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The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases


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Причиной землетрясений является взрыв водяных газов.
Сообщество российских ученых. https://vk.com/rosuch
В геологически активных зонах земли располагаются глубинные разломы земной коры, в которые скапливается вода. http://www.crust.irk.ru/spp2/pages/maps.htm
Под действием давления, температуры и времени происходит процесс дегазации воды. https://clck.ru/34zziH https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen
В разломах размером с Байкал легкие газы скапливаются вверху разломов, а тяжелые внизу. https://clck.ru/34yQpG
И как только соотношение газа и кислорода в одной из частей вертикальных разломов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от очага землетрясения разлетаются в разные стороны. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Каньон
После взрыва от очага землетрясения расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь. Землетрясение начинается с форшока, с небольшого взрыва, из-за которого газ и кислород смешиваются. Форшоки также являются катализатором и предвестником крупных сейсмических событий. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock
При разломах взрывается не вся горючая смесь, а только та часть, которая достигла нужной пропорции.
Продолжительность землетрясений и количество подземных взрывов зависят от количества горючей смеси в эпицентральной области.
Воспламенение горючей смеси происходит в результате сжатия горючей смеси, контакта магмы с горючей смесью или от электрического разряда.
Температура самовоспламенения газов около 500°С. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
Представленную гипотезу легко проверить, взорвав петарду подо льдом. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A
1. В образовавшихся разломах происходит разрежение, из-за чего разломы подсасывают воздух и затем закрываются .
2. После сейсмических событий разломы заполняются магмой, за счет чего формируется один из типов складчатых гор.
3. Стенки разломов имеют высоту более километра и ширину несколько десятков километров. и протяженностью в несколько сотен километров, из-за воздействия давления и температуры они становятся прочнее. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
4. Возможно, некоторые вертикальные разломы связаны между собой.
5. Возможно, тектонические озера, каньоны и реки образовались из вертикальных разломов. https://bigenc.ru/c/tektonicheskie-oziora-f68d86
6. Я считаю, что минералы образуются в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах под воздействием температуры, давления и времени.
7. В недрах земли могут образовываться и другие горючие смеси.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen
8. Между магмой и земной корой на обратной стороне земной коры могут образовываться овраги, в которых скапливаются магматические газы в результате дегазации магмы. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
И как только соотношение газов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от источника взрыва разлетаются в разные стороны. После взрыва от очага сейсмических событий расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь.

Амплитуда сейсмической волны может быть определена по следующей формуле: A = м/ч.
Где m – масса горючей смеси.
h - толщина горючей смеси.
В эпицентральной области происходят преимущественно вертикальные колебания земной коры с амплитудой более метра, а волны с амплитудой около метра расходятся от эпицентральная область.
1. Перед землетрясением часть животных покидает зону активного разлома. Думаю, животных тревожит запах газа, выходящего из трещин. https://clck.ru/34raLX
2. Газосодержание над эпицентральной областью можно определить с помощью газовой ловушки с лакмусовой бумажкой. Лакмусовую бумажку можно размещать в подвалах, которые находятся на линии разлома. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn
3. Концентрацию газов в разломах можно определить с помощью скважин.
4. Землетрясение можно вызвать искусственно, пробурив скважину в свежих разломах. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
5. В отдельных сегментах разлома происходят локальные взрывы, форшоки и афтершоки, которые повышают давление и температуру в разломах, вызывая грохот, сотрясение и вспучивание земной коры.
6. Возможно, причиной аномальных явлений в атмосфере при сейсмических событиях является выброс в атмосферу горючей смеси.
7. Китайские ученые начали бурение скважины глубиной 10 000 метров. https://clck.ru/34zvXo

Образование планет сопровождается образованием трещин.
Одной из трещин является Срединно-Атлантический хребет, который находится в Атлантическом океане и расходится со скоростью от 0 до 3 мм в год.
Причиной расхождения хребта являются извержения вулканов и землетрясения, происходящие в стыке трещины, в результате чего размеры хребта увеличиваются как в ширину, так и в высоту.
В хребтах вследствие сейсмических событий образуются вертикальные и горизонтальные разломы, из-за которых трещина расширяется на миллиметры, гребень на сантиметры и эпицентральная область на метры. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seafloor_spreading
Газы движутся по разломам, которые тянутся от горных систем к морям и океанам, в результате чего образуются морские землетрясения, и в результате горные системы атакуют океан.
Горные системы образовались сотни миллионов лет назад, уже после образования земной коры, когда земная кора под горными системами была значительно тоньше.
Чем выше росли горные системы, тем больше они провисали. Сдвиги, изгибы, провалы горных систем являются следствием неравномерного роста и проседания горных систем.
По трещинам образуются три типа гор:
а) Горизонтально-складчатые горы, образовавшиеся вследствие многочисленных извержений лавы на поверхность Земли.
б) Вертикальные складчатые горы образуются после сейсмических событий, когда вертикальные разломы заполняются магмой.
в) Глыбовые горы образуются при обрушении и разрастании складчатых гор за счет взрывов в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах.
Из-за разломов уменьшается плотность и, как следствие, увеличивается плавучесть земной коры.
а) Высота континента над уровнем магмы зависит от плотности континентальной коры.
б) Чем больше разломов и пустот в горных системах, тем выше горные системы. https://habr.com/ru/post/369749/ Землетрясения и извержения вулканов -
явления природы, роль которых - усиление трещин в земной коре. А горные системы — это заплатки на трещинах планет.
Ежегодно на континентах регистрируется более миллиона землетрясений, благодаря которым увеличивается прочность и плавучесть земной коры.

