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Everything posted by Physia

  1. Physia

    SFN Elections

    That I only support republicans, and it's nothing to be shy about anyways. Neither parties will be able to change the road the United States is in.
  2. Physia

    SFN Elections

    Ron Paul, simple. Hilary Clinton has been getting on my nerves lately. Read this little article:
  3. Why, thank you. Sometimes you just have to keep saying something until it is well understood. Once that fact cease to exist, then a rule like the one you pointed out may actually work . You can say something over and over, just not in the same words, and it won't make a difference than saying it using the same words; will it? Just my opinion, cheers. How was science created?
  4. Physia

    SFN Elections

    Well, I have not been following the American elections so closely lately because it doesn't matter; the road we're in will not change EASILY, no matter who comes as president, be it a democrat or a republican. But for this matter, I will have to go for Ron Paul between the two suggested candidates, but I am a Giuliani supporter - on the other hand.
  5. How were you created? And how did the universe come into place? Why does the anatomical system operate as it does? Why and how did insects and animals come into place? Why is a bee called a bee and an elephant called an elephant? Why do you have a brain, a heart, lungs, a pancreas...? Why are ears for hearing and eyes for seeing? Seek the kingdom of God and you shall have no worries. Remember, only Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, saves. I'm not telling you to quit science. I am telling you to be a believer. cheers. P.S. yes, you will get to beat cancer, if you seek the kingdom of God. And for the record... Why did the world continue on for so long, just to end in 2012? Have your ever questioned yourself? It's in the nature of human beings to question their surroundings.. So, don't be shy.
  6. What do you think about this conflict that has been going on since the re-establishment of the State of Israel? Who is responsible for this conflict to start in the first place? Why did all the Arab countries sign an undercover peace treaty with Israel, while Syria and Lebanon hasn't? Noting that Syria is already in failing peace talks with Israel and in Lebanon, Hizballah is the main opposer for a peace treaty between the two neighboring countries as it is under Syrian control and Iranian direct support. Palestine; legitimate to be a state or not? What is your reasoning? I have a small story that I'd like to tell you as we go through. Who is right and who is wrong? What are your reasons, evidences, opinions, and whatnot? Hizballah in Lebanon; after the United Nations Security Council issued resolutions 1595 and 1701 which call to disarm all militias in Lebanon (particularly Hizballah) and the implementation of an international tribunal (which was hardly implemented) to try the criminals who are responsible for the assassination of former PM Rafiq Hariri and the related assassinations, and after the Cedar Revolution, the Sanioura government has been calling for the disarmament of Hizballah and the end of Syrian ongoing hegemony over Lebanon (despite the withdrawal of all their army). What do you think about these steps, and how do you think is the best way to help, secure such calls, and enforce them? And what, in your opinion, do you think the right action that the Lebanese government and the March 14 coalition (pro-government, pro-west, pro-U.S., and pro-France) should take against the Hizballah-led Syrio-Irano opposition? Comments, opinions?
  7. I'd like to call it support rather than trust. Plus, I agree with you that Musharraf might not of done it for that reason, but again you have to keep in mind that he'll do anything to keep himself in power - that is how such leaders always were. Bhutto's supports were vastly increasing.
  8. Seek the kingdom of God and you shall not have such worries. Only Jesus Christ saves. cheers.
  9. At last, how she was assassinated is not what matters; that she did is.
  10. Traditions between the pagan holiday that you were talking about and Christmas might of been similar, but they're not the same. Christmas means the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the gifts we receive are identical to the gifts of frankincense and myrrh He received from the kings. The pagan holiday is very different in meaning.
  11. On the short run, I find it very true. You can't apply any form of democracy in a place where the presence of anti-democracy fanatics is a majority, or a vetoing minority. On the long run, it should change. Not a coincidence at all my friend; these people will do all kinds of things to assassinate a political leader that opposes them and their powers of oppression and what follows. I believe she got hurt from the bullet, but didn't die. It is the suicide bomber that actually took her life.
  12. Christianity and Paganism are not one, and Catholicism itself is not Christianity; it's a sect of it.
  13. Christmas is not about Santa Clause and nicely-decorated trees. There's a history behind it, and this history is about people who faced persecution by countless civilizations from different regions and times. Here in the states, Christmas lost its meaning - parents do not inform their children about Christmas, the right way. I am happy with this resolution, and if it wasn't for the constitution, I would support it being a law. cheers,
