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Everything posted by r1dermon

  1. no, its not over. clinton lied about getting a BJ from a fat chick, he got impeached, bush lied about WMD's and as a result over 1000 soldiers have died fighting for a fictional centerpiece. i'd say that pretty damn impeachable.
  2. no, i dont know that, i dont know you, i have never conversed with you, therefore i dont KNOW that you would've done a better job. or even attempted to. and yes, i WILL drop it if you leave it alone. seriously, just get back to the topic at hand.
  3. NBC news reported that he had died last night, but they were unsure as well.
  4. subjunk, he wouldve found a better way to disguse himself, because we know about what he's doing...how in hell is that a contradiction. that states that he did an awful job covering up what he's doing. thats an educated guess. like a theory. like saying that the universe is still expanding. all theories. tell me how i contradicted myself in the previous paragraph though, that will be a good one. i said you have to be dedicated and have money to get a degree. smarts has nothing to do with it. other than basic smarts, which consist of "if i dont do the work(dedication) then i will fail to recieve a degree" where's the contradiction? atinymonkey, it really didnt look like a joke. and it was a bad one anyway. not only that, but you never sent the message that it was a joke. not until it was convenient for you to. but ok, i'll let it slide. try to analyze what i say in the future, instead of joking about it. if i get drafted by this imbucile in the white house, im going to be rip shit.
  5. atinymonkey, it obviously was, you came right out and stated something uttery retarded. in trying to flame me, you successfully made yourself look like you didnt pass 3rd grade english. anyway, smart has nothing to do with getting a degree, especially when you're a rich kin. smart is how you apply yourself to certain situations. dedicated is how you get a degree. if you have the money, you can get a degree with fair ease. all you have to do is do the work. its easy. if bush was smart, we wouldnt be in iraq. or, maybe he's a genius, and he went to iraq to rip the US off and get a huge margin of money from the american people to put it in all his business buddies pockets..but, if thats the case, then he would've figured out a better way to disguise his doings. because we all know about it. its just the radical rib eating, cow ranching, god fearing right wing that plays up LOVE for our nation that keep driving bush's bad policies upon the entire population. i get told all the time that bush is good because he stands by his decisions. he doesnt change course...well, thats a bad thing. that means he is not open minded, that means that even if he made a stupid ass decision(like going to iraq) he's not going to admit it was stupid, even if it was. he's just going to keep the course and let a bunch of soldiers die fighting for nothing. that sounds like a great cause to me.
  6. there have already been threads about that. try searching. they're pretty recent.
  7. im sure that drain cleaner acid will be a lot more dilute than a battery full of acid. i have no idea how much acid is in a bettery, but i've gotten a cupfull with more to spare inside out of a 40lb diehard. not too shabby.
  8. hey, atinymonkey, why dont you read my quote again....i seriously hope you're joking...read especially the part that says "one county" thats the interesting twist to your attempted flame job.
  9. thats wrong, im a liberal and i drive a dodge ram pickup truck. ahh, just like a shortsighted conservative radical to go generalizing...i've put up with a year and a half of being called a liberal like its a sin. its time for conservatives to grow up and get a little intelligence in that thing called a brain. conservative viewpoint consists of -if I dont have the ultimate power, then i'll shoot you, so i CAN have the ultimate power. and thats about it. can't blame em, all they do is shoot animals and then tell people that they should worship god because its right....thou shall not kill. america is saturated with hypocracy. i can't take it anymore.
  10. yeah, well bush should've done more to disassociate with the "swift boat veterins for truth" dumbasses. hey, out of the 200+ veterins for truth, only 1 had ever served with kerry...you want to talk about a smear campaign...i dont think moore hurt the dems, or soros, they got info out there. however, i have heard reports that in ohio bush got an automatic 4,000 votes on many voting machines. proven y the fact that in one county which was only less than 700 people in population, kerry got like 360votes and bush got more than 4,000 votes. hmmmmmm. there SHOULD be an investigation into the FOR PROFIT company which manufactures those voting machines, because they obviously rigged the hell out of them. but whatever, bush won fair and square. just like last election.
  11. so sulfuric acid basically dilutes itself? up to what point? will it just keep on going until its like 1% H2SO4? thats cool.
  12. umm, no. clinton wasnt a puppet like bush is. and yes, i think it was reported on CNN(granted, not unbiassed) a year ago that if hillary ran she would defeat anybody by at least 75% of the popular vote. i think it was a poll that they had conducted throughout the country. but, she said she wouldnt take a bid in the 04 election and she declined to comment on her chances in the 08 election, if she will be there or not.
  13. actually, this documentary was from the early 90's, so you're probably right. lol. outdated. sorry bout that.
  14. ashcroft spent 8 grand to cover a tit....i know what i'd like to do with 8 grand...and its not covering a tit. what did the republicans have to bitch about? i really dont think that its a good thing to be getting annoyed with the europeans. how would we ever build a coalition with that type of attitude. im sure(like many conservatives) you're a gung ho type of guy, lets kill em all ourselves and take no prisoners, we dont need no help. lets show everyone how tough we are. well, thats the WRONG mindset. with THAT type of mindset, you better believe that the death toll for americans would be WELL over 1000 people. im sure that you're pretty sorry for those 1000 soldiers families arent you? well, how would you feel if we cut off europe and our death toll rose? would that be the right thing to do for america? i give my hats off to the brittains for going to this moronic war with us. if it was all US soldiers over there...you better believe the death toll would've surely got kerry elected.
  15. 300,000+ per year along the mexican border. where did you get your stats of 3 million? i got 300,000 from a documentry on the border patrol.
