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Posts posted by Appolinaria

  1. I think one of the most beautiful things about being human is our ability to make decisions.


    Computers work based on what they're told to do, they have a preset reaction to things, and everything they do is predicted since we decide it. No matter how advanced we get with technology, I don't think we will ever be able to recreate the peculiar aspects that drive us to make decisions.


    As humans, we are constantly balancing emotion & logic. We don't eat that extra piece of chocolate cake because we know we shouldn't overindulge and poison our body with excess food- using logic over a passionate, bodily-driven emotion. However, emotions are important as well, because they allow us to have empathy and help others. In my opinion, this hastens evolution, because through compassion we, for example, keep others from making the same mistakes we did. Society errs from enjoying gladiators killing each other at a coliseum and other pursuits are delved into.... such as technology & science! We become more compassionate and less animalistic.


    Also, what's peculiar about humans is our ability to create. Every idea is based off a previous one. We create more advanced versions of a previous, similar model. True genius is being able to come up with a very advanced, innovative idea based on where we are standing.... and many humans have demonstrated this quality.




    As for WHY decisions are made in history, I think everything follows a pattern, it's probably just too complicated for us to perceive.... we would have to observe events & when they occur over a very long period of time to record a pattern to make predictions from.


    Hopefully I was on the right track with your topic =p

  2. It depends on how you define love. Love isn't a measurable thing, it's up to your own perception.


    Maybe to some love is passion, nurturing and intense feelings... therefore, indifference would be the opposite of love.


    Often times immense hatred comes from being denied/rejected, or from secretly being jealous of someone out of admiration... which is not indifference. So I don't see hatred as being the opposite of love, I think it actually stems from the same place.


    That's how I see it at least.

  3. I'm not really too familiar with physics or science in general, so please excuse the fact that some of these questions might be elementary or just plain dumb... I'm sure you get a lot of these!


    a. Is the third dimension essentially the addition of time? doesn't depth slow the speed of light, causing time? how would light act in a 2D world?


    b. If we take a 2D shape, and apply it to a 3D model, such as squares to a cube, are we doing the same with a tesseract? applying 3D models into a 4D model, like the 3D object is a face of the tesseract? can we use this simple structure to conclude anything about time and perhaps infer something about the 4th dimension? What I've really been thinking about is this; take our 3D whole universe and have it be represented as a 3D cube. Now take that cube, and apply it to a tesseract. In this proposed system, wouldn't that mean that our whole 3D existence is being put into motion and changing, which would prove that we have multiple universes coexisting? BASICALLY I'm just trying to figure out what exactly is happening in a tesseract.... I'm not clever enough to understand it yet, haha.


    c. If we went the speed of light, and our physical form allowed it, would we be conscious of everything all at once? and if we were capable of slowing down to not moving at all, would we be in a state of complete unconscious?


    d. If the universe is constantly outwardly expanding, is there a core of the universe that gets more dense, or something like that? what I mean is, is there some kind of reverse effect because of the expansion?


    e. If energy cannot be created or destroyed, is that just relative to our surroundings? or is it true even with the big bang?



    thank youuuuu.

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