameter is about 10 meters. The thickness is about 2.5 meters. The strength of magnetic field in this region is about 1016 teslas. Because of the strong magnetic interaction, this small magnetic hole will move on spiral trajectory to the Sun. As a result, the Sun will explode and astronomy amateurs from neighbor stellar systems (alien free thinkers) will observe novae or supernovae phenomenon. Alien stephen hawkings will say: “The world will not come to an end when the LHC turns on. The LHC is absolutely safe. ... Collisions releasing greater energy occur millions of times a day in the earth's atmosphere and nothing terrible happens”


The next crude error of CERN physicists is hidden in the formula of magnetic* catalyses of proton decay


M + p = M + e+.


More correct formula must contain the number n:


M{n} + p = M{n+1} + e^+.


This number shows the number of x-bosons in magnetic hole. These bosons have the equal quantum numbers. Magnetic hole works as laser. The word “laser” originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser creates the same photons, which are bosons with zero mass energy. Because of zero mass, photons fly away from laser with the speed of light. Magnetic trap creates x-bosons, which have non-zero rest mass. These bosons do not fly away but becomes the constituent part of magnetic hole. The bigger is the number n – the bigger is the rate of magnetic collapse of ordinary matter into magnetic hole.


* Physicist usually say: “monopole catalyses of proton decay”, I say that magnetic hole is magnetic dipole and M in my upper formulas denotes magnetic dipole.


According to Russian online “opinion poll” at November 11, 2009, 51% of respondents had said that LHC is the dearth threat. But as we can see, CERN continues their preparations to this crime experiment. Conclusion - the science is criminal now!

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Put me into prison now, otherwise I can not guarantee that I will not punish some tourists here in my small town. Dear citizens of France and Switzerland, please, for the sake of your children, destroy the CERN and LHC, and I will love you as loved earlier; otherwise do not come to my small resort town in the Crimea peninsula – that is deadly dangerous.


You are threatening violence and harm towards the citizens of France and Switzerland.


I cannot see that this is in line with the aims and objectives of this forum. I suggest you remove such a threat or the moderators will remove it for you.

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I think you did threaten, and I have asked the moderators to remove only the part of the posts which is completely irrelevant to the scientific discussion.


I'm no expert myself, so I cannot judge the science. But I would like to read the objective, and emotionless scientific discussion about this.

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I am fairly certain that constitutes a threat.


Ivan: please do not ever threaten anyone in that way again. (It doesn't matter if you don't think it's a "threat"; just don't do it.) If you want to convince anyone of the dangers of the LHC you'd do a much better job without threatening them first.


Now, I'd like this thread to move on. Ivan, you have posted about magnetic holes before. Why have we not observed magnetic holes already from high-energy cosmic rays colliding with the upper atmosphere?

Edited by Cap'n Refsmmat
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To create a 'magnetic black hole' you would need the electromagnetic coupling constant to become much larger. The QED beta function tells us how the coupling runs, and it becomes big only when it reaches energies of around the Landau pole, about 1040 GeV, if I remember correctly. This is about 37 orders of magnitude higher in energy than the LHC.


You remind me of this.

Edited by Severian
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I do not know what I’ll do in the end of November.

I hate you, your CERN, your countries authorities.

Put me into prison now, otherwise I can not guarantee that I will not punish some tourists here in my small town.


If the second is correct, then you will wish to bomb the LHC yourself.


Well, these are threats, and making them is illegal. As for punishing innocent tourists, that's just wrong even if you are right about LHC.



According to Russian online “opinion poll” at November 11, 2009, 51% of respondents had said that LHC is the dearth threat. But as we can see, CERN continues their preparations to this crime experiment. Conclusion - the science is criminal now!


Even if this poll existed, why would anyone want the opinion of clueless people?




If your calculations are correct, you should publish them as soon as possible in a peer reviewed journal. Once others see that you are right, they will quickly delay or shut down the LHC. However, odds are that you are simply deluded and threatening violence against innocents. But violence won't help since people will just think you are crazy and put you in jail.

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i would like to see the actual calculations and math proving what you say.

just spewing crude terms without defining them proves nothing.

and if you can back your theories up with calculations and solutions then, they should be cross referenced and additional references should be obtained from outside sources. such as a reference of do magnetic holes exits, and papers on the expected effects on the environment

surely if this was such a large concept of death then someone would already have done some calculations on it.

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I can't see how this

"otherwise do not come to my small resort town in the Crimea peninsula – that is deadly dangerous."

can be anything other than a threat.

The idea that the LHC will destroy the world is daft as the Cap'n pointed out earlier. We get much bigger impacts from cosmic rays.


This thread should be heading for the trashcan.

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