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Posts posted by Appolinaria

  1. Appolinaria,





    Do think you are onto something. Not sure I see the reasoning, why those different entities would go particularly with each concept. Perhaps you can explain a bit, but I like your thought...




    Add rktpo...




    And Freud with the Id, Ego, Super Ego.


    And Hegel with Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.



    There seems to me to be a theme here, that is not foreign to anyone.


    Like you say. Same concept. Different quantities.


    Interesting to me, that there is this "meaning" that seems very understandable and real to all, that is argued about and denied, simply because the phrasing is different, and the conclusions drawn somewhat arbitrary and/or self serving.


    I would like to throw into the mix the concepts of 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person.


    Seems all languages have the concepts of I, you, and he/she/it.


    Who and what we put in the we camp with us, probably has a lot to do with the credos we go by. What "we" believe.


    Seems relevant to me, to consider the "translation" between one's own credo, and "their" credo.


    Not to say that the conclusions are not dissimilar. But the meaning behind the belief in question, might very well be the same meaning behind the credo of the "other". This guess is based on the fact that there is only one reality and "we" (who or whatever, that group may consist of) are in and of it.


    Regards, TAR2




    Probably got the ideas from Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall.. I made a chart from all of the trinities I came across, whether elements or celestial bodies, etc... and attributed them to the Father/Son/Holy Ghost trinity. Made it a few years back while kind of lightly reading... there is logic to it. I need to go back and re-read it more thoroughly, though. I think chapter 33 stood out to me most. It's available in it's entirety online, if you want to read it out of curiosity.

  2. rktpro


    Thanks for the offer to help me with God but no thanks. I am covered.


    "r6. He can never be! He remains inside you even if you are against him."




    He can be whenever we decide to create a new God.


    God is in man's hands. Not man in Gods.










    Do you not know for sure?








    Ah... yes.... good human.... I am God.... you have discovered me.... please turn to page 63 to see your fate.



  3. If there is a pattern then in theory prime numbers have a rule which will let us determine their appearances... I hope so atleast! :)


    In 1975, number theorist Don Zagier commented that primes both


    "grow like weeds among the natural numbers, seeming to obey no other law than that of chance [but also] exhibit stunning regularity [and] that there are laws governing their behavior, and that they obey these laws with almost military precision."


    http://www.dailymail...istics-PhD.html <--- view this link.




    while you're at it, please sign this form confirming I'll make 50% of earnings for the crucial moral support I've supplied.

  4. It is surely not being suggested that the prime numbers have this feature by accident surely? The fact the prime numbers exhibits this pattern is due to some inherent mathematical factor. I was close to saying a numerological factor there... but I think it is deeper than that.


    Sounds intriguing. I believe absolutely everything contains a pattern, some are just too complex for us to perceive.

  5. This is true. At the time, I felt your tampering with the North Korean/Iranian technology transfers went beyond the purview of the administrative tasks John had assigned to you. While your success in the endeavor doesn't make me wrong, I'm forced to admit that this country, and indeed the entire free world, owes you a debt of gratitude.




    do explain.

  6. If she's taking small amounts as to go undetected, then it's probably not a power struggle. She obviously doesn't want you to know.

    Majority of the time, I want snacks late at night all of the time too... ice cream, potato chips, etc... Who doesn't?

    If she's healthy... who really cares in the grand scheme of things?


    Let her live a little... sad.gif

  7. That's a fine premise for a really good question, but I wonder what data (if any) supports the premise. Perhaps... if no one has compiled data to support or reject the assumption... we could do it ourselves.


    Norway (and specifically, its GDP) I see was given in that regard, but looking at the top few countries listed by GDP per capita, I see that a good deal of the top listings (4 of the top 6 for example) do legislate the death penalty which stands out as the most severe punishment.


    So... Our example would seem to have a selection bias.




    Of course, lowering the rate of murder isn't the only reason for the death penalty, so I don't know what you mean by "the problem". You could try telling a person on death row that we are executing them in order to deter future acts of the crime he/she committed, but I'm sure you couldn't get the words out because it would sound and it would be unfair.


    Sometimes the prevalence of crime may have nothing to do with the severity of punishment. To use the same example, in Norway there is more rape going on than in almost all other countries which track that sort of thing. I wouldn't assume this has anything to do with the severity of punishment for that crime either way.


    Too many people, in my opinion, are willing to blindly assume that liberal justice and punishment are inexorably linked with economic development. There are counterexamples. The axis powers of WWII had some really grotesque counterexamples.



    The problem is homicide occurring. I could argue that rehabilitation would be more effective, since many death row inmates have prior felonies.




    According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics: Capital Punishment for 2009, of death row inmates, "65.7% had prior felony convictions." Source.


    Since it's clear that the death penalty doesn't deter one from committing murder- if proper psychological rehabilitation was used when these inmates committed their prior felonies, as opposed to just meaningless incarceration, would the homicide following them have occurred?

  8. If I am Alpha/Omega= I am the first and last. I am the father, and son. God is not solely the father, or solely the son. He is the manifestation of both father & son, the relationship of the two.


    This idea is exactly the same as the trinity.


    Same concept, different quantity.

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