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Everything posted by DogLady

  1. Just ask your doctor to draw titers for the immunizations. We can test whether you have protective antibodies for hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps, rubella (german measles), chickenpox. We can't test for tetanus/pertussis/diphtheria, or epidemic meningitis, so you would need a repeat immunization for those if you have no shot records. DogLady
  2. Cool beans. I'll just wait until I've made however many posts.
  3. All I see on posts is the green up arrow. How do I down vote a post? Clarissa
  4. Early on in death, the heart is fibrillating, not completely stopped. This is a good thing because it may be reversed with defibrillation, with CPR and emergency medications if defibrillation is ineffective. If the heart has stopped all activity, CPR and emergency medications can be given, but the likelihood of restarting the heart is a lot less. If the person is just unconscious, opening the airway by NOT choking them any more, and positioning them so the airway stays open, is usually effective. Rescue breathing may be necessary, and supplemental oxygen may also be useful. The consequences of depriving the brain of oxygen occur regardless of the cause, choking, heart attack, lightning strike, drowning - whatever. The longer the brain is deprived of oxygen the more likely there is to be permanent brain damage. The exact areas of the brain that are deprived of oxygen can affect the outcome, such as in an ischemic stroke where only one branch of an artery is blocked. FWIW, Clarissa
  5. Spinal anesthesia can be placed higher, but the risk for paralyzing the muscles of respiration (the diaphragm and intercostal muscles) increases. The anesthesia used can also diffuse higher (usually no more than 1 or 2 vertebral segments). To allow for some leeway, the spinal is placed no higher than absolutely necessary. Sometimes the patient is kept in a seated position for a minute or two after the spinal has been placed so the anesthetic will settle lower and not diffuse upward. Spinal anesthesia is done so the patient doesn't have to be completely sedated and paralyzed, and placed on a breathing machine, so avoiding that paralysis is essential. Paresthesias is a general term referring to abnormal sensation, including numbness, but also tingling, burning pain, lancinating pain, other sensations. FWIW, Clarissa
  6. Although the cancer cells have reached the surface of the polyp, they have not invaded the depths of the polyp or deeper structures. Since there is no local extension, it is considered 'in situ'. Of note, villous and tubulovillous adenomatous polyps are the ones most strongly associated with cancer. Clarissa
  7. The main reason is that meat does not contain carbohydrate and therefore does not raise the blood glucose level, so its effective glycemic index is zero. This doesn't mean that the calorie content isn't important. In following a diabetic diet it is still important to watch your portions. Clarissa
  8. We already have therapies that require the cessation of cellular division - most notably bone marrow grafts, where a person is given enough chemotherapeutic drugs to shut down (i.e., kill off) a cancer patient's bone marrow so a graft will take. This is in no way an easy or safe procedure. The patient can die from his normal bacterial flora, which is nigh on to impossible to eradicate. Whether it is gut flora, skin flora, or intranasal flora, any of it can kill us if our naturally dividing cells (bone marrow cells including immune system cells, and skin cells) are shut down. It can take only a few hours for one of our normal flora to spin a fatal infection. We have two main systems of rapidly dividing cells in our body. Shutting down the division of our bone marrow and immune system cells would eliminate the ongoing battle it has to keep infection from overwhelming our body. Shutting down the cell division of our skin and mucus membrane cells (the other main system of rapidly dividing cells in our body) would eliminate their ability to function as a physical barrier, which is the other method our body uses to keep our normal flora from killing us. As well, we have had many people suffer from the elimination of their normal gut flora. Most often this has occurred in patients that had to be on high dose broad spectrum antibiotics during a severe illness or trauma. Replacing their flora can be difficult. They suffer from C. difficile infection, pseudomembranous colitis - both conditions difficult to treat. Even with probiotic bacteria and 'poop' transplants they often don't have a ready return to normal bowel function. And that's just the infectious risks. Stopping cell division in the bone marrow also leads to rapid development of anemia and bleeding problems, because of the inability to continually make red cells and platelets. In the skin and mucous membranes, sores and ulcers, both very painful, develop rapidly with the cessation of cell division. All of these are know risks associated with components of your proposal. You would need to over come these risks for your plan to be considered a realistic option to treat cancer. Clarissa
  9. Unfortunately, there is no known way to trigger the amount of hair growth it seems you would like. Rogaine is marginally effective in triggering hair growth, but the effects stop as soon as the medication is. Its also fairly expensive. Testosterone won't stimulate generalized hair growth, only in the androgeni-sensitive areas - beard, armpits, pubic region. Gingival hyperplasia can just be disfiguring, or it make dental hygiene almost impossible, leading to chronic gingivitis and loss of teeth, depending on its severity. FWIW, Clarissa
  10. Well, I tried. I won't be wasting any more time trying to understand what you're point is. I requested some changes to your approach, reasonable changes, to make it easier to try and follow. If you are not going to even try to make your idea more comprehensible, I won't be wasting my time on it.
  11. I find it very difficult trying to understand what you are saying. You vacillate from how we perceive, to cellular composition, then segue to atomic structure, neutrons at the earth's core, then back to processes in the universe and development of life in the universe. Added to this is a minimally organized 'wall-of-text,' which makes finding your train of thought, much less following it, very difficult. I would appreciate it if you could break it into smaller, discretely paragraphed concepts. Thank you. Clarissa
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