  14. agentchange, What you are saying is very true. Bhutto's return to Pakistan was like spilling oil on fire, but somebody had to spill oil on fire in the end, don't you think so? It is also very hard to guarantee good security in such areas, as your very close friends are your worst enemies, in most cases and as far as I know (from experience, and whatnot). ChemSiddiqui, I am very surprised to see a reply from a Pakistani on here, and it's a pleasure to read your reply, or what you think about the situation down there. I have to agree with you; politicians nowadays rule for money and power, careless about the people of their nation or about the nation itself. Maybe these ruthless dictators in the early 1900s were very aggressive, but rather great nationalists that have lessons behind their deadly inhumane actions. (No offense to anybody, of course - that's not my intention, I'm making a point). From the declination of the international tribunal, I would suspect that Musharraf's government is responsible, but if this government is supported by the United States, how would the assassination of Bhutto help? I am expecting some more unrest in the region, especially that the assassination of Bhutto came in a critical time; elections etc. There's one important thing to remember; every time a democratic person is assassinated, it opens the files of all the politicians or leaders who preached democracy and were assassinated for that cause itself, and as long as we have such people we should not worry. As I said, on the long-run we'll face persecution, but good will win over evil at the end. P.S. I'm from the Middle Eastern region as well, to be exact I'm Israeli by origin but lived most of my life in southern Lebanon and fought against the PLO and Hizballah. I'm looking forward to learning about the situation in Pakistan from you. cheers.
  15. First, allow me to start by paying my dearest condolonces to this lady, who heartfully applied democracy in most, if not all of its colors. May God rest her soul in peace, and may He punish those responsible for her assassination. Now we know that democracy is never bound to work in such regions as Pakistan, but in the long-distant solution or end, good will win over evil. Who do you think is responsible for her assassination, and what could be the reasons for that? What do you think about Pakistan's decision of not making an international tribunal for this assassination? How do you see Pakistan after the assassination of former PM Bhutto? How do you see the region after her assassination? More unrest? cheers.
  16. Who said I hate France anywhere? In fact, I applaud Sarkozy's positions and the improved way of thinking of a western president regarding the east, with all its social and political attributes. By hinting France in my former post, I was trying to lead the person into the rapid uncontrolled expansion of Islam and radical Islam around Europe, particularly in France. In 20 years, France's majority will be composed of Muslims and the minority of everything else. That's my only hint.
  17. The most ridiculous thing is to witness an Evangelical and a Jew debating over Jesus.
  18. 108/f/grave kifak m3allim, sakin ba3dak bi qatar walla 3iyyish barra?
  19. If everyone spoke the truth, how do you think the world would be different? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker most conflict occurs not because of lies but because of truths that does not coincide with another truth. for example there are two persons facing each other in the middle the other guy holds a coin, he sees the heads, and the other sees the tails. if one says he sees the heads, and the other says he sees the tail, and they did not agree, can each other say that the other is lying? the fact is that they are both seeing the coin, the truth is they are seeing only one side of the coin... everybody speaks of the truth, it wouldnt be different. Things have been that way, it's just that everybody does not bother to see otherwise... Other answers are also interesting: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArmqOFLPHyJS2ySISox2PWvpy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071101112422AAHUOip I like this one: "In your question, lies the answer. If everyone told the truth in our world, it would not be our world." Truth is three things: Truth can be personal: What you think of another person, religion, race, and telling them in their face being frank and honest. Truth can be documented: Facts, reliable data, witnesses to events can be truisms. Truth can be fabricated: Might is right, to the Victor go the spoils as they say, and thus each create their own truths.
  20. I'm a bit late, but I speak from an intellectual point of view regarding the long-term dangerousness of this regime; which in turn is spreading every day. Take France for example, and see for yourself.
  21. Bachar Assad goes to a primary school to give a speech. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and Bachar asks him what his name is? "Ali". "And what is your question, Ali?" "I have 3 questions. First, why did Syria rules Lebanon for over 15 years? Second, why you didn't know who kill Hariri if you were the ruler of Lebanon? And third, why did you leave Lebanon now? Just then the bell rings for recess. Bachar al Assad informs the kids that they will continue after recess. When they resume Bachar says, "OK, where were we? Oh that's right --- question time. Who has a question?" A different little boy puts up his hand. Bachar points him out and asks him what his name is? "Teddy" And what is your question, Teddy?" "I have 5 questions. First, Why did Syria rules Lebanon for over 15 years? Second, Why you didn't know who kill Hariri if you were the ruler of Lebanon? And third, why did you leave Lebanon now? Fourth, Why did the recess bell go 20 minutes early?! And fifth, where is "Ali"?!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Saudi Ambassador to the UN has just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he meets President Bush. They shake hands and as they walk the Saudi says, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America. "President Bush says "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do." The Saudi whispers "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, and Blacks, and Asians, but never any Arabs. He is very upset. He doesn't understand why there are never any Arabs in Star Trek. President Bush laughs and leans toward the Saudi, and whispers back, "... that's because it takes place in the future!...."
  22. My first is double twenty-one but twice of twenty-two, Decipher it and you will see that statement is quite true. My next two are just three apart, or, looking at the link, You'll have the answer easily and will not have to think. My fourth is so more ways than one, so long as you can spell, While my fifth splits first and second, so what is it? Can you tell? It may seem like these words of rhyme are nonsense things to say, Though the five together are right here (two ways) so what are they?
  23. Ask your friend to catch some disease in order to cause one of his eye colors to change...
  24. Remove the word 'forces.' Or, don't do Physics at all.
  25. Answers my question well enough. Thank you.
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