Продолжение: Академгородок Форум Новосибирск. Наука. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578
Форумы Нижегородского государственного университета. Н. И. Лобачевский. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
Моя страница ВКонтакте https://vk.com/id383138048

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9 minutes ago, Fermer05 said:

Причиной землетрясений является взрыв водяных газов.
Сообщество российских ученых. https://vk.com/rosuch
В геологически активных зонах земли располагаются глубинные разломы земной коры, в которые скапливается вода. http://www.crust.irk.ru/spp2/pages/maps.htm
Под действием давления, температуры и времени происходит процесс дегазации воды. https://clck.ru/34zziH https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen
В разломах размером с Байкал легкие газы скапливаются вверху разломов, а тяжелые внизу. https://clck.ru/34yQpG
И как только соотношение газа и кислорода в одной из частей вертикальных разломов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от очага землетрясения разлетаются в разные стороны. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Каньон
После взрыва от очага землетрясения расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь. Землетрясение начинается с форшока, с небольшого взрыва, из-за которого газ и кислород смешиваются. Форшоки также являются катализатором и предвестником крупных сейсмических событий. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock
При разломах взрывается не вся горючая смесь, а только та часть, которая достигла нужной пропорции.
Продолжительность землетрясений и количество подземных взрывов зависят от количества горючей смеси в эпицентральной области.
Воспламенение горючей смеси происходит в результате сжатия горючей смеси, контакта магмы с горючей смесью или от электрического разряда.
Температура самовоспламенения газов около 500°С. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
Представленную гипотезу легко проверить, взорвав петарду подо льдом. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A
1. В образовавшихся разломах происходит разрежение, из-за чего разломы подсасывают воздух и затем закрываются .
2. После сейсмических событий разломы заполняются магмой, за счет чего формируется один из типов складчатых гор.
3. Стенки разломов имеют высоту более километра и ширину несколько десятков километров. и протяженностью в несколько сотен километров, из-за воздействия давления и температуры они становятся прочнее. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
4. Возможно, некоторые вертикальные разломы связаны между собой.
5. Возможно, тектонические озера, каньоны и реки образовались из вертикальных разломов. https://bigenc.ru/c/tektonicheskie-oziora-f68d86
6. Я считаю, что минералы образуются в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах под воздействием температуры, давления и времени.
7. В недрах земли могут образовываться и другие горючие смеси.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen
8. Между магмой и земной корой на обратной стороне земной коры могут образовываться овраги, в которых скапливаются магматические газы в результате дегазации магмы. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
И как только соотношение газов приближается - 1:10, происходит взрыв и волны от источника взрыва разлетаются в разные стороны. После взрыва от очага сейсмических событий расходятся разломы, в которые устремляется горючая смесь.

Амплитуда сейсмической волны может быть определена по следующей формуле: A = м/ч.
Где m – масса горючей смеси.
h - толщина горючей смеси.
В эпицентральной области происходят преимущественно вертикальные колебания земной коры с амплитудой более метра, а волны с амплитудой около метра расходятся от эпицентральная область.
1. Перед землетрясением часть животных покидает зону активного разлома. Думаю, животных тревожит запах газа, выходящего из трещин. https://clck.ru/34raLX
2. Газосодержание над эпицентральной областью можно определить с помощью газовой ловушки с лакмусовой бумажкой. Лакмусовую бумажку можно размещать в подвалах, которые находятся на линии разлома. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn
3. Концентрацию газов в разломах можно определить с помощью скважин.
4. Землетрясение можно вызвать искусственно, пробурив скважину в свежих разломах. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
5. В отдельных сегментах разлома происходят локальные взрывы, форшоки и афтершоки, которые повышают давление и температуру в разломах, вызывая грохот, сотрясение и вспучивание земной коры.
6. Возможно, причиной аномальных явлений в атмосфере при сейсмических событиях является выброс в атмосферу горючей смеси.
7. Китайские ученые начали бурение скважины глубиной 10 000 метров. https://clck.ru/34zvXo

Образование планет сопровождается образованием трещин.
Одной из трещин является Срединно-Атлантический хребет, который находится в Атлантическом океане и расходится со скоростью от 0 до 3 мм в год.
Причиной расхождения хребта являются извержения вулканов и землетрясения, происходящие в стыке трещины, в результате чего размеры хребта увеличиваются как в ширину, так и в высоту.
В хребтах вследствие сейсмических событий образуются вертикальные и горизонтальные разломы, из-за которых трещина расширяется на миллиметры, гребень на сантиметры и эпицентральная область на метры. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seafloor_spreading
Газы движутся по разломам, которые тянутся от горных систем к морям и океанам, в результате чего образуются морские землетрясения, и в результате горные системы атакуют океан.
Горные системы образовались сотни миллионов лет назад, уже после образования земной коры, когда земная кора под горными системами была значительно тоньше.
Чем выше росли горные системы, тем больше они провисали. Сдвиги, изгибы, провалы горных систем являются следствием неравномерного роста и проседания горных систем.
По трещинам образуются три типа гор:
а) Горизонтально-складчатые горы, образовавшиеся вследствие многочисленных извержений лавы на поверхность Земли.
б) Вертикальные складчатые горы образуются после сейсмических событий, когда вертикальные разломы заполняются магмой.
в) Глыбовые горы образуются при обрушении и разрастании складчатых гор за счет взрывов в вертикальных и горизонтальных разломах.
Из-за разломов уменьшается плотность и, как следствие, увеличивается плавучесть земной коры.
а) Высота континента над уровнем магмы зависит от плотности континентальной коры.
б) Чем больше разломов и пустот в горных системах, тем выше горные системы. https://habr.com/ru/post/369749/ Землетрясения и извержения вулканов -
явления природы, роль которых - усиление трещин в земной коре. А горные системы — это заплатки на трещинах планет.
Ежегодно на континентах регистрируется более миллиона землетрясений, благодаря которым увеличивается прочность и плавучесть земной коры.

Продолжение: Академгородок Форум Новосибирск. Наука. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578
Форумы Нижегородского государственного университета. Н. И. Лобачевский. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
Моя страница ВКонтакте https://vk.com/id383138048

This is wrong, mad and in Cyrillic. 

