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is there a medicine that could boost up your energy?


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We always feel waking up from sweet sleep is an impossible mission. Don't tell me to live and sleep regularily. Is there any drug that you just take and you will feel your energy so high while you are very into sweet dream?

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  • 1 month later...

hi, there are a lot of medicines for energy boosting...in the form of drugs or steroids.. they do give an immediate feeling of ecstasy but they com with all the side effects also which are far more dangerous.. so its better to avoid them. better still exercise , so yoga .. that will help a lot.these techniques are safe and tested..

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You could try Guarana, it's a natural stimulant though I'm not sure of it's active ingredient...I'll look it up.


Complex carbohydrates are a good slow release source of energy, certain beans, bran, wheatgerm and oatmeal to name a few are all good.


Don't use synthetic stimulant drugs, even caffeine (which is obviously from a natural source) is incredibly bad for you, though I'm not one to talk, cause I drink it all the time.


Just read that Guarana's active ingredient is caffeine as well...you can actually buy coffee with Guarana in it and is aptly named 'rocket fuel.' I'm not condoning using this stuff despite it being legal...caffeine when you're stressed makes you doubly stressed I've found.

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