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McCain sings "Bomb Iran"


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Just thought this story was funny. When people overreact to this extent, it reminds me I live in America.


Can you imagine how free you aren't when running for office? The land of the free, unless you're in politics, then anything you even joke about - every minute of everyday - can and will be distorted and exaggerated about you out of the original context and into some new context.


I don't think I could handle the lack of candid speech - free speech - involved with becoming a politician. Well, and then I hate most politicians, so there's that too...

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The funniest part of this is that Barbara Ann was written by an Iranian.


The "Bomb Iran" parody appeared originally during the Iran Contra affair. It's since been resurrected.


I used to respect McCain as something of a middle-of-the-road Republican of the sort I could respect. He has since obliterated that image completely. As far as I can tell he's doing an excellent job of alienating people on the right as well.

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You're kidding. That's hysterical. Thanks for the juicy tidbit. :)


Be honest, though -- did you ever really respect McCain? I'd love to talk to some liberals about their abandonment of McCain (the fabled "only Republican I'd ever vote for"). I respect your opinion on it, by all means, but I can't help but wonder if it's entirely candid. I suspect some on the left just said that because he wasn't running for office.

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Here's moveon.org's attack
I'm kind of surprised MoveOn didn't mention the lame, "perhaps affected by cold medicine" excuse. Probably because it's unsure whether that mitigating bit came from McCain's office or was thoughtfully supplied by Fox News.


I wouldn't fault McCain for playing to the crowd he was addressing, it's what pols do. The cold meds excuse was completely unnecessary, imo. They should have left it at "get a life".

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More YouTube Magic from Pink. Dear


One of the most important songs I have written.


Yep, right after U + UR hand.


How do you sleep while the rest of us cry.


Pink goes to bed crying every night, I'm sure.


Dear Mr. President were you a lonely boy? Are you a lonely boy?


At least she's concerned.


They ("all the children") are all sitting in your cells while you pave the road to hell.


Damn, Gitmo is really getting crowded these days.


I can only imagine what hte First Lady has to say.


I'd pay money to see Pink hear directly what Laura Bush has to say.


You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.


Here's where it all went wrong. If only he was still an addict.


Can you even look me in the eye?


You've just got to laugh.


Let me tell you about hard work. . . . You don't know nothing about hard work.


From the authority.


Dear Mr. President, you'll never take a walk with me, would you?


The challenge has been issued. Can President Bush avoid the call from the left to meet and walk with Pink? Will this lonely boy who leads our country dare meet her and learn how to properly lead this country? Stay tuned....

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Perhaps they can talk about "root causes" for the vast number of African American children raised in this country without a father.


No, the root cause of all social ills is that GWB won't take a stroll with "Pink." It's all so simple now. What is really frightening if you youtube Dear Mr. President is how the song is received by the audience. These are mass crowds and there is something like a spiritual experience in progress as she brays self-indulgent tripe albeit in a wonderful voice from a not too bad body.

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Oh my poor disillusioned musician friends...anytime I hear a musician or actor say something about politics, they always sound like a naive 13 year old...


Pink has one of the greatest voices and her song "family portrait" makes me cry - seriously. All the talent in the world.


But why do people transfer song lyrics and political emotion to actual ideology? I mean, I'm all for writing about how war is bad, love is good, why can't we all get along....etc. It's supposed to be about emotion and emotion doesn't have to be logical in the least. That's why I don't associate logic with art, but rather emotion with art.


But somehow, somewhere, our society has decided that this "emotion" expressed in art, should be an ideological template. Audiences cheering over a narrow minded, rehash of privileged teenage insight. But where's the logic? It's hard to find. Just like it's hard to find a musician with dirt under their nails...

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Pink has one of the greatest voices and her song "family portrait" makes me cry - seriously. All the talent in the world.


I agree she is a serious talent and it irked me to find she is this dim witted. I should have expected it.... ah well.

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