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Phi for All

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Posts posted by Phi for All

  1. Do you guys know that thee are many girls who love to pretend who are inexperienced in love matter?
    This is a trend: girls nowadays love to have sex in very early age.
    Studies? This sounds like a generality.
    But I don't understand why there are some girls loving to deceive some men's innocent felings that they never had boyfriend.
    Could be because guys like you want them to be inexperienced.
    Do you think taking psychology can help you read those women's minds which whether they are telling trues or lies?
    BWA HAHAHA hahahaha hehehehe ha ha ha. No. Sorry.
    Because I never had girlfriend and I want my first lover to be inexperienced. I decide that I take some psychological terms before making romance with girls.
    It sounds like you are confusing social interaction with sex. Do you want a girlfriend who is inexperienced with having boyfriends or with having sex?


    If someone is lying to you about their past you have to decide whether that past is more important than your future together. Honesty is very important but many people come with some baggage carried over from their earlier years. Maybe they are withholding the truth until they know you well enough to trust you with it.


    Don't let your ego set up unfair expectations. And don't overthink matters of the heart. If you have too many stipulations you may not get to meet the most wonderful woman in your life.

  2. First, thanks to Cap'n Refsmmat for putting this together for the whole community. It's a great compilation that can help us all avoid the hostilities seen on other forums.


    Second, the staff here really tries to moderate in moderation, if you will. We often let something slide in one thread that gets pounced on in others. Some people may think we are picking on them excessively. Consistently rude behaviour or posting incorrect information while claiming authority will simply put you up on the radar, where your posts are scrutinized more heavily.


    Third, the worst thing you can do if you get a warning is to harp on and on about it. The warnings expire after a short time if you don't pile up enough to get banned. Take staff criticism in stride. Don't post a lot of garbage about how persecuted you are. Send a PM to a staff member instead.


    If you think you are above reproach and refuse to consider you may have been in error, you are not practicing the scientific method.


    For most of you, these rules of etiquette are common sense. It's unfortunate that those who need them most will never take the time to read them. For those of you who do, you are our truest members, the people whose opinons matter most. We are grateful for your support.

  3. But the good news is this would be perfect for dealing with the gypsies. If we could get some of that Atrizine stuff and release it into the air, all the gypos will be going round acting like women and will get breasts and stuff. Thanks man!!
    You are now banned from this forum, Shanethewolf. Your racist attitude and eagerness to harm others with chemicals is inconsistent with our purpose.


    Further, it is going to be my recommendation to the site administrators that your address be reported to your ISP for possible criminal investigation. We can only hope that you and your friend have taken yourselves out of the gene pool with your stupidity.

  4. Yeah but if more scientists had the balls to do it we might be getting somewhere!
    It's interesting that you put it that way. Doesn't it sound like this "dragon juice" affects their voice the same way atrizine would? As a chemical castrator, Atrizine can affect your hormones, turning your testosterone into estrogen.


    I hope you're prepared for the effects. If your voice loses the deeper "dragon" pitch and starts getting higher and higher, look for other warning signs of increasedg estrogen levels. Premature aging, prostate cancer, breasts, that sort of thing.

  5. Welcome to 'Politcial Correctness.' Creation Science isn't just about God creating the Universe and all life. There're other theories in CS that are also dealt with. Like aliens 'seeding' the planet.
    It has nothing to do with PC. You can't simply call something science just because you study it or use it for wild "theories". Science is practising the scientific method of empirical study. Speculating that the Grays from Zeta Reticulum and the Orion Constellation must have thrown amino acid seeded comets at us is not scientific method.
  6. I'm not in the mental health field, but I can tell you this: normal mental health is not only highly subjective to humans in general but is also subjective to many occupations and endeavors. Normal is too broad in definition but carries too narrow a perceived connotation.


    A certain amount of obsessive/compulsive behavior is almost mandatory for accountants and programmers. A formula one racer couldn't function unless he/she was more uninhibited than most "normal" people. How could an oncologist deal with all the death and suffering if they used what some would call a "normal" amount of empathy with their patients?


    In a world where certain words have taken on a diluted meaning through overuse, I can't blame anyone concerned with possibly fragile mental states if they refrain from using such non-definitive terms.

  7. I can see where the tin-foil hat crowd comes by their paranoia. It's almost as if the government is allowing the identity theft crisis to escalate so that something radical like subcutaneous barcodes or microchips are the only solution.


