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automatic writing


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I'm wondering... I am a writer and my vocabulary isn't very extensive at all, however, when i write, sometimes i amaze myself after i go back and read some of the things i have written. there is a theory on what is called automatic writing which is where a spirit or energy speaks through you...i'm not sure if i believe that although it's an awesome concept. any thoughts? sometimes i don't even remember what i write! :help:

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if you want a scientific explanation..

I can only guess that your brain at writer's block ....has jamming signals in your brain..that is perhap if your thinking to hard and of too many things that the neurons in your brain are providing inhibition for one and another to the process or set of neurons that actually let you to continue to write.

Perhaps this is located at the thalamus...the gateway to all parts of your brain or the Prefrontal cortex which is supposedly the area of freethinking, planning and most complex thought.


Now when you finally are able to write perhaps there is no inhibition between the various areas that are involved in writing

your PFC, thalamus, the parietal cortex that controls writing and

the speech and word zones. ANd its one continous flow of neuronal firing ...may be even cyclic in some parts that creates the repeated flow.

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Writing is editable, speech has to be right first time. Now I'm the same. I can write better than I can converse. Also, I am an artist, but I am a much better artist on a computer, because the editing shows no imperfections. Also writing is slower, you can spend a longer time to think of each word........


It might be possible also, that spirits help you!



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it would be interesting to find out if "Automatic Typing" could be made to produce results?

and I`m quite serious, I type faster than I write and it doesn`t hurt my well smashed up hand.

as for spirits I`ll refuse to comment on that due to ridicule reasons against me, I will say however that it`s certainly not impossible :)

as mentioned above also, writing like anything else we create is also a form of art (unless it`s homework LOL).

and again, remmember not to put yourself down, you`re alot smarter and know alot more words than you think! :)

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sometimes you just hit your zone, where you write and write, perfectly with ideas that blow you away. You can't remember them because you weren't thinking about it, you were just writing;) That's the best kind of writing to do, it lets a lot more emotion out than just people who write from boredom

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