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Everything posted by ElasticCollision

  1. Astronomers claim to have discovered a giant cloud of gas surrounding the milky way, which is essentially invisible and was only seen by X-ray light being absorbed by charged oxygen atoms around the milky way. They claim that most galaxies could be surrounded by this "invisible" gas cloud. If this does answer the missing baryon problem, then does this mean dark matter can be entirely forgotten about? The article: http://www.space.com/17734-milky-way-galaxy-giant-gas-halo.html
  2. I think the closest anyone has ever come to finding out what "nothing" is was through studying the torricillian vacuum, because within this vacuum, there is not only no air, but there is supposedly "nothing" whatsoever. I think this was closely linked to the theory of virtual particles, as it was theorized that inside this vacuum of nothing, there were these "virtual particles" which come in and out of existence at random. I can remember watching an entire documentary about this, if I can find a link to it I'll be sure to post it.
  3. Now I can't flaw you on that, that would certainly be very progressive. I hope something like this is implemented to stop the decline of bee populations.
  4. Well I don't see why the pesticides having the same toxicity as nicotine is much of a point; Nicotine is highly toxic to humans, so the study + your claim only adds to my point that these pesticides are devastating to bees, and perhaps, going on your claim, dangerous to humans as well if these pesticides are still absorbed in the food when humans consume them. If anything is a valid argument to purchase organic foods, it is this.
  5. http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2012/04/09/mystery-of-the-disappearing-bees-solved/ A reason for everyone to only buy organic food perhaps? The use of these pesticides must stop.
  6. I believe that was only because Esquinazi and his team attempted to compact to doped graphite into pellets. If it were possible to keep the graphite as a powder, it should maintain its apparent superconductivity. So I suppose I should have been more clear: Could it be possible to apply the graphite in powder form to real world applications such as power cables, or would it definitely have to be in that pellet form?
  7. http://www.nature.com/news/tantalizing-hints-of-room-temperature-superconductivity-1.11443 Anyone got any thoughts on if this could be possible?
  8. I saw this article myself earlier. I really don't know much about how it would work; the whole idea of shrinking and expanding spacetime is confusing to me, but it would still be great to see this come to fruition.
  9. The best way to think of gravity is simply that it is an attraction caused by an object relative to it's mass. The easiest example being, of course: The Sun is larger than the Earth, therefore the Sun has a stronger gravity.
  10. This video has quite a good analysis of this subject.
  11. Obama - Change you can't believe in. Romney - Failure you can bet on.
  12. http://phys.org/news/2012-09-world-atomic-microscope-chemical-bonds.html
  13. I have been working for years on building roller skates for cats for the "FFS". These give off a toxic medicine gas and you cannot use them to make nukerlar racters (no matter how hard you hit your head), so stop not asking me for seeeeeecrits, they are secret secrets ADN I NEVER TELLING TO YOU THEM.

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