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Posts posted by dimreepr

  1. You would only take a pendulum/force meter if you suspected you were being duped otherwise it would be relatively easy to fake the plane ride itself, without the need to immerge in a different airport (though given the relative uniformity of a lot of airport interiors not unworkable unless you go outside). Certainly within the budget of the BBC, providing it is entertaining enough. The unsuspecting dupe would turn up at an airport and be ushered into a plane like environment attached to a simulator, the night time graphics would be relatively easy to simulate to someone unsuspecting. The only foreseeable problem is if the dupe is a frequent flyer that could tell the difference between simulated acceleration and the real stuff; most of us probably couldn’t. As to creating a Truman type simulation indoors ok, outside no way.

  2. “God is the sum of all that exists” We all know the answer to this sum, 42 of course...wink.png

    As a side note I’d like to suggest a variance to Godwin’s law ‘Give any religious thread long enough and somebody will quote Douglas Adams’ I win smile.png

  3. I’ve ridden almost everything from a 50cc peddle moped that could barely attain 30mph to a 1000cc sports bike with 145bhp that could reach well into 190’s mph and I’ve enjoyed every single mile. I thought I’d start this thread for my fellow enthusiasts; Let me know your likes, dislikes and any anecdotes you’d care to share.


    My best bike was my Triumph 675 Daytona, very light and quick with excellent handling, awesome through the twisty lanes in my native Gloucestershire; it never failed to put a smile on my face.


    My worst was a Chinese built 125cc 4 stroke gutless wonder (the wonder was it made it the 6 miles to work each day), almost every bolt needed tightening even the spokes (almosted crashed before I discover that).


    When I started riding I had a 125cc scrambler that had such bad lights that one foggy night I rode through a field for almost half a mile before noticing, it was a lane that had a 90 degree bend that I failed to see, lucky the gate was left open.


  4. Science = The Black Hole War - Leonard Susskind

    Science fiction = The Foundation series - Isaac Asimov and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams

    Serious fiction = Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

    Comedy fiction = Discworld series – Terry Pratchett

    These are my favourites ATM many more on the shortlist and due to my fickle nature will probably be different next week or, indubitably, my next change of mood/underwear.



    It’s well known that the heart contains neurons, a type called ‘neuro-myo-cytes’ that enables the heart to work independent of the brain, however the heart and the brain do have some connection/interaction. There is a lot of, admittedly anecdotal, evidence that propose a personality can change when a heart is transplanted.







    So my question, can the heart have a minor, major or decisive role in the decision processes of the brain?



  6. The Jesuit saying "Give me a child for his first seven years and I'll give you the man" pretty much sums it up for me and let’s be honest how many are brought up in an entirely secular environment? So we generally see that most/all have at least questioned the idea of a god. I think your idea is just an extension of a natural superstitious inclination, one that we share with many other animals.

  7. Aha, im not doin a very good job here lol, i didnt want to imply you *ALWAYS* have to kill your own meat, just that if your not capable of killing an animal your obviously sentient enough to not need processed meat.....its almost like they couldnt do it themselves so they hide it away, out in the countryside where they cant see the animal get killed. I have 3 criteria i think people should tick before buying meat.....if they dont they shouldnt.



    Do you need the meat to survive?

    Can you kill your own meat?

    Had that animal had a free life?


    In some respects I agree with you, in that, a large number of people are somewhat detached from the realities of killing and eating animal flesh, and that this detachment allows some companies methods of husbandry to become dubious (to say the least) and cruelty follows. Unlike you, though, I think people need only be educated in the realities; rather than forced to do without an important foodstuff.

    Split Infinity’s point, although laudable (in a way), is just not feasible certainly not for all (especially here in the UK) and hunters definitely don’t have exclusivity in the knowledge and empathy of the sacrifice made to enable humans to eat meat. Knowing a number of hunters of a like mind doesn’t show that all hold the same views ergo hunting, is no guaranty of an ethical approach.

    As to your questions:

    1 This has already been debated in this thread and renders the question somewhat moot.

    2 Again this question is moot as the majority are unable due to regulations.

    3 What animal, including humans, has a free life? Question, again moot.





    I dont disagree with eating meat persay, just the current system where animals are mis-treated and generally tortured


    If humans need meat and kill it for themselves then there is no issue.


