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Making your own dimension?


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I often wonder what it would take to design a small dimension capable of supporting human life removing the factors of gravity and the ability to make a physical plane not residing in the universe. I always imagined this dimension to be nothing but 4 dimension, 3 spacial and one time, in an empty cube several hundred miles in height, width and depth. I ponder questions like these....


-How to create weather cycles


-Designing an artificial sun


-Supporting plant life without the use of a sun


-How to manage air quality with pollutation related substances let off into the air.


as well as a few others. I always imagined this world filled at least a mile high with earth, with the center being the highest point so that an island would be created when we filled the surrounding area with millions of gallons of water. I made a half ass attempt to "illustrate" the vision in two little crappy pictures here.






See how the island is in the middle there and everything surrounding it is water until they reach the boarders, like filling a giant tub. I realize now it would be preferable (if not required) to have it dome shaped instead of a giant square, so let's pretend it's a sphere.


The question I ask myself the most is, would clouds be able to be produced in this little world, so that rain was possible? That's the question I wanted to hear most about as I don't know the extra factors required in having a stable weather system. We'd want the world to be self-sufficient with oxygen at least so we wouldn't have to keep pumping it into the world. Which takes plant life righto? And plant life requires what? sun water and carbon dioxide? So we need to give them that for them to be able to grow on our island, could we fake it? Starting out, the whole world would be dark and all sources of light would have to be artificial (starting out with flashlights so we can see where the hell we're going). Most resources would have to come from earth, being fed into the portal/tear/welcome to box world door (lispy accent).


Anyways, this is something I like to think about. I find it fun and I thought I might bring the idea to brighter minds to see what they make of such a redickuless idea.

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Making the clouds should not be too hard. The sun will evaporate the water and it will spread out to fill the sky. Water has hydrogen bonding that will make clouds form even without gravity. If it is cold enough high in the atmosphere the water vapor will condense into rain. Since there is no gravity, the rain would stay in the clouds unless you create a device to make the rain come down.


The natural way would be to use the chemical potential between your salty ocean and the pure water in the cloud. The minerals in the ocean water will like an osmotic wick from cloud to ocean. Eventually you set up manmade waterfalls from the sky that become sort of self perpetuating wicking water toward the oceans. The changes of the season will affect the waterfall rate with higher flow in the warming summer and larger currents in the rivers and canals which providing a constant source of pure rain water for the habitable land.

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As far as I know there is currently no commonly accepted physical theory that would allow this...


You know what? I bet it's possible. I mean, I bet I could make it like a Live-Distro and then have others replicate it. We could totally have our own dimensions. I think I would put a poster of Washu Habuki in mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great thoughts pioneer! Anybody else?


How do you get seasons working?


How do you fake a sun that illuminates 10,000 square miles of surface?


How do we handle pollutants emitted into the air so that we don't have to end up leaving after awhile?

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