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SuperSize This!


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Isn't there a massive cash reward out for Osama? You would think that if he had found him, they'd be cashing in, and there would be some word of it. Also, if he had found him and didn't say anything of it to the gov't I'd be quite upset at him(moreso than I already am for the fact that you can no longer supersize french fries at my local McDonald's).

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Why on earth would you want to?


Because when you eat at Micky D's, you're not generally there for the organic produce, and large quantities of fried potatoes appeal to our evolved desire for carb and fat dense foods.



Yeah... uhh... I'll have 2 big macs, a super large fry, 6 nuggets, and a Diet Coke. ;)




So... Did Spurlock make a movie on finding Bin Laden? Is this a special episode of his show, "30 Days?"

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Because when you eat at Micky D's, you're not generally there for the organic produce, and large quantities of fried potatoes appeal to our evolved desire for carb and fat dense foods.



Yeah... uhh... I'll have 2 big macs, a super large fry, 6 nuggets, and a Diet Coke. ;)

But it tastes horrible!



So... Did Spurlock make a movie on finding Bin Laden? Is this a special episode of his show, "30 Days?"


It's his new movie.

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Why on earth would you want to?

I actually asked at the drivethrough window if they "did supersizing anymore". The reply was "only drinks". I actually cannot get a supersized fry, mainly due to this movie and subsequent fallout.


Because I like french fries, and when I can't order a larger than average ammount of them because of the effect of a very poorly done 'shockumentary' it makes me wonder what else will be deemed 'dangerous' for me and subsequently disapear. It's almost like the inverse argument of fascism where people make it appear as though they're pushing extra large orders of fries on people, so they demonize anf destroy the option to do so, trading 'freedom for safety'. Obviously it's just fries for now, but the mentality in all forms of media is there. Take smoking for example. The obnoxious ammount of taxation(I would call explotation) for cigarettes is out of control, but the populace is just fine with it because of the anti-smoking agenda presented in popular media.

Lots of leftists would point to Bush as trying to bring about a new form of fascism, but they themselves have already succeeded at doing so, and I'm not pleased with it.

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It's almost like the inverse argument of fascism where people make it appear as though they're pushing extra large orders of fries on people, so they demonize anf destroy the option to do so, trading 'freedom for safety'....Obviously it's just fries for now, but the mentality in all forms of media is there. Take smoking for example. The obnoxious ammount of taxation(I would call explotation) for cigarettes is out of control, but the populace is just fine with it because of the anti-smoking agenda presented in popular media.

Lot's of leftists would point to Bush as trying to bring about a new form of fascism, but they themselves have already succeeded at doing so, and I'm not pleased with it.


Well, if you really want to get a mess, the thing to ask yourself before is, was that really your choice. I hear that corporations often require marketing advertisers to be quite knowledgeable in psychology. It's the same with politics, on both spectrums.


You may not like it, but, well, were they really giving you 'free" choice, or were they abusing theirs to sell their rather unhealthy and/or hazardous mechandise?....

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Well, if you really want to get a mess, the thing to ask yourself before is, was that really your choice. I hear that corporations often require marketing advertisers to be quite knowledgeable in psychology. It's the same with politics, on both spectrums.


You may not like it, but, well, were they really giving you 'free" choice, or were they abusing theirs to sell their rather unhealthy and/or hazardous mechandise?....


It's potatoes and oil, I know it's not health food. But did I ever have a decision made for me when choosing to order a supersized meal? absolutley not. This sort of argument about how they use psychology to 'manipulate me to their will' is bullshit. It's that exact attitude that this kind of movie would push on you to believe aswell.

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I actually asked at the drivethrough window if they "did supersizing anymore". The reply was "only drinks". I actually cannot get a supersized fry, mainly due to this movie and subsequent fallout.


I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but they just bumped the sizes up one notch. The "supersize" is just the "large" now. It's the same size. Or at least that's what they did in my area -- these guys are franchised so maybe it's different where you live?


I agree with the sentiment, though. Personally I find McD's best when only visited once in a blue moon (in fact that's a pretty accurate amount -- those fries taste great twice per year! anything more than that and they get awful real quick). But people should be able to eat what they want.


