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Posts posted by NSX

  1. haha


    cool, i've never seeen this thread yet..


    from a Canadian standpoint, I think the quest for knowledge is declining as well. WHY? # of reasons. I blame MTV the most. lousy americans...*j/k


    Also with education, the public school quality here is decreasing and it's slowly seeking private funds to help alleviate the pressure; b/c there's alot of new immigrants coming into the Toronto and surrounding area.


    I especially hate the Engineering Philosophy here. Here's the formula, input, output, done. Like Sayo said, there's no thought into why that happens.


    Also with the tests, argh. 4/6 of my classes use Multiple Choice tests. The best way to test, (but most expensive :embarass: , so no chance of it happening) like my PHYS prof. said: "He'll seat you down in a room for an hour, and drill you with questions upon questions seeing how much you know." Another thing. MC sucks b/c people complain that they got the entire thought process correct, but since they bubbled in the wrong answer on the Scantron sheet, or mistyped a figure in the calculator, NO MARKS. But that's a story for another day.

  2. Kedas said in post # :

    Of couse time travel is possible.

    I do it every day.

    I start at 7h15 and arrive at 8h30.

    (I traveled with changing time)



    dont forget about how you travelled back in time to have - hours on the activity thingy.



  3. jpat1023 said in post # :

    Actually you all are slightly mistaken. Water itself does not conduct electricity. Its the particles in the water that do the conducting. If you had perfectly pure water, it would not conduct electricity.


    Th'ats right.

    It's the ions in the water that allow it to conduct electricity.

  4. Here's some more:

    TimeTravel_0 : As it turns out...

    TimeTravel_0 : If you encounter a black hole that is spinning and has an electrified field, you will not be killed passing through its massive gravitational fiuelds.

    TimeTravel_0 : regreting asking yet>

    Yareisa : no

    TimeTravel_0 : Ok

    wyrmkin_37 : no

    Yareisa : I'm hooked

    TimeTravel_0 : In about a year...

    G° : is this the omeg point theory?

    G° : omega?

    TimeTravel_0 : CERN will discover some very odd things as a result of their high energy experiments.

    TimeTravel_0 : in about a year.

    TimeTravel_0 : from your point of view.

    wyrmkin_37 : cern?

    TimeTravel_0 : in Geneva.

    Yareisa : particle accelerator

    wyrmkin_37 : oh

    TimeTravel_0 : They will accidently create microsingularities.

    G° : makes things go round and hit each other...

    TimeTravel_0 : Which will evaporate very quickly.

    wyrmkin_37 : one in texas?

    TimeTravel_0 : and create a massive ammount of X-ray and Gamma rays.

    TimeTravel_0 : It will puzzle them for a while.

    TimeTravel_0 : Until they figure out how to add and elcrtical charge and capture these strange odd and massive particles in a magnetic field.

    wyrmkin_37 : they shoot electrons at the speed of light.......see what they bust up into

    TimeTravel_0 : Yes.

    G° : still with you...

    wyrmkin_37 : quarks

    TimeTravel_0 : If you bombard a singularity with electrons...

    TimeTravel_0 : you can alter the size of its event horizon.

    TimeTravel_0 : and thus its gravitational field.

    TimeTravel_0 : By overlapping these fileds from two singularities...

    TimeTravel_0 : you can travel forward and backward through time.

    TimeTravel_0 : Its actuallyu quyite simple.

    wyrmkin_37 : i follow now

    TimeTravel_0 : Thats noit the hard part.

    G° : didn't tipler say there was no event horizon?

    TimeTravel_0 : No..he said it was possible to approach a massive gravitationl field from certain angles and not get squished.

    G° : oh, sorry

    wyrmkin_37 : lol

    TimeTravel_0 : Actually...Im not really a physisit.

    G° : but you know all about this stuff... is that why you were picked?

    TimeTravel_0 : I specialize in 20th century history and my grandfather builds computers.

    wyrmkin_37 : what base?

    TimeTravel_0 : Hmmm....you drive a car and know how to change the oil don;t you?

    TimeTravel_0 : I am based in Tampa Fl.

    G° : actually, only just.. LOL

    wyrmkin_37 : chas, afb

    TimeTravel_0 : McDill

    wyrmkin_37 : kewl

    G° : sorry?

    G° : in english?

    wyrmkin_37 : zoomies

    Yareisa : thats english?!