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  • 4 months later...

It's very normal for a forum to have a time limit on the ability to edit a post.

You could just re-post, I guess. (Here, not a new thread.)

Disclaimer: I am not a moderator of this forum, I have no authority and am not pretending to have any.

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The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases. 
Community of Russian scientists. https://vk.com/rosuch

In the mountain systems of the Earth, there are deep vertical faults in the earth's crust, in which water collects. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Active-fault-map-of-the-EMME-Project-region_fig2_313429199
In faults the size of Lake Baikal, under the influence of pressure, temperature and time, the process of degassing of water takes place, due to which light gases collect in the upper part of the faults, and heavy gases in the lower. https://trendymen.ru/lifestyle/events/132544
And as soon as the ratio of gases and oxygen in the vertical fault reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs and the waves from the earthquake source scatter in different directions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon
In faults, the combustible mixture does not explode in its entirety, but only in the segment where the combustible mixture has reached the desired proportion. https://clck.ru/34zziH
The duration of earthquakes and the number of underground explosions depends on the amount of combustible mixture in the fault. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen
Before and after the main seismic events, local explosions, foreshocks and aftershocks occur in separate segments of the fault, due to which gases and oxygen are mixed, pressure and temperature increase, causing a rumble, trembling and swelling of the earth's crust. Foreshocks and aftershocks are also catalysts and precursors of major seismic events. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock
Ignition of a combustible mixture occurs as a result of compression of the combustible mixture, contact of magma with a combustible mixture, or from an electric discharge. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500°C. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake
It is possible that other variants of combustible mixtures are formed in the bowels of the earth.
The presented hypothesis can be easily verified by blowing up a firecracker under the ice. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A
1. After the explosion, faults diverge from the source of the earthquake, into which the combustible mixture rushes. 
2. As a result of pressure, temperature and time, the walls of the faults become stronger. 
The height of the faults reaches more than a kilometer, the width is several tens of kilometers, and the length is several hundred kilometers. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
3. After seismic events, faults are filled with magma, due to which one of the types of folded mountains is formed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dike_(geology)
4. It is possible that basalt pillars and mesas were formed at the beginning of the process of mountain building, during the cooling of magma in vertical faults and in the vents of volcanoes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columnar_jointing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesa
5. Deep-water tectonic lakes, canyons and rivers were formed as a result of the failure of vertical faults. https://clck.ru/35AQMJ
6. I believe that minerals are formed in vertical and horizontal faults under the influence of temperature, pressure and time. 
7. In the resulting faults, rarefaction occurs, due to which the faults draw in air and then close. 
8. It is possible that some vertical faults are interconnected. 
9. It is possible that ravines form between the earth's crust and magma on the reverse side of the earth's crust, in which, due to the degassing of magma, a combustible mixture is collected. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
And as soon as the ratio of gases reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs, due to which faults and waves from the source of the earthquake scatter in different directions. 

The amplitude of a seismic wave can be determined by the following formula: A = m/h. 
Where, m is the mass of the combustible mixture. 
h is the depth of the combustible mixture. 
In the epicentral region, a predominantly vertical oscillation of the earth's crust occurs with an amplitude of more than a meter, and waves with an amplitude of about a meter diverge from the epicentral region. 
1. Before an earthquake, some animals leave the active fault zone. I think the animals are alarmed by the smell of gas coming out of cracks. https://clck.ru/34raLX
2. The gas content above the epicentral region can be determined using a gas trap containing litmus paper. Litmus paper can be placed in basements that are on the fault line. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn…
3. The concentration of gases in the faults can be determined using wells. 
4. An earthquake can be provoked artificially by drilling a well in fresh faults. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
5. It is possible that the cause of anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere during seismic events is the release of a combustible mixture into the atmosphere. 
6. Chinese scientists began drilling a well 10,000 meters deep. https://clck.ru/34zvXo

The early stage of the Earth's evolution was accompanied by the formation of cracks. On one of the cracks, thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, the Mid-Atlantic volcanic ridge was formed, which grows both in length and width, and in height and depth at a rate of 0 to 3 mm per year. The reason for the growth of the ridge is the vertical and horizontal faults that form at the junction and around the ridge. 
Thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, faults expand by millimeters, mountain systems by centimeters, and the epicentral region by meters. https://images.app.goo.gl/vabkhhfCca979hDJ9
Mountain systems formed hundreds of millions of years ago, after the formation of the earth's crust, when the earth's crust beneath the mountain systems was much softer and thinner. 
The higher the mountain systems grew, the more they subsided, shifts, bends, failures in mountain systems, the result of uneven growth and subsidence of mountain systems.
Three types of mountains form on earth:
a) Horizontal folded mountains, formed due to numerous eruptions of lava on the surface of the Earth.
b) Vertical fold mountains are formed after seismic events when vertical faults are filled with magma.
c) Blocky mountains are formed when folded mountains collapse and grow due to explosions in vertical and horizontal faults.
Due to faults, the density decreases and, as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases.
a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust.
b) The more faults and voids in the mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems. 
Gases move along the faults that stretch from the mountain systems into the seas and oceans, due to which seaquakes are formed, and as a result, the mountain systems attack the ocean. 
Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge there are dozens of islands through which air enters the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, perhaps the more islands above the oceanic ridge, the higher the geological activity of the ridge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_Ridge
Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural phenomena, the role of which is the strengthening of cracks in the earth's crust. And mountain systems are patches on the cracks of the planets.
Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, due to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases

Continuation: Academgorodok Forum Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578
Forums of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
My VKontakte page https://vk.com/id383138048

