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Everything posted by Callipygous

  1. Callipygous

    Human shrink

    if you search online im positive you can find some ankle straps that will allow you to hang upside down in your closet a few hours a day. : D (WOOOOOT 1000th post : D )
  2. lol. thats a joke right? just off his basic facts, theres a 50% chance god doesnt exist at all, which sort of ruins his whole calculation.
  3. or more accurately (since evolution doesnt have a mind) those who enjoyed sex procreated. those who didnt enjoy sex didnt survive into future generations.
  4. thats pretty close to what i took from it... but its not really what i was talking about. i dont mean a desire to use someone to get off and then never see them again. its more that it doesnt require an emotional relationship. just like if you had a deep conversation with someone... are you likely to never see that person again, or if it was truely an interesting conversation would you be more likely to keep in touch? you may, or you may not, but either way, they wouldnt make sure you were going to stick around before they spoke to you. i still think my last post is valid. masturbation is purely about self gratification. the idea is two people who are attracted to each other having a good time, and as i said before... sex is better when you know your partner is enjoying it. im sure there are plenty of situations where someone wants sex just to have another person there to get themself off, but thats not the kind of thing im talking about. if i were a good partner, and wanted to have a truely enjoyable experience for both me and the girl im with, but was only interested in having a sexual relationship, (which would be enjoyable and gratifying for both sides) i would generally be considered shallow. that isnt me wanting to, essentially, masturbate in a girl, its me wanting to share an experience with her. just a particular type of experience.
  5. this sounds very much like the words of a virgin. while in some cases this may be true, i think the sentiment ive been giving off with my posts is very much about two people, who are mutually attracted, getting together and having a good time and helping each other have a pleasurable experience. sex is really far more enjoyable when you know your partner is having a good time too. masturbation doesnt match what im talking about.
  6. the one i like is when you reverse stairway to heaven and it talks a lot about satan. the verse you wanna switch is one that happens to be complete nonsense when played forward: if theres a bustle in your hedgerow dont be alarmed now. its just a spring clean for the may queen. yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run theres still time to change the road your on.
  7. religion ruins yet another potentially wonderful thing... sigh maybe itll fade out : P
  8. id like to show *her* the time of *my* life.... nice my question is really, why is that the case? why isnt sex something you do with people you like, or feel an attraction to in order for both of you to feel good and have some fun? why have we, or our society, evolved in such a way that sex is something that requires a deep emotional connection to not be considered shallow? im probably about to get a bunch of the women yelling at me, but... its largely a physical act, so why doesnt it only require physical connections? put another way...if you had a deep conversation with someone, even though your not attracted to them, that wouldnt be considered shallow. why is it that you cant have a deep physical connection with someone, even though your not emotional attached to them, without being called shallow? in case anyone is getting the wrong idea here... im not saying i think we should all go out and have casual sex. im asking why it is that we (me included) dont think of it the way i discribed above.
  9. it seems to me that sex is one of the closest, most personal things you can do with another person. why is wanting to have sex with someone seen as shallow?
  10. its the.... eye of the tiger! its the..... i dont see how you can say any kind of music is less artistic, but i also dont know to argue that in any convincing way, so... bleh : P
  11. id give quotes that i think contradict that, but that would just single people out, probably start arguments, and drag the thread off course, and its not really the purpose of the thread anyways. if it helps, feel free to just ignore that first paragraph.
  12. i think a lot of the posters in this thread need to take a step back and think about other points of view. most of the judgements im seeing here are based on your own preferences, but arent phrased as such. what makes good music? does it have to have good lyrics? does it need to make you want to dance? does it have to touch you emotionally? if theres one thing rap is good at, its making people want to dance, which is what i personally look for in most of my music. something that has such a good beat, and sounds so good, that you find yourself moving to the music without trying to. i dont see how its all that much different from other forms of music. 1. anyone who thinks it doesnt take any talent needs to try to talk that fast, that clearly, in time to the music, and still have the words actually rhyme and form complete thoughts. (and yes, it does. just because you cant pick it out if hes talking too fast doesnt mean hes not actually saying anything). 2. its NOT all songs about bitches and hos. thats a stereotype, its not true of all rap. (and other genres swear and talk about prostitutes and drugs too, its just a little harder to pick out) 3. while the lyrics of many rap songs are not very solid, that's not specific to rap. there are plenty of songs in other genres that have nothing but 2 or 3 sentences repeated through the whole thing.