Some of the discussion I've seen in various places (and a 60 Minutes report) about individual portion nutritional info sound workable. Cumbersome, but possible.

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Some of the discussion I've seen in various places (and a 60 Minutes report) about individual portion nutritional info sound workable. Cumbersome, but possible.


I liked the idea presented on 60 minutes, where the menu includes nutritional data for each item. It's a lot easier to talk oneself into a healthier decision when the numbers for the "heart attack meal" are right in front of you. ;)



For those who are not aware what Pangloss and I are talking about, here's a link:





...and you can watch the 12 minute special here (after the 20 second ad):



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I hear that there was more meat in french fries than in the burger itself....


McDonalds is disgusting. Yes, initially it tastes good but it doesn't really give you a good feeling afterwards...


Why anybody likes to eat low grade meat and food dipped in inadaquately sanitized factory sludge is beyond me....

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So... unless Morgan Spurlock found OBL in a vat of grease somewhere underneath an onion ring, we should probably let this thread return to it's originally presented topic.



Who thinks he found him? Who thinks it's just hype? If you think it's just hype, what do you think he found?


I've not been too successful finding a synopsis of the film, so I have no idea on most accounts. :confused:

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I actually asked at the drivethrough window if they "did supersizing anymore". The reply was "only drinks". I actually cannot get a supersized fry, mainly due to this movie and subsequent fallout.


Because I like french fries, and when I can't order a larger than average ammount of them because of the effect of a very poorly done 'shockumentary' it makes me wonder what else will be deemed 'dangerous' for me and subsequently disapear. It's almost like the inverse argument of fascism where people make it appear as though they're pushing extra large orders of fries on people, so they demonize anf destroy the option to do so, trading 'freedom for safety'. Obviously it's just fries for now, but the mentality in all forms of media is there. Take smoking for example. The obnoxious ammount of taxation(I would call explotation) for cigarettes is out of control, but the populace is just fine with it because of the anti-smoking agenda presented in popular media.

Lots of leftists would point to Bush as trying to bring about a new form of fascism, but they themselves have already succeeded at doing so, and I'm not pleased with it.


"Leftists?" What the hell are you talking about? This is PURELY a free-market issue. They stopped selling it (or apparently, according to Pangloss, just renamed some items) because of bad press. Nobody made them.

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"Leftists?" What the hell are you talking about? This is PURELY a free-market issue. They stopped selling it (or apparently, according to Pangloss, just renamed some items) because of bad press. Nobody made them.


I agree, it had nothing to do with politics. It was boots-on-the-ground marketing necessity. Sometimes extremists win these perception battles, sometimes they lose them. It's probably for the best, but if they ever build a time machine some day, I'll find some way to hijack it and get me some of those pre-veggie-oil fries. Mmm, mmm.


But serially, I think we forget to look on the bright side sometimes. I don't care how many vegans scream in your face, taste is taste, and so there's plenty of motivation for invention and innovation here. It's surely just a matter of time before those Star Trek "Food Replicators" come along and render the whole issue moot.


And if we put the big macs down now and go out and get a little exersize, we might even live to see it! :D

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So, how about that Osama guy?


I get the very real sense that it's mostly hype right now, but I'm appreciative of the fact that spreading the topic across the internet and bringing it again to the fore of societal awareness will remind people of where we stand, what we've done, and (perhaps more importantly) what we've missed. Much like Michael Moore's film SiCKO energized conversations about US healthcare.


I don't think OBL has been found by Morgan Spurlock, but I don't doubt that he's found a new approach to the situation nor that he will bring some new information (maybe not to intelligence officials, but) to the general public through his film.

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That was before they switched to frying with vegetable oil.


I'll admit that eating food cooked in vegetable oil is both more ethical and healthy than eating food cooked in beef tallow, but... you're still eating deep fried food, which is nasty in general, and rather than beef tallow they now use a cocktail of artificial flavors.


It's still disgusting. I guess I just can't relate to anyone who would even consider eating at McDonalds.


I'm having a hard time imagining what Morgan Spurlock could possibly tell me about OBL.


Whatever it is, the Weinsteins paid $25,000,000 after seeing only 10 minutes of the movie.

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