    G° : you airforce wyrm?

    wyrmkin_37 : yes

    G° : your not working on a time machine are you?

    G° : come here for guidance...

    wyrmkin_37 : no just came in for chat

    TimeTravel_0 : Altering gravity is not the hard part.

    G° : LOL

    Yareisa : go on...

    TimeTravel_0 : Detecting gravity is the hard part.

    TimeTravel_0 : I will tell you a littlke story.

    TimeTravel_0 : When time travel was invented.

    TimeTravel_0 : They built prototypes that would go back in time for a split second and then return.

    TimeTravel_0 : They had sensors and cameras on them.

    TimeTravel_0 : ...and they never returned.

    G° : and forwards as well? how about a single jump forwards?

    TimeTravel_0 : It was later discovered that the machines were ending up about 15 miles away and 3000 fett in the air.

    TimeTravel_0 : feet

    G° : doh!

    TimeTravel_0 : The Earth was rotating away from them.

    wyrmkin_37 : synchroniaztion please

    TimeTravel_0 : A system had to be invented that would "hold" the machine to the Earth.

    TimeTravel_0 : Its called VGL.

    TimeTravel_0 : Its based on very sensative clocks and gravity sensors.

    TimeTravel_0 : It stops the time distortion machine if radical changes in gravity are detected.

    wyrmkin_37 : mechanical or electronic clocks

    TimeTravel_0 : You wouldn't want to end up inside a mountain or under water...would you?

    TimeTravel_0 : Cesium.

    wyrmkin_37 : oh

    G° : isn't all this classified? surely your suppoed to keep it secret whilst in the past?

    TimeTravel_0 : LOL!!!

    TimeTravel_0 : I know you think Im nuts...come on.

    TimeTravel_0 : Who would believe me?

    G° : just asking?

    TimeTravel_0 : It my best defense.

    wyrmkin_37 : isnt celsium a higher class of quartz? dont know

    G° : but we don't have long to find out if you are or not

    TimeTravel_0 : Besides...do you know how big a hole 2 sigularites make when their magnetic filed colpases?

    G° : won't be long before CERN (?) make the discovery

    TimeTravel_0 : Thats right.

    G° : no

    TimeTravel_0 : Welll....either do I. But I don;t want to know.

  5. http://johntitor.strategicbrains.com/

    John Titor, is a soldier from 2036 of a different timeline (validating the multiverse theory) went back to 1975 to retrieve a IBM 5100 because of a UNIX problem in 2038 (yes this is proven to be true, thats how messed up it is). He stopped by 2000 to post online and for whatever reasons not revealed. Sounds ridiculously stupid and retarded right? Yip here is your specialty start reading some of the stuff he said.


    He actually answered all the questions posed to his; social, political and even physics with quantum mechanics. He had photos of his time machine taken; at first people thought it was hoax officially - that it is a radioation and toxic gas detector for VIPS in bomb shelters to use in the 1960s but it was DEBUNKED (the link I have)


    Time will tell, its 2004, he said to watch the signs from 2004-08 (it will be undeniable by 2008). I want you guys to remember, he has not be disproven yet since 2001. Some people say its the ultimate con, being not able prove or disaprove and such. Just watch 2004. I will most certainly even if this is a fictional piece, the political climate certainly is NOT.


    from http://s95036834.onlinehome.us/viewtopic.php?t=61


    I haven't had time to really read it over yet, but my friend said he can't find any holes in Titor's story yet.


    What about you guys?

    I know MrL, fafalone, atm, & Sayo usually spot holes where there are. But please, anyone with insight into this.





    THanks for your input so far sayo. But what my friend & I are wondering is if there is anything to disprove the story.

  6. Somewhat of a sidenote, but:


    I remember my music teacher telling me of when women were not allowed in the theatre/opera, so in order for directors to cast female roles, they would use neutered young males who hadn't gone through puberty prior to their neutering.



  7. MrL_JaKiri said in post # :


    We can see 4 dimensional objects, by creating perspective in 3D, similar to viewing pseudo3d objects in 2d.


    For instance, the university of warwick has a 3d imaging system that you can view a hypercube (for instance) in. I've seen one.



    Wait a min., let me see if i'm on the same page with you.


    The hypercube image is displayed in 3D space in reality?

  8. atinymonkey said in post # :

    Just for info, I can trace the family name my mothers side to around 900ad and my dad's back to the last Roman occupation of Britain. Records get a bit pointless past that point.





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