Criticism of the tectonic hypothesis.
1. Why do earthquakes occur both at the junction of tectonic plates and in the center of the plate?
2. The assertion that tension is accumulating at the junction of tectonic plates, unsupported information.
a) How much greater is the density of tectonic plates at the junction than in the middle of the plate?
b) Does tectonics affect the rate of well drilling?
3. A seismic wave on the surface of the earth can only be created by an impact, and not by compression of the lithospheric plates.
After compression, the earth's crust is not unclenched, but compacted.
The soil compaction ratio is 95%.
The above can be easily checked by setting up an experiment. 
4. If the lithospheric plates were constantly moving one on top of the other, then the globe would tremble and hum, especially in zones of seismic activity.
5. Tectonic plates cannot have the properties of a spring or rubber.
a) this can be easily verified by experiment.
6. What happens to the islands when the continental crust creeps over the oceanic crust?
7. If oceanic lithospheric plates go under the continental ones - how did the fossils of marine animals end up high in the mountains? https://bigenc.ru/biology/text/2704413
a) At the same time, fossils of marine animals are found in Iceland, despite the fact that in Iceland, the lithospheric plates diverge. https://en.ni.is/geology/fossils
b) If the Indian Plate goes under the Eurasian Plate, how did the marine animal fossils end up in the Himalayas?
In the Himalayas, high in the mountains, fossils of land animals should be found. https://proekt7d.ru/okamenelosti/
c) Fossils of marine animals were found on the entire surface of the earth, including in deserts, but they were not preserved everywhere. http://evolution.powernet.ru/history/Earth_04/
e) Fossils of marine animals on the surface of the earth - proof that the surface of the earth is not renewed.
8. If mountain systems were formed as a result of collision of lithospheric plates, the mountain systems would have a different shape and would be much higher, since the oceanic or continental crust that descends to the core of the Earth has a high buoyancy. https://autogear.ru/article/287/111/subduktsiya---eto-opredelenie-tipyi-i-protsess-subduktsii/
9. There is no information about the number, speed, direction of movement and size of tectonic plates.
a) if there are 13 lithospheric plates on the Earth, then there should be about 100 tectonic plates.
b) how many tectonic plates are there on the Eurasian lithospheric plate?
c) there is no description of the mechanism of interaction of tectonic plates.
d) Do tectonic plates sink into the Earth's mantle, reaching the depth of the outer core.
10. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line? 
11. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line?
12. During earthquakes, people and objects that are at the epicenter are strongly thrown up. I believe only an underground explosion is capable of this.
Then, from the epicenter, waves spread in all four directions, due to which the buildings sway like ships on waves.
a) according to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, vibrations from the epicenter should diverge not in four directions, but only in two directions. By forming a horizontal vibration of the earth's crust, which would be extremely destructive.
13. Vibrations from earthquakes are transmitted in the form of seismic waves over a distance of more than 10 thousand km.
a) then why seismic waves do not provoke earthquakes in other regions of the Earth.
14. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, a seismic wave moves along the Earth's crust.
And according to the explosive hypothesis, a seismic wave can move both along the earth's crust and under the earth's crust (along magma - like a tsunami wave in the ocean).
15. The volcano can erupt both upward and towards the core of the earth.
If a volcano erupts towards the core of the earth, then tsunami waves from the volcanic mountain scatter in different directions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U7pNie2403A&feature=youtu.be
b) Perhaps one of these earthquakes occurred in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 2013. Then the seismic tsunami wave reached Moscow. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
c) After major earthquakes, the seismic wave goes around half of the globe. I believe that only a seismic tsunami wave, which moves under the Earth's crust, is capable of this. https://www.hmong.press/wiki/1994_Bolivia_earthquake
16. There is also no exhaustive explanation of the mechanism of movement of seismic waves, from the source of the earthquake to the Earth's surface at a distance of more than 700 km.
a) as a seismic wave, moving from the source to the epicenter, over a distance of more than 700 km. falls exactly on the fault line. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
17. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, the diameter of the epicentral area depends on the depth of the source and can exceed 1000 km.
a) what will be the diameter of the epicentral area if the source depth is 700 km. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
b) what will be the diameter of the epicentral region if the earthquake source is located in the center of the Earth?
18. How to explain the fact that all seaquakes occur only at the foot of the islands and continents.
Why, in a clear sea or ocean, seaquakes do not occur.
19. The tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes can be easily tested if two clay slabs are moved towards each other in a basin with water. 

The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases.

It is believed that in the upper mantle at the junctions of lithospheric plates there are cells in which, due to convection, magma rotates at a speed of 1-5 cm per year. The statement that lithospheric plates move thanks to magma gates that rotate in cells is questionable. 
Thanks to currents, eddies and magma-gates, only pits can form in the earth's crust, and not the drift of continents and "lithospheric plates". https://images.app.goo.gl/yS56u6oYvaMtavLi6
Questions arise:
1. How many cells move the lithospheric plate and how are they synchronized?
b) How are tectonic, lithospheric and continental magma-rotations synchronized? https://images.app.goo.gl/Lf2Xa6tYhE9JF4J99
2. What do magma-turns rely on when moving lithospheric plates?
a) Motion without support, contradicts the two-body problem - Newton's Third Law.
"The force of action is equal to the force of reaction."
b) Moreover, magma-turns themselves will repel from the lithospheric plates in the opposite direction. Since, lithospheric plates are much more massive than magma-rot.
c) oceanic and magmatic currents are too weak to move lithospheric plates or affect the axial velocity of the Earth.
3. The width of the crack of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is several meters, and the distance between the continents is several thousand kilometers.
4. The total length of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is more than 18 thousand km. and is broken by transverse faults up to 600 km long.
a) what is the total length of the magma gate, under the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and how does the magma gate affect transverse faults? https://images.app.goo.gl/cqn26EqbMcoqATp66
5. In North America, the movement of the Juan de Fuca ridge was observed for two years: no movement of the ridge was found. 
6.  What is the coefficient of adhesion of a convective cell (magma vortex) to a tectonic plate? 
a) The adhesion coefficient of a convective cell with a tectonic plate can be checked by rotating two red-hot magma gates in a heated dish. 
b) With what force two magma gates are pressed in the cell and why do they not destroy each other? 
c) As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. 
d) How many revolutions must a magma vortex make to move a tectonic plate by 1 cm? 
5. As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. 
6. With what force do two magma gates press against each other in a cell, and why do they not destroy each other? 
7. It is believed that faults several tens of kilometers wide and more than 80 kilometers high stretch from the cell to the earth's surface. 
a) What fills the void in the faults? 
b) Why are the fault walls not destroyed? 
8. I believe that in the bowels of the earth, faults and trenches with a height of more than 11 km cannot exist, due to high pressure at great depths. (The pressure at a depth of 40 km is 103 MPa). The Mariana Trench has an average width of 69 km and a depth of up to 11 km. https://clck.ru/34vvMD a) Why are the gutters conical? 
7. Why, along the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean, did not a ring of fire form, as in the Pacific Ocean?

