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Posts posted by dimreepr

  1. Disjointed as Matt's opening post is, your assertion that people choose to be depressed is unsupported. What evidence do you have for your assertion other than anecdotal experience? Moreover, can you support the idea that depressed folks blame others for their condition?


    Depression (mood) @ Wiki




    I didn’t assert people choose to be depressed, my assertion, is that in a depressed state we have the choice and in this particular case the choice seems to be blaming others.


    No excuse here. This is because I have given a rational and valid basis for my theory which would be my explanation as to why the moral version of good and bad is a mocking/insulting lie towards people who struggle with depression such as me. Someday, I wish to have my theory tested somehow



    Really? Please elaborate in simple terms, so I can understand.


    I don't know of any evidence since I am not a scientist myself and am unaware of the evidence that exists in this world. But I do have a rational and valid basis as to why which would be everything I explained about how the moral version of good and bad is a mocking/insulting lie towards people such as me who struggle with depression and anhedonia.



    Good and bad isn’t relevant to anhedonia.


    In my experience we have a choice; be depressed and blame others, or determine your own path.


    It’s much easier to blame others and expect them to appease your passage.


    Why did You not just watch from the sidelines Dim and learn instead of jumping in with Your limited knowledge on this subject?


    In case you miss the point.




    Was that the sort of information you were looking for or not? Why do you not acknowledge information provided? Why do you answer every question with a question?


    And why he is so angry at being corrected?


    No one can know everything, so I welcome being shown why I’m wrong; how else do we learn?


    I can’t understand why people, such as Ant, consider assumption supersedes evidence; or why it matters so much?

  6. https://www.google.co.uk/search?redir_esc=&client=ms-android-h3g-gb&hl=en-GB&safe=images&q=population%20of%20switzerland&source=android-browser-type&qsubts=1439652568259


    I can't see the point in carrying this on any further as no matter what is discussed here, it will alter nothing CERN will do and hope You're correct about the "mumbo-jumbo",

    but if I were rich I wouldn't like to think My gold bullion was 'safely' stored in a Swiss vault.



    I can’t see the point in starting this thread; “as no matter what is discussed here” will alter nothing that is recognised as real or “mumbo jumbo”.

    But if I were rich I wouldn’t like to think my gold was stored, rather than usefully distributed.


    Even if some nut job predicted its demise.

  7. “Then, he zeroed in on his research about gay marriage. He said: “In recent time I found that gay marriage,which is homosexuality and lesbianism, is eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world and this was why nations of Sodom and Gomora were destroyed by God because they were into gay practice. That is, a man marrying another man and a woman marrying another woman.


    I think I have zeroed in on the problem; he studied the bible far more than his physics text books.

  8. Say we wake up one day to find the earth rotating in the opposite direction. What would be different besides the sun rising in the west?


    Ignore the physics of accomplishing such a feat and let's assume everything has stabilized (tides, winds, etc). Just wondering about the effects - especially on the living things.





    In a similar fashion, what would be different if our path around the sun changed direction?



    If we ignore the physics then nothing, otherwise we'd all be floating in space.


    What is unclear about this ?


    You don't go to your neighbour's house and shoot him, if you know he's got a gun.

    The nazis and Japan wouldn't 've bombed the shit out of hostile cities if they had realized their enemies would soon have the same capabilities.


    You can add additional reasons why some people don't do immoral things, they can be taught things, made to believe things,

    and even move to a place where no polar bears live,

    But their validity does not invalidate other reasons.



    When viewed in context it's clear to me but you seem to be struggling.


    Maybe that's no cold hard scientific data, but it certainly is relevant data.






    Surprisingly, Harold Squared has basically answered for me but to add.


    Whether they would or not depends on many things and falls within a bell curve and so maybe they would and maybe they wouldn’t.


    The point is there is no data, because the only time nukes have been used is when no one else had them, so we have no idea if we are safer with nukes or without them; especially when considered on a country by country basis.

    And when considered on that basis I only see a legitimate argument for three countries to maintain a nuclear arsenal; America, Russia and China basically because they would cancel each other out politically and let’s face it they’re the only counties that can afford to maintain a significant arsenal.



    When there are only three countries it would be much easier to negotiate a nuke by nuke reduction and over time the numbers could reach a critical point where the maintenance would seem pointless so the deactivation would accelerate to the point that the threat is meaningless for almost all.


    Would Iraq have been invaded had they actually possessed serious weapons-of-mass destruction(WMDs) or even MAD-capabilities ?



    Surprisingly, Harold Squared has basically answered for me but to add.


    Whether they would or not depends on many things and falls within a bell curve and so maybe they would and maybe they wouldn’t.


    The point is there is no data, because the only time nukes have been used is when no one else had them, so we have no idea if we are safer with nukes or without them; especially when considered on a country by country basis.

    And when considered on that basis I only see a legitimate argument for three countries to maintain a nuclear arsenal; America, Russia and China basically because they would cancel each other out politically and let’s face it they’re the only counties that can afford to maintain a significant arsenal.


    Has there ever been an invasion of(or nuclear attack on) a country that has nuclear weapons ?



    My anti-polar bear fence has been 100% successful, yet my Canadian cousin’s fence fails every time.


    Would the Ukraine have been safe with a nuclear arsenal? My guess, given the way Putin attacked, is no.

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