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Everything posted by npts2020

  1. Don't you think that anyone smart enough to build an electrical generator would also be smart enough to use a transformer to make the electricity whatever voltage was needed.
  2. smoore; welcome to the forum. The strength and type of magnet has no bearing on what you are asking. The effects that determine the answer to your question are mass of the magnet and friction of the surface in question. If one magnet is held in place, its friction is infinite and the other magnet will move toward it every time (provided the magnetic field strength is strong enough to overcome friction). If neither are held in place, they will accelerate toward one another in proportion to their mass i.e.you will barely notice a much larger magnet moving without taking sensitive measurements of the event. As for your electromagnet, it consumes electricity to make a magnetic field by definition. Your coil magnet will make the bulb dim, whether your magnet was powerful enough to make this effect even noticable is different matter. I wish you luck on your project and suggest you learn some thermodynamics since that would probably help save you from trying things that are obviously not going to work.
  3. I wanna see those piles of humanity.
  4. Mrbrat2u; Two things that practically leap out of the screen at me. First, solar panels will be more burden than help by the time you leave the solar system, there just isn't enough light to make them work after a certain point. Second, 1,000 mph (or even 1,666 mph) is an extremely slow speed for even leaving the solar system to reach another star, let alone reaching another galaxy.
  5. Mmmmmm, troll food. npts2020 <<<<<crawls back under bridge
  6. I can't believe they haven't stopped them from doing it already since that is still the biggest risk to world financial stability. Goes to just how much in the pocket of Wall Street and big finance our politicians really are.
  7. DH; I have no doubt that a certain segment of those people promoting action on climate change are "anti-capitalist", a few whom I know personally, but exactly how is taking action going to hurt capitalism. Does that mean that every law that promotes the welfare of all of society over narrowly defined corporate profit is "anti-capitalist"?
  8. Why does this sound to me like the same discussion from the TR-B3 reduces mass thread in speculations?
  9. Start here and here. Are any of the alternatives they talk about viable?
  10. Sha31; When you googled experiments/electron speed, what did the first half dozen or so sites have to say? The problem with bringing an electron to some "state of rest" is that it is a charged particle and will be attracted to everything around it and therefore want to move from any resting state. You have asked several people here for proof, sometimes even after it was provided but have shown no proof yourself for there being any cause to disbelieve the reasons given for being able to vary the speed of an electron.
  11. Sha31; google experiments/electron speed. The first few (of the over half million) hits all reference what you are asking about.
  12. Other than citizenship (and possible innocence), what is the difference between anyone being held at Guantanamo Bay or elsewhere and Ted Kascynski (sp?) or Timothy McVeigh, both of whom were tried and convicted in the American court system?
  13. For those interested in finding extraterrestrial life "Life As We Do Not Know It" by Peter Ward formerly of NASA
  14. Sha31; If one has the right equipment, the speed of an electron can easily be measured by how much it deviates from its path of trajectory when passing through a known magnetic field. The more deviation=more time spent in the field=slower kinetic energy, or speed. In fact, if the electron is stationary or not moving fast enough the magnetic field will capture it.
  15. Thank you Cap'n, apparently that was the problem because it now works. Not sure how it wasn't in there since http// automatically comes up when inserting a link.
  16. Google "natural magnets", the wikipedia article on them is near the top.
  17. The word "thermal" in physics does not refer to the medium. It refers to whatever object is being discussed, in this case an electron. Nuclear reactors (nearly all of them in America anyway) are referred to as thermal because neutrons must be slowed down from their ejection during fission in order to cause more fissions and thus sustain the chain reaction. I will allow someone more versed than myself to explain the rest of what you asked.
  18. When inserting a link in my last post, it kept giving me a "nothing found here" message when I went to check to make sure it was working. You do use the link tab for this, correct? Am not sure if I am doing something wrong, I have no trouble with links on the forum and the address works fine otherwise, or if it is wordpress. Has anyone else had a problem with this?
  19. That may be the impetus required to actually overhaul the system, rather than just seeing that everyone has to pay for health insurance profits, whether they use the system or not.
  20. If there was no belief involved in any of this, there would be no debate. Personally I believe what I see, less snow in places than 40 years ago, earlier maple syrup season, ticks and other wildlife in places where it used to be too cold for them to survive, etc. The science seems only to back this up.
  21. If we were to begin spending the recovery money on automating our transit system and powering it with wind and solar energy, it would directly create hundreds of thousands of jobs and many times that number in related employment. Also, they would presumably be well paying and not easily farmed out to third world countries. Best of all we would actually have something to show for all of the spending. Soapbox now open for the next person.
  22. How would moving into the future work? Afaik time slows down as you accelerate to the speed of light (and possibly goes backwards when you exceed it) but I don't understand how you could go "slower" than your current frame of reference in order to speed up time.
  23. Way to go ajb!!! Seems like you passed with flying colors. I don't think anyone here would have expected any less from you.
  24. Trouble is that those who have bought our political system will not stand by and allow something like that to happen. Unfortunately, voters are pretty easily influenced by misinformation and innuendo, especially when it promises to be the easiest way of doing something.
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