    I have a smallholding on which I have 4 pigs, 12 geese, 10 ducks and 9 chickens, it was 10 chickens but we had a visit from the local fox. I guess the fact that the fowl are killed by me means, by your standard, I can go ahead and eat them, thanks. Unfortunately by this same standard I’m unable to eat the pork, regulations demand the pigs are sent to the abattoir for dispatch. By all means please protest any and all cruelty you find few here would argue against that, I for one would join you, but to argue that eating meat, unless killed personally, automatically results in cruelty/torture is not justified and insults those that run a farm designed with animal care in mind.






    It is an offence to cause or permit an animal avoidable excitement, pain or suffering. There are also specific rules on handling, stunning, slaughter or killing of animals. In particular:

    • anyone carrying out any of

      these tasks must have the knowledge and skill to do their job humanely and


    • slaughtermen must be

      competent and hold a Registered Licence;

    • in every slaughterhouse a

      competent person must be given authority to take action to safeguard

      welfare; and

    • only permitted methods may

      be used to stun or kill animals.





    You continue to use the very emotive term ‘murder’, not only, incorrectly but it is as previously stated a strawman, please stop.


    In your post #28 you ask “if you was a cow what would you want to do?” what you seem to not appreciate is what the animals get from the relationship: Security from predation (if you want a definition of ‘cruelty’ watch a pack of wolves take down an elk), guaranteed food supply, shelter from the extremes of winter and a guaranteed health program.


    Farmers, at least the dozen or so that I know, would be extremely upset at your line of argument and casual generalizations of cruelty and murder, they all take great pride in their husbandry skills and the strides, both they and governments take in order to alleviate cruelty and develop every more humane ways to dispatch livestock.


    Nobody in this thread has suggested cruelty doesn’t exist, we’ve all seen the videos of malpractice in the farming world, but these are the extreme and most governments are trying to regulate against such practices. It’s like arguing “because some people drive recklessly cars should be banned”.



  10. What other options are there?


    This question is indeed an ethical minefield, on one hand we have a huge industry that is profit driven and needs regulation, on the other hand we have a huge domesticated animal population that couldn’t possibly just be left to their own devices.


    When we develop a more practical alternative to meat, the domesticated animal population can be reduced to a sustainable level. Social pressure and generational trends will take care of those who are reluctant to try the alternatives. In the meantime we can do little else but do as the EU tries to do and regulate the industry to minimise cruelty.

  11. Sibling rivalry aside, suggesting an incestuous relationship is the only or prime cause for suicide is just plain ridiculous not to mention idiotic, how is that not disrespectful to those who are truly suffering?

  12. There are many reasons for suicide (I should know I tried once) the OP seems to be trying to be controversial for the sake of it and
    offers little other than that. The suggestion that it equates to sibling rivalry is at best pure speculation at worst it’s just bloody disrespectful of those who are truly suffering.

  13. I couldn't disagree more.


    The assertion that the ancients were so superstitious and incapable that they could only have used ramps is the greatest insult ever heeped on a people. It's also unevidenced, debunked, and flies in the face of common sense.




    I was clearly replying to samjase’s post #36, that the ancients were helped by aliens. The only assertion I made was that people have tried to work out ‘how these monoliths/pyramids might have been moved/built’.


    Within this context your reply makes little sense.




  14. A plane typically uses a blade that is chiselled, normally 25-30 degrees, which is what causes the fibres of the wood to stretch on one side. It does though depend on the depth of the cut a very thin shaving is often straight.

  15. I don’t think the exploration of sexuality by children via adults is intrinsically harmful, given the exploration is initiated by the child. I can’t, however, see a safe way to determine which child is the explorer and which child has been coerced or groomed. Adults grooming children use a variety of psychological methods which often leave the children confused and vulnerable. It’s far safer to let it remain illegal and socially unacceptable.

  16. People’s, apparent, need to conform is a large part of what I thought of as faith, in the right conditions most will believe black = white,
    given enough people agreeing. Individualism is what we all strive for and yet mostly it’s within a prescribed, socially based norm. Perversely, faith, in this age seems to buck the modern science backed trend of empiricism and is claimed, it seems, by the truly individual.

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