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the sun


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here, i'm trying to discuss with revprez the physical implications of the sun standing still. am i missing anything? how large would this force be? what would it do? is what revprez says even possible?
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Of course the sun is not standing still. It has all kinds of different movement in relation to all sorts of other objects. It rotates with the galaxy. It moves within the galaxy with an extra movement on top of the rotation. The galaxy itself is moving relative to other galaxies. The planets orbit the sun, and their gravity moves the sun in what relatively is a small circle.


Put all these movements together, and the sun 'dances' its way across the vacuum of space.

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oh don'tforget that making the earth stop would not remove the angular momentum from everything on the earth causing cataclysmic damage.


But if God is all powerfull he could just sort all of this out...

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yes, if the earth wasn't rotating around it's axis the sun would move so that it "orbited" the earth every 365 days ish

i was thinking that one side would always face the sun.


oh don'tforget that making the earth stop would not remove the angular momentum from everything on the earth causing cataclysmic damage.
that's what I said.


But if God is all powerfull he could just sort all of this out...

he started talking nonsense about a semi-physical flywheel.

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It's kind of missing the point to talk about physical explanations. You have to violate all sorts of physical laws just to make it happen, so why not violate a few more and have us not smeared into oblivion by the acceleration? I would think "miracle," by definition, means something outside of natural law.


I should note that while the "God can do anything" excuse makes the argument pointless, it's even sillier to try to justify such a thing on scientific grounds. That demonstrates not just an ignorance of science, but a pretty pathetic insecurity about one's own beliefs. Or, in this case, probably just an argument for argument's sake, without any actual belief behind it.

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