It is believed that over hundreds of millions of years, the Earth's surface has been constantly changing, supercontinents formed and disintegrated.
The supercontinent Rodinia disintegrated about 750 million years ago. Then it formed and broke up into six continents - the supercontinent Pangea. 
Questions arise:
1. For Pangea to form, magma-convection currents must move to one point, and for Pangea to disintegrate, magma-convection currents must turn around.
a) How does the mechanism of reversal, magma-turns work?
2. In which sea did the Amazon and Congo rivers flow before the collapse of Pangea?
a) What mark did this sea leave?
3. Huge streams - water and air drift across the Earth with a specific purpose. And for what purpose are the continents drifting?
4. I believe that the evolution of the Earth was accompanied not by continental drift, but by a change in the tilt of the Earth?s axis, from 45 degrees to 23, due to which heat-loving plants and animals lived beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, the remains of heat-loving plants and animals are found in Antarctica. 
The animation shows India crossing the equator and moving north, despite the magma gate cell remaining in the southern hemisphere.
a) The assertion that India is sailing from south to north at a speed of 4 cm per year, like an icebreaker in the ocean, is questionable.
b) With what speed and what was India sailing northward, before the collision with Eurasia? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subduction
6. It is believed that India, having collided with the Eurasian plate, turns 90 degrees and moves towards the core of the earth.
a) Why do not cracks form at the place of bending of the slab?
7. It is believed that when the oceanic plate goes under the continental, a depression is formed with a depth of more than 10 km. 
a) At the same time, most of the depressions in the oceans are too far from the continents and they are not everywhere. 
b) If India goes under the Himalayas, why did not a depression or a reservoir form at the foot of the Himalayas?
https://images.app.goo.gl/EkLp3TDpVYcBf3MB8 https://images.app.goo.gl/pA2CmLgYpje7SzWC6
8. What plate goes under the Ural Mountains, and what depth was formed at the foot of the Ural Mountains? 
a) Is there a shear movement of plates in the south and north of the Ural Mountains? https://slide-share.ru/kak-dvizhutsya-litosfernie-pliti-69693
b) The Ural Mountains - a seismically active crack, which diverges at a rate of 0 to 5 mm per year, and not the result of "plate compression".
9. It is believed that the Eurasian, Indian and Philippine plates compress Lake Baikal.
a) Then why do the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year?
10. It is believed that the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year. 
a) And with what speed does the bottom of Baikal diverge? 
b) Why didn?t Baikal form along the entire fault line, both in length and in depth? 
c) What is the bottom of Baikal based on if a convection cell operates under Baikal, which constantly expands the fault. 
d) Why doesn't the water in Baikal boil, because under Baikal there should be magma with a temperature of about a thousand degrees? https://dzen.ru/a/XvD23FcU0yLDOwr5
e) According to the tectonic hypothesis about earthquakes, if the width of Baikal is 50 km, then the bottom of Baikal should be more than 50 km wide, and the depth of Baikal should be equal to the thickness of the earth's crust and be more than 40 km. https://vasily1986.livejournal.com/66774.html
11. It is possible that deep-sea lakes, seas and rivers, as well as depressions in the oceans, are the result of successive explosions in a crack in the ridge, followed by a sinkhole. https://clck.ru/35CyUd
a) After the formation of lakes, gorges and canyons, the banks should converge, not diverge. 
b) The rate of convergence of the banks of the reservoir depends on the pressure of the soil on the outer walls of the reservoir, and the greater the depth, the greater the pressure. https://clck.ru/34yUCP
12. I believe that the Red and Adriatic Seas, lakes Baikal and Tanganyika were formed as a result of the failure of the earth's crust https://clck.ru/34yQpG
a) The appearance and depth of the formed reservoir depends on the depth and shape of the hearth, and on the nature of the failure. 
13. The assertion that the lithospheric plates compress Africa from the east and west, due to which Africa splits into two parts, contradicts elementary logic. 

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3 hours ago, Fermer05 said:

The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases. 
Community of Russian scientists. https://vk.com/rosuch

