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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. atinymonkey


    http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/jowhiley/live_lounge/radiohead_may03.shtml Radiohead did a live set yesterday on Radio 1, I've attached the link if you feel like listening to it.
  2. Stargate, I like that. It's got MacGyver in it. Go MacGyver, go!
  3. He does live far, far away from me, dosen't he?
  4. atinymonkey


    Since the US shot Lennon, we stopped letting you know about the good bands over here. We just send you the Spice Girls and hope you shoot them too.
  5. Be sure to mention the US governments reclassification of the description of the word 'complete' to allow the US genome project to be classed as 'complete' when it was only 86% finished. All done to allow Pharmaceutical companies to start identifying the genes for diseases such as cancer, for lucrative dividends in the US. The actual project is still only at 99% and stalled there. Plus the UK had the genome mapped further than the US, but didn't try lobbying the government to reclassify the word 'complete'. Sure I'm bitter, but it's all I have left.
  6. No, but he has heard of Carl Marx. Nice chap, fun ideas.
  7. Reloaded is out on DVD in November, just before the 3rd installment. You can almost hear the cash registers. Wait for jarjar binks style person to appear in the third, and a suprise Agent Smith is Neo's Dad end.
  8. Tolkein's Farmer Giles of Ham. I'll read anything though, no favorite. But I don't like Tom Clancy. He's a bit of a fool. Quite liked the The Belgariad, and the David Gemmell stuff. I've been reading Umberto Eco, but it's not light reading.
  9. How do you tell the sex of a chromazone ? Take down it's jeans!
  10. Yup, I got that and my friends confimed it. If you see a Landrover freelander, or any other car that is in the game, you are tempted to jump in it. A bit like when you dream of little blocks after playing too much tetris. Worrying for us less mentally stable sorts.
  11. Well, I was in Kos recently and because it was raining I decided to take the tours that showed the birthplace of Hippocrates and the founding of the first hospitals. The local guide had a slighty different view as to who the serpent and staff was used, which was "we use the snake and stick because we have snakes on the island". I guess that they also had sticks and thats all they had on the island. Presumably Hippocrates used the old fashioned method of hittin people with a stick with a snake wrapped about it. I highly recommed the tour. They also told me that the Knights of St John built the templar Castles to "defend against pirates", and not as I previously thought to defend against the Turks that were trying to kill them all. You live and you learn.
  12. No, don't want to. Don't know you. Only one post from you. Monkey no like.
  13. Sorry, I didn't mean you were a lazy parent. It's me that's planning to ignore my own offspring! I don't think public schools are particually healthy, especially bording schools. I was at one for a year before asking to move back to a state school, I didn't like the enviroment much. I think a small town probably has a good school by default, due the the enviroment that it's based in. It's the inner city schools that have trouble with the kids, by and large. Perhaps picking a smaller school is more healthy for a child as they are part of a community rather than a gang in the crowd. Mind you, I don't know much about school systems, so I'm probably off base.
  14. daisy is European. I think that was her point. The US test should have scored her the same or less than a European.
  15. A good school. Kid's spend 7/8 hours at school a day, that leave 6ish hours of TV, homework messing around, eating and stuff. That's little enough time with parents to ignore them if you put your mind to it. So make it a good school and they can have surrogate parents in the teachers! Ah, the lazy parenting I'm planning. TV, Playstation, and school.
  16. Before anyone say's it, I know IQ tests are subjective assessments of intelligence. However, it's still fun to take part. Last year I took it with a hangover, just to find out how much your IQ drops the day after drinking. I got about 119 and fell asleep on my desk, drooling on the keyboard http://www.bbc.co.uk/testthenation/ Fun to take part though, see what the average is. You even get to email your results to other people.
  17. Well, Mormon's and Amish people believe just that. Even tea and coffee is shunned by the Mormon's. But I seem to be siding with religious zealots. So perhaps I should re-examine my arguments.
  18. Eh? WTF lead you to believe I thought guns were illegal? Do you mean that you know someone who's sister died from a drug overdose? If I told you that I knew someone who died from a drug overdose and their family agree with me, would you change your mind? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/2071928.stm I think I can find more familys who have suffered drug related deaths that would agree with me, you muppet
  19. What happens to these child geneses when they grow up? My only frame of reference is the film real genius. http://www.valkilmeronline.com/realgenius.html Which I'm not sure was based on fact.
  20. Well, I tend to agree that it is hard to establish a link between crime and legal drugs. The benefits from tax on the drugs would probably more than compensate the additional police required, not to mention the resources freed up from customs and police with the removal of the illegal classification. But it still boils down to drug not being good for you, and young people being susceptible to misuse. What if you had a teenage daughter, or a family member, experimenting with drugs? Would you feel the same about it? Would the classification of drugs as legal help to alleviate concerns? That's why I say this is an emotional issue, and not really one that can be solved by the semantics of statistics. As Spike Milligan said statistics have proven that statistics prove nothing.
  21. atinymonkey


    So, the American solution to crime is to make each citizen as capable as the next to cause death and injury. Is it the best method of creating a utopian society where everyone is safe so long as they can protect themselves? The comparisons between crime rates in the US and UK seem to point towards that, however you are 60% more likely to be murdered in the US than the UK. Are you really that bothered to live in a country where it is more common to have your car nicked? Is it preferable to be safe from most crime except murder? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/810522.stm The threads seem to indicate that the majority US opinion is:- Guns are good War is good Drugs are good Where does that leave civilisation in the Americas? The only two topics left are abortion and the death penalty. I only mention that in passing, as I'd quite like to own a pair colt 1911's. They look very cool .
  22. This is the part where I get to be the old guy. Your perspective tends to change, as you get a little older on drug use. When you are young, you view it in your own way and don't particularly see the harm in it. However, if you start seeing people you care about getting into trouble with drugs (and you probably will) it alters your viewpoint a bit. It's fine when it's just you, but as soon as people on your level get into problems you tend to realise that there isn't a second-class citizen predisposed to drug abuse, it could happen to you. Or more importantly it could happen to your family and friends. It’s not really possible to argue the semantics of fact and figures surrounding drugs, as it’s an emotional issue. What steps would you take to prevent a perceived threat on the people you love? I did have a point to add, but I'm tired and I forget.
  23. atinymonkey


    Or as Eddie Izzard said, Monkeys with guns. The tricky part is teaching them how to reload.
  24. Not only are Iraq still winning the war, you can buy a natty poster to celibrate the victory. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3602058904&category=208 Yay.
  25. Oh, Radical Edward, like bill said carbon deteriorates after 6000 years. It's the calcium that sticks around.
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