  13. some far less disgusting looking grills, equally tacky tho... http://www.grillsbypaulwall.com/mm5/merchant.mvc
  14. im gonna go with 2, assuming that the 20 refers to the points, and that it is two 1/5 carat diamonds, one on the bottom and one on the top.
  15. "grill" is a piece of jewlery worn over the teeth, excessively shiny, generally with lots of diamonds. for more information, listen to "grillz" by nelly, featuring paul wall. mo= more : ) as for the brain buster... i dont know, but if it were 30 down at the bottom 30 mo at the top,(only invisible set, and little ice cube blocks) and i wanted to call it a drink id call it a smile on the rocks.
  16. it will also be that time and date again for us in the US, about 12 hours later. : )
  17. i have a little info to add on the situation. im not sure what any of it means, or if its helpful, but... if i enter one number, then tell it to solve, it does it. if i enter another number and press solve, it will do it as long as its not the same number as the first one, but it wont do a third. if i enter two numbers and tell it to solve it will do it, and then stop. if i enter one number, solve, and then enter the same number in a different spot, it stops. by "it will do it" i mean it prints out all the right messages, draws new numbers to the screen, and it keeps going through the do while loop. by "it stops" i mean it completely drops out of the do while loop, although it still responds to mouse clicks, and the solve button. it just never actually solves, and it doesnt draw any new numbers to the screen.
  18. i dont call solve inside the action listener because i wanted it to be in an infinite loop before. after i knew it could actually solve it i was planning on fixing it to not be an infinite loop, and stop solving when its all filled in. the if(solvePressed==true) loop was only added as a troubleshooting measure. the action listener sets solvePressed to true each time i click solve, i know its working because i tell it to print out solvePressed each time, and it keeps telling me True when i press the button. i put another println at the very begining of solve, and i only ever see it once.
  19. bleh. progress has certainly been made, but ive hit another snag. as part of my problem solving for why it never fills in any numbers, i set it up to wait for me to hit solve again after each time through all the squares. i discovered that despite the fact that solve() is placed inside an infinite loop (do{}while(true); ) and the fact that it does set solvePressed to true each time, it doesnt ever actually go through the solve function again. any ideas why? import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.Image.*; public class sudokuWork extends Frame { nineGrid[][] grids= new nineGrid[3][3]; Image theBuffer; Graphics BGraphic; boolean newEqu=true; boolean solvePressed=false; public sudokuWork() { //set up the menu bar MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Menu menuFile = new Menu(); MenuItem menuFileExit = new MenuItem(); MenuItem menuFileNew= new MenuItem(); Menu menuSolve=new Menu(); MenuItem menuSolveSolve=new MenuItem(); menuFile.setLabel("File"); menuFileExit.setLabel("Exit"); menuFileNew.setLabel("New"); menuSolve.setLabel("Solve"); menuSolveSolve.setLabel("Solve!"); menuSolveSolve.addActionListener ( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { solvePressed=true; System.out.println(solvePressed); } } ); // Add action listener.for the menu button menuFileExit.addActionListener ( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sudokuWork.this.windowClosed(); } } ); menuFileNew.addActionListener ( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ newEqu=true; } } ); menuFile.add(menuFileNew); menuFile.add(menuFileExit); menuBar.add(menuFile); menuSolve.add(menuSolveSolve); menuBar.add(menuSolve); setTitle("Sudoku!"); setMenuBar(menuBar); setSize(new Dimension(500, 500)); setVisible(true); // Add window listener. this.addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { sudokuWork.this.windowClosed(); } } ); theBuffer= createImage(getWidth(),getHeight()); BGraphic= theBuffer.getGraphics(); } public void play() { initializeGrid(); for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2; p++) { for(int m=0; m<=2; m++) { for(int n=0; n<=2; n++) { this.add(grids[i][p].getGrid(m,n)); } } } } do { //System.out.println("wtf is it doing here?"); if(solvePressed==true) { solve(); solvePressed=false; } drawButtons(BGraphic); paint(getGraphics()); }while(true); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if(BGraphic == null) { System.out.println("BGraphic is null"); } else { try { g.drawImage(theBuffer,0,0,this); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("problem drawing image because" + e.toString()); } } } private void initializeGrid() { int length=400; int width=400; System.out.println("initializing the grid"); for(int i=0; i<=2;i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2; p++) { //System.out.println(i + " " + p); grids[i][p]= new nineGrid(length,width); try { grids[i][p].initialize(i*(length/3),p*(length/3)); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("problem because" + e.toString()); } } } } public void solve() { System.out.println("Solvin!"); //go through each square, starting at top left, moving down and right through that section, then moving down and left through the sections for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2; p++) { for(int m=0; m<=2; m++) { for(int n=0; n<=2; n++) { //////////////////////////////////end of moving//check if that box is known//////////////// if((grids[i][p].getGrid(m,n)).isKnown()) { int counter=0; while(Math.pow(3, counter)!=grids[i][p].getGrid(m,n).getTotal()) { counter++; } ////////if it is known, go to all its shared rows, columns, and sections, and remove that number///////// for(int r=0;r<=2;r++) { for(int c=0;c<=2;c++) { //System.out.println("removed:" + counter + "From" + r + "," + p + "," + c +","+n); grids[r][p].getGrid(c,n).removeNum(counter); grids[i][r].getGrid(m,c).removeNum(counter); grids[i][p].getGrid(r,c).removeNum(counter); System.out.println(grids[i][p].getGrid(r,c).getTotal()); } } } } } } } int numsleft=0; for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2; p++) { for(int m=0; m<=2; m++) { for(int n=0; n<=2; n++) { grids[i][p].getGrid(m,n).checkFound(); } } numsleft+=grids[i][p].checkEmpties(); } } System.out.println("numsLeft=" +numsleft); } private void drawButtons(Graphics BGraphic) { for(int i=0; i<=2;i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2; p++) { grids[i][p].draw(BGraphic); } } } protected void windowClosed() { // TODO: Check if it is save to close the application // Exit application. System.exit(0); } public void pause(long milliPause)// leave this alone! // continues to query the system for the time until the first time - current time // exceeds the long passed into the function { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while(System.currentTimeMillis()-start < milliPause) { // do nothing } } }
  20. my intelligence. i pick things up much quicker than people around me generally do. ive met people who are smarter than me, but very rarely. ive also met people with much greater knowledge than me, especially here, but also rarely. (part of that is environment though. im not exactly hanging out at harvard these days) currently, i work harder than most of my coworkers, generally walking around a group of chatting people while doing a job they should be helping with. and lastly, probably the one that makes me the most happy, ive heard that im "soooo cute" from girls who didnt know i was still in hearing range on more than one occasion. : D
  21. you mean add the =new box() line? all better. if im allowed to be stupid one time im allowed to do it twice, right? : D now i just have to work out how to do input and the logic and all that.
  22. i tried it like that and with the first line above the try() the reason i have an initialize function is to set the location. each nineGrid is laid out next to the other ones (sudoku). nineGrids import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.Color.*; public class nineGrid extends Component{ private int xCoor; private int yCoor; private int length=30; private int width=30; private box[][] boxes= new box[3][3]; public nineGrid() { } public void draw(Graphics g) { for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2;p++) { boxes[i][p].draw(g); } } } public void initialize(int a, int b) { yCoor=(10*(width+5))+a; xCoor=(10*(length+5))+b; for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { for(int p=0; p<=2;p++) { boxes[i][p].initialize(i,p); } } } } thinking about it now, i probably could do it in the constructor but it doesnt really matter, cause i hit the same problem when it gets to the draw function
  23. its still giving me the same error.
  24. so could i just add this line before the error? grids[p]= new nineGrid();
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