  16. but then he kills you slowly, because thats false. he can't say just one word, because if its not a statement then it can be neither true OR false. if i say "bread" is that true or false...its neither. its not a statement of anything true or false. therefore it has to be a statement, like "bread is made of wheat" now, this statement would be a true statement, and as such, i would be killed swiftly. rephrase the entire story, or else a word cannot work by itself.
  17. obama is the man. i hope he takes a bid for president eventually. he's the man. he won by a HUGE margin. lol.
  18. it actually provides a delay and ejection charge as well. and they're fairly cheap, for an E9 motor with 9 Ns average thrust its 3 for 16 bucks, or so. here in the states that is. also, i have some composite aerotech motors in the G and F class. unfortunately, these cannot be shipped overseas or i'd gladly send a couple for 15 bucks a pop. they have ten second delays and use a composite propellent using ammonium perchlorate as an oxidiser. for more info check out http://www.aerotech-rocketry.com making rockets isnt so hard. as long as you can do a swing test. get an 8' length of string and tie it around the rocket at its balance point. then swing it around. if it dips its nose and wiggles around, then its unstable and you will need to add some noseweight. but if it stays horizontal then its fine and will fly straight up. E9-0's can be purchased with no delay, so as soon as the motor burns out, there is a flammable compound in the top of the motor which ignites and generates a good size flame. these are used to ignite second stages on two or three stage rockets. these are what should be used in converting a model rocket to a firework. i'd suggest a rather small diameter rocket that is recommended for an E9. if you can get ahold of some pyrodex, it works fine. go to a scrap yard and see if they have any magnesium or aluminum turnings lying around, grind them up a little until they're about the size of a BB. and then mix them with the pyrodex. here's the tricky part. if you fill the rocket with this mixture, 1st of all, it might be too heavy for that motor, second of all, it will all pile up on the top of the motor at the rear of the rocket, which means the rocket will be unstable and will fly everywhere once it leaves the rail. to fix this take a plastic baggie and fill THAT with the pyrodex mixture, then seal it and try to glue it to the top of the rocket, just below where the nose cone goes. i find that using some quickmatch works good, but you can use a fast burning visco fuse to ignite the bag. if you punch a hole in the bag and insert the fuse(be carefull not to make the hole too large) you can then run the fuse down to the motor and tac it to the top with some superglue. also, i find that the best reports are caused when the rockets nose cone is glued onto the top. a SHOWER of sparks will rain down once the rocket motor burns out. be careful though, if that rocket is light enough, an E9 can easily send it to 1000' or beyond. my estes eliminator rocket had an apogee beeping altimeter in it on an E9 and it reached 1560' at 4.6oz and no wind. not too shabby. i've made a catherine wheel with a steel pipe, two pvc pipes and caps, a nail and two F20-7W composite motors. they burn for about 3 seconds. with this setup it is advisable to grind the edges of the pipe where the nail is inserted so that they are smooth, and also lubricate the nail with some 80W oil. use nothing but JB weld or some other EXTREMELY strong glue(2 ton epoxy will also work, just remember to sand the joints before applying the glue) i then inserted the motors into the PVC tubes and friction fit them with masking tape. then i superglued the aft end to the pvc pipe. the whole pipe was 10" long and each side was 5". composite motors are weird to light, they are core burners, unlike estes motors which are end burners, which means the igniters need to be inserted all the way up the motor. these motors are also a little tougher to light. so to get them to light on time isnt that easy. but if you set it up right, then it should work. these motors must've spun that pole a couple thousand rpms. the nail was glowing red and smoke started pouring from the telephone pole where it was mounted. the best thing about rocket motors is they have a delay grain with tracking smoke, so after the burnout it lets off a TON of smoke. it was a giant smoke ring. pretty cool stuff. if anyone wants to check out a G motor, PM me, i've got several G80-10T motors on hand, the most powerful motor that will be sold to anyone in america that is not TRA or NAR certified.
  19. technically a president can serve for 10 years, and two terms and a half. because if they are VP and the president dies, and they takeover within the last two years of presidency, then they can be re-elected twice. equalling ten years. i think thats how it went, i remember learning about it in history class. grade 7.
  20. douglas, why should the dems NOT bitch for a week or two, we're trying to emulate the republicans... RE-ELECT GORE!!!
  21. ok, im not talking about the military absentee ballots, im talking about the OHIO absentee ballots. where people were declined the right to vote by republicans who challenged them at the polls. all because they didnt bring ID. so they went and got absentee ballots at the town hall where they live and cast them there. these votes totalled approximately 450,000 and kerry was trailing ohio by 150,000 votes. it is suggested that the majority of those votes would be in favor of john kerry, and that ohio has 10 days to open them and count them immediately following the election.
  22. if hillary runs in 08 she will win by a wide margin. probably larger than the what was it...72' election, where nixons challenger only got one state...MA. lol. the biggest democrat slam dunk in the nation.
  23. lol douglas, as reported by who? fox news? think about this, the conservatives are not letting people vote at their precinct, so they go to town hall and file an absentee ballot, now, why would conservatives turn away republicans voting for bush? they wouldnt, so, show me where it is proven that absentee ballots heavily favor republicans. especially in this race, where the absentee ballots are not wholly comprised of 60+ year old voters. but it really doesnt matter, because bush won anyway.
  24. kerry concedes ohio, bush wins second term officially.
  25. it remains to be seen. its funny how the republicans challenged voter eligability. desperation...OHIO is still not decided, kerry needs 150,000 votes, and there are almost half a million absentee ballots that have not been opened, not only that, but the people voting on absentee ballots were likely the people turned away by conservatives. hey blike, if bush is president and reinstates the draft, i hope you and all your republican buddies are the first ones drafted. that should be the rule, anyone who votes for bush should be the ones drafted.
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