In the mountain systems of the Earth, there are deep vertical faults in the earth's crust, in which water collects. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Active-fault-map-of-the-EMME-Project-region_fig2_313429199
In faults the size of Lake Baikal, under the influence of pressure, temperature and time, the process of degassing of water takes place, due to which light gases collect in the upper part of the faults, and heavy gases in the lower. https://trendymen.ru/lifestyle/events/132544
And as soon as the ratio of gases and oxygen in the vertical fault reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs and the waves from the earthquake source scatter in different directions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon
In faults, the combustible mixture does not explode in its entirety, but only in the segment where the combustible mixture has reached the desired proportion. https://clck.ru/34zziH
The duration of earthquakes and the number of underground explosions depends on the amount of combustible mixture in the fault. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_oxygen
Before and after the main seismic events, local explosions, foreshocks and aftershocks occur in separate segments of the fault, due to which gases and oxygen are mixed, pressure and temperature increase, causing a rumble, trembling and swelling of the earth's crust. Foreshocks and aftershocks are also catalysts and precursors of major seismic events. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreshock
Ignition of a combustible mixture occurs as a result of compression of the combustible mixture, contact of magma with a combustible mixture, or from an electric discharge. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500°C. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake
It is possible that other variants of combustible mixtures are formed in the bowels of the earth.
The presented hypothesis can be easily verified by blowing up a firecracker under the ice. https://youtu.be/zFdF6-qaPSA https://youtu.be/UDLobrro2Ao https://youtu.be/U7pNie2403A
1. After the explosion, faults diverge from the source of the earthquake, into which the combustible mixture rushes. 
2. As a result of pressure, temperature and time, the walls of the faults become stronger. 
The height of the faults reaches more than a kilometer, the width is several tens of kilometers, and the length is several hundred kilometers. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
3. After seismic events, faults are filled with magma, due to which one of the types of folded mountains is formed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dike_(geology)
4. It is possible that basalt pillars and mesas were formed at the beginning of the process of mountain building, during the cooling of magma in vertical faults and in the vents of volcanoes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columnar_jointing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesa
5. Deep-water tectonic lakes, canyons and rivers were formed as a result of the failure of vertical faults. https://clck.ru/35AQMJ
6. I believe that minerals are formed in vertical and horizontal faults under the influence of temperature, pressure and time. 
7. In the resulting faults, rarefaction occurs, due to which the faults draw in air and then close. 
8. It is possible that some vertical faults are interconnected. 
9. It is possible that ravines form between the earth's crust and magma on the reverse side of the earth's crust, in which, due to the degassing of magma, a combustible mixture is collected. https://www.ngpedia.ru/id659214p1.html
And as soon as the ratio of gases reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs, due to which faults and waves from the source of the earthquake scatter in different directions. 

The amplitude of a seismic wave can be determined by the following formula: A = m/h. 
Where, m is the mass of the combustible mixture. 
h is the depth of the combustible mixture. 
In the epicentral region, a predominantly vertical oscillation of the earth's crust occurs with an amplitude of more than a meter, and waves with an amplitude of about a meter diverge from the epicentral region. 
1. Before an earthquake, some animals leave the active fault zone. I think the animals are alarmed by the smell of gas coming out of cracks. https://clck.ru/34raLX
2. The gas content above the epicentral region can be determined using a gas trap containing litmus paper. Litmus paper can be placed in basements that are on the fault line. https://m.fishki.net/3822287-kak-zhivotn…
3. The concentration of gases in the faults can be determined using wells. 
4. An earthquake can be provoked artificially by drilling a well in fresh faults. https://clck.ru/34pyLR
5. It is possible that the cause of anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere during seismic events is the release of a combustible mixture into the atmosphere. 
6. Chinese scientists began drilling a well 10,000 meters deep. https://clck.ru/34zvXo

The early stage of the Earth's evolution was accompanied by the formation of cracks. On one of the cracks, thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, the Mid-Atlantic volcanic ridge was formed, which grows both in length and width, and in height and depth at a rate of 0 to 3 mm per year. The reason for the growth of the ridge is the vertical and horizontal faults that form at the junction and around the ridge. 
Thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, faults expand by millimeters, mountain systems by centimeters, and the epicentral region by meters. https://images.app.goo.gl/vabkhhfCca979hDJ9
Mountain systems formed hundreds of millions of years ago, after the formation of the earth's crust, when the earth's crust beneath the mountain systems was much softer and thinner. 
The higher the mountain systems grew, the more they subsided, shifts, bends, failures in mountain systems, the result of uneven growth and subsidence of mountain systems.
Three types of mountains form on earth:
a) Horizontal folded mountains, formed due to numerous eruptions of lava on the surface of the Earth.
b) Vertical fold mountains are formed after seismic events when vertical faults are filled with magma.
c) Blocky mountains are formed when folded mountains collapse and grow due to explosions in vertical and horizontal faults.
Due to faults, the density decreases and, as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases.
a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust.
b) The more faults and voids in the mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems. 
Gases move along the faults that stretch from the mountain systems into the seas and oceans, due to which seaquakes are formed, and as a result, the mountain systems attack the ocean. 
Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge there are dozens of islands through which air enters the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, perhaps the more islands above the oceanic ridge, the higher the geological activity of the ridge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_Ridge
Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural phenomena, the role of which is the strengthening of cracks in the earth's crust. And mountain systems are patches on the cracks of the planets.
Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, due to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases

Continuation: Academgorodok Forum Novosibirsk. The science. https://forum.academ.club/index.php?showtopic=1235578
Forums of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. http://forum.unn.ru/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=10331
My VKontakte page https://vk.com/id383138048

Criticism of the tectonic hypothesis.
1. Why do earthquakes occur both at the junction of tectonic plates and in the center of the plate?
2. The assertion that tension is accumulating at the junction of tectonic plates, unsupported information.
a) How much greater is the density of tectonic plates at the junction than in the middle of the plate?
b) Does tectonics affect the rate of well drilling?
3. A seismic wave on the surface of the earth can only be created by an impact, and not by compression of the lithospheric plates.
After compression, the earth's crust is not unclenched, but compacted.
The soil compaction ratio is 95%.
The above can be easily checked by setting up an experiment. 
4. If the lithospheric plates were constantly moving one on top of the other, then the globe would tremble and hum, especially in zones of seismic activity.
5. Tectonic plates cannot have the properties of a spring or rubber.
a) this can be easily verified by experiment.
6. What happens to the islands when the continental crust creeps over the oceanic crust?
7. If oceanic lithospheric plates go under the continental ones - how did the fossils of marine animals end up high in the mountains? https://bigenc.ru/biology/text/2704413
a) At the same time, fossils of marine animals are found in Iceland, despite the fact that in Iceland, the lithospheric plates diverge. https://en.ni.is/geology/fossils
b) If the Indian Plate goes under the Eurasian Plate, how did the marine animal fossils end up in the Himalayas?
In the Himalayas, high in the mountains, fossils of land animals should be found. https://proekt7d.ru/okamenelosti/
c) Fossils of marine animals were found on the entire surface of the earth, including in deserts, but they were not preserved everywhere. http://evolution.powernet.ru/history/Earth_04/
e) Fossils of marine animals on the surface of the earth - proof that the surface of the earth is not renewed.
8. If mountain systems were formed as a result of collision of lithospheric plates, the mountain systems would have a different shape and would be much higher, since the oceanic or continental crust that descends to the core of the Earth has a high buoyancy. https://autogear.ru/article/287/111/subduktsiya---eto-opredelenie-tipyi-i-protsess-subduktsii/
9. There is no information about the number, speed, direction of movement and size of tectonic plates.
a) if there are 13 lithospheric plates on the Earth, then there should be about 100 tectonic plates.
b) how many tectonic plates are there on the Eurasian lithospheric plate?
c) there is no description of the mechanism of interaction of tectonic plates.
d) Do tectonic plates sink into the Earth's mantle, reaching the depth of the outer core.
10. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line? 
11. Why is the epicenter circular rather than elongated along the fault line?
12. During earthquakes, people and objects that are at the epicenter are strongly thrown up. I believe only an underground explosion is capable of this.
Then, from the epicenter, waves spread in all four directions, due to which the buildings sway like ships on waves.
a) according to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, vibrations from the epicenter should diverge not in four directions, but only in two directions. By forming a horizontal vibration of the earth's crust, which would be extremely destructive.
13. Vibrations from earthquakes are transmitted in the form of seismic waves over a distance of more than 10 thousand km.
a) then why seismic waves do not provoke earthquakes in other regions of the Earth.
14. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, a seismic wave moves along the Earth's crust.
And according to the explosive hypothesis, a seismic wave can move both along the earth's crust and under the earth's crust (along magma - like a tsunami wave in the ocean).
15. The volcano can erupt both upward and towards the core of the earth.
If a volcano erupts towards the core of the earth, then tsunami waves from the volcanic mountain scatter in different directions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U7pNie2403A&feature=youtu.be
b) Perhaps one of these earthquakes occurred in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 2013. Then the seismic tsunami wave reached Moscow. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
c) After major earthquakes, the seismic wave goes around half of the globe. I believe that only a seismic tsunami wave, which moves under the Earth's crust, is capable of this. https://www.hmong.press/wiki/1994_Bolivia_earthquake
16. There is also no exhaustive explanation of the mechanism of movement of seismic waves, from the source of the earthquake to the Earth's surface at a distance of more than 700 km.
a) as a seismic wave, moving from the source to the epicenter, over a distance of more than 700 km. falls exactly on the fault line. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
17. According to the tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes, the diameter of the epicentral area depends on the depth of the source and can exceed 1000 km.
a) what will be the diameter of the epicentral area if the source depth is 700 km. https://uc.xyz/SyD44?pub=link
b) what will be the diameter of the epicentral region if the earthquake source is located in the center of the Earth?
18. How to explain the fact that all seaquakes occur only at the foot of the islands and continents.
Why, in a clear sea or ocean, seaquakes do not occur.
19. The tectonic hypothesis of earthquakes can be easily tested if two clay slabs are moved towards each other in a basin with water. 

The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases.

It is believed that in the upper mantle at the junctions of lithospheric plates there are cells in which, due to convection, magma rotates at a speed of 1-5 cm per year. The statement that lithospheric plates move thanks to magma gates that rotate in cells is questionable. 
Thanks to currents, eddies and magma-gates, only pits can form in the earth's crust, and not the drift of continents and "lithospheric plates". https://images.app.goo.gl/yS56u6oYvaMtavLi6
Questions arise:
1. How many cells move the lithospheric plate and how are they synchronized?
b) How are tectonic, lithospheric and continental magma-rotations synchronized? https://images.app.goo.gl/Lf2Xa6tYhE9JF4J99
2. What do magma-turns rely on when moving lithospheric plates?
a) Motion without support, contradicts the two-body problem - Newton's Third Law.
"The force of action is equal to the force of reaction."
b) Moreover, magma-turns themselves will repel from the lithospheric plates in the opposite direction. Since, lithospheric plates are much more massive than magma-rot.
c) oceanic and magmatic currents are too weak to move lithospheric plates or affect the axial velocity of the Earth.
3. The width of the crack of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is several meters, and the distance between the continents is several thousand kilometers.
4. The total length of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is more than 18 thousand km. and is broken by transverse faults up to 600 km long.
a) what is the total length of the magma gate, under the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and how does the magma gate affect transverse faults? https://images.app.goo.gl/cqn26EqbMcoqATp66
5. In North America, the movement of the Juan de Fuca ridge was observed for two years: no movement of the ridge was found. 
6.  What is the coefficient of adhesion of a convective cell (magma vortex) to a tectonic plate? 
a) The adhesion coefficient of a convective cell with a tectonic plate can be checked by rotating two red-hot magma gates in a heated dish. 
b) With what force two magma gates are pressed in the cell and why do they not destroy each other? 
c) As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. 
d) How many revolutions must a magma vortex make to move a tectonic plate by 1 cm? 
5. As the width of the fault increases, does the mass, size and location of the convective cell change. 
6. With what force do two magma gates press against each other in a cell, and why do they not destroy each other? 
7. It is believed that faults several tens of kilometers wide and more than 80 kilometers high stretch from the cell to the earth's surface. 
a) What fills the void in the faults? 
b) Why are the fault walls not destroyed? 
8. I believe that in the bowels of the earth, faults and trenches with a height of more than 11 km cannot exist, due to high pressure at great depths. (The pressure at a depth of 40 km is 103 MPa). The Mariana Trench has an average width of 69 km and a depth of up to 11 km. https://clck.ru/34vvMD a) Why are the gutters conical? 
7. Why, along the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean, did not a ring of fire form, as in the Pacific Ocean?

It is believed that over hundreds of millions of years, the Earth's surface has been constantly changing, supercontinents formed and disintegrated.
The supercontinent Rodinia disintegrated about 750 million years ago. Then it formed and broke up into six continents - the supercontinent Pangea. 
Questions arise:
1. For Pangea to form, magma-convection currents must move to one point, and for Pangea to disintegrate, magma-convection currents must turn around.
a) How does the mechanism of reversal, magma-turns work?
2. In which sea did the Amazon and Congo rivers flow before the collapse of Pangea?
a) What mark did this sea leave?
3. Huge streams - water and air drift across the Earth with a specific purpose. And for what purpose are the continents drifting?
4. I believe that the evolution of the Earth was accompanied not by continental drift, but by a change in the tilt of the Earth?s axis, from 45 degrees to 23, due to which heat-loving plants and animals lived beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, the remains of heat-loving plants and animals are found in Antarctica. 
The animation shows India crossing the equator and moving north, despite the magma gate cell remaining in the southern hemisphere.
a) The assertion that India is sailing from south to north at a speed of 4 cm per year, like an icebreaker in the ocean, is questionable.
b) With what speed and what was India sailing northward, before the collision with Eurasia? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subduction
6. It is believed that India, having collided with the Eurasian plate, turns 90 degrees and moves towards the core of the earth.
a) Why do not cracks form at the place of bending of the slab?
7. It is believed that when the oceanic plate goes under the continental, a depression is formed with a depth of more than 10 km. 
a) At the same time, most of the depressions in the oceans are too far from the continents and they are not everywhere. 
b) If India goes under the Himalayas, why did not a depression or a reservoir form at the foot of the Himalayas?
https://images.app.goo.gl/EkLp3TDpVYcBf3MB8 https://images.app.goo.gl/pA2CmLgYpje7SzWC6
8. What plate goes under the Ural Mountains, and what depth was formed at the foot of the Ural Mountains? 
a) Is there a shear movement of plates in the south and north of the Ural Mountains? https://slide-share.ru/kak-dvizhutsya-litosfernie-pliti-69693
b) The Ural Mountains - a seismically active crack, which diverges at a rate of 0 to 5 mm per year, and not the result of "plate compression".
9. It is believed that the Eurasian, Indian and Philippine plates compress Lake Baikal.
a) Then why do the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year?
10. It is believed that the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year. 
a) And with what speed does the bottom of Baikal diverge? 
b) Why didn?t Baikal form along the entire fault line, both in length and in depth? 
c) What is the bottom of Baikal based on if a convection cell operates under Baikal, which constantly expands the fault. 
d) Why doesn't the water in Baikal boil, because under Baikal there should be magma with a temperature of about a thousand degrees? https://dzen.ru/a/XvD23FcU0yLDOwr5
e) According to the tectonic hypothesis about earthquakes, if the width of Baikal is 50 km, then the bottom of Baikal should be more than 50 km wide, and the depth of Baikal should be equal to the thickness of the earth's crust and be more than 40 km. https://vasily1986.livejournal.com/66774.html
11. It is possible that deep-sea lakes, seas and rivers, as well as depressions in the oceans, are the result of successive explosions in a crack in the ridge, followed by a sinkhole. https://clck.ru/35CyUd
a) After the formation of lakes, gorges and canyons, the banks should converge, not diverge. 
b) The rate of convergence of the banks of the reservoir depends on the pressure of the soil on the outer walls of the reservoir, and the greater the depth, the greater the pressure. https://clck.ru/34yUCP
12. I believe that the Red and Adriatic Seas, lakes Baikal and Tanganyika were formed as a result of the failure of the earth's crust https://clck.ru/34yQpG
a) The appearance and depth of the formed reservoir depends on the depth and shape of the hearth, and on the nature of the failure. 
13. The assertion that the lithospheric plates compress Africa from the east and west, due to which Africa splits into two parts, contradicts elementary logic. 


Well I don't see that anything here deserves negative point but I can only reverse one of them.

After all you did what was asked and provided wht I take to be an English translation.

However I do disagree with some of you claims, though considering the size of your post that is hardly suprising.


3 hours ago, Fermer05 said:

I believe that the evolution of the Earth was accompanied not by continental drift, but by a change in the tilt of the Earth?s axis, from 45 degrees to 23, due to which heat-loving plants and animals lived beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, the remains of heat-loving plants and animals are found in Antarctica

3 hours ago, Fermer05 said:

The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases. 

Perhaps it is your English translator ?

But surely there are many types of earthquake and many types of causes.

The idea of exploding or expanding gases is interesting but cannot account for all earthquakes.


3 hours ago, Fermer05 said:

The early stage of the Earth's evolution was accompanied by the formation of cracks. On one of the cracks, thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, the Mid-Atlantic volcanic ridge was formed, which grows both in length and width, and in height and depth at a rate of 0 to 3 mm per year.

This is just plain wrong.

The Atlantic did not even exist until 175 MYA, which means it did not exist for 96% of the Earth's history.


3 hours ago, Fermer05 said:

I believe that the evolution of the Earth was accompanied not by continental drift, but by a change in the tilt of the Earth?s axis, from 45 degrees to 23, due to which heat-loving plants and animals lived beyond the Arctic Circle. For this reason, the remains of heat-loving plants and animals are found in Antarctica. 

Whilst a complete axis flip is possible, though extremely unlikely, a change of 20 degrees or so is way outside the mechanics of the precession that is observed or can be justified.


You mention the bouyancy of the Earth's crust several times.  What do you mean by this ?


I think that is enough for now as you seem to have mixed up several different theories and added stuff of your own.

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9 hours ago, studiot said:

You mention the bouyancy of the Earth's crust several times.  What do you mean by this ?

Thanks to faults, the density decreases, and as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases. 
a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust. 
b) The more faults and voids in mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems. Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, thanks to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases.

Edited by Fermer05
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