    By the time we realize how far down the wrong road we've gone, the radical shortcut will seem like the obvious, easiest choice to a panicked nation.


    I'm going to google for NSA and Area 51 sites now.... :embarass:

  8. In fact' date=' the rails continue beyond the point at which you significantly see, and into the zone of insignificance where you cannot see.

    The lines converge into a single point at infinity from your perspective, but that infinity was dictated by your senses differentiating between the significant and the insignificant.[/quote']I don't recognize this "zone of insignificance" as a mathematical theory. This is beginning to sound like speculation. Also, railroad tracks are certainly not infinite, even to our visual perceptions.


    Let's stay on topic here.

  9. Also, I think you meant to name the Physics/Astrological Sciences department Physics/Astronomical[/b'] Sciences.
    Sometimes we see only that which we expect to see.
    Some of the most fun people are curmudgeons. T.H.Huxley, when he found out the his famous creationist nemesis the Bishop of Wilbeforce had died of a head injury after being thrown from a horse, is reported to have remarked "At last, the good bishop's brain has made contact with reality, and the results killed him."
    Now I know which curmudgeon you pattern yourself after, Mokele. Except for the bow tie, you could be brothers.

    Huxley.jpgT. H. Huxley

  10. I'm sure you are correct, but where is this from?

    I will search. It was either from here at SFN, Physics Forum, one of Michio Kaku's books or Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe. It might have been from Flatland, which I find referenced here.


    The idea is that width without length is just length again. You can say you are measuring an object's height but without the length and width you are still just measuring length along one axis.

  11. I have no problem with the caption contest; just lose the advert line.
    But I find it easier to come up with the caption idea first, and then draw a cartoon, or think of them ~simultaneously.
    That's how I would do it (if I could draw something cave-painters wouldn't snicker at). I would imagine these guys just get some props and strike a funny pose, then do variations like they do on Who's Line Is It Anyway.


    Makes me think though. swansont, how easy would it be for you to freestyle draw one cartoon a month so our members could caption it? I think the toughest part would be NOT thinking of the punch ahead of time.

  12. theirs are 4 dimensions up down left right back wards forwards and time right.
    Wrong. There are 3 spatial dimensions we are able to sense. They are length, width and height (up/down, left/right, backwards/forwards are specific to a frame of reference). Each is dependent on the one before it. You can't have width without length and you can't have height without length and width.


    There is one temporal dimension, time, and it is like a layer on the spatial dimensions. Various other theories offer mathematical possibilities for higher, smaller, curled up spatial dimensions.

  13. "On one occasion, Ms (Lisa) Foster saw Judge Thompson holding his penis up and shaving underneath it with a disposable razor while on the bench," the petition reads.[/quote']That must have been horrible.
    I agree, disposable razors are pretty tacky and not an environmentally sound choice either.


    Seriously, disgraceful behavior from an erected official. I'm glad he was exposed and I hope he gets a stiff sentence.

  14. I was throwing around the idea in my head that we should post a sticky refuting the most common and downright bad creationist arguments, or maybe copy and sticky the article "15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense".
    Working on that, actually. Dak had the idea and Mokele is helping. I'm along to help with Dak's spelling and Mokele's expletives where creation science is concerned.


    Did the OP really want the poll to close after just a few days?

  15. Emphasis mine:

    Phi, in the article, the judge was quoted as saying that there was no sexual motive in this case. I do not consider him to be constrained by statute for that reason.
    In the judge's own words,
    "I don't really see the purpose of registration in this case. I really don't," Morse said. "But I feel that I am constrained by the statute."
    The statute constrains the judge, having to register afterwards seems to be out of the judge's hands. He ruled that the unlawful restraint law applied in this case.
    He wouldn't be the first judge in the world who ever decided that a law didn't apply, and he wouldn't be the first to get away with it.
    The law did apply. That it becomes a sex offense when applied to a minor is really the issue here. I don't know what you mean by "he wouldn't be the first to get away with it".


    What is needed is either a second law that applies to a minor victim that carries no sex offense ruling, or leeway for the judges to deem registration unnecessary. There's really no conspiracy involved here.

  16. warrented or not in this case, the fact that compulsary sex-offender registration follows a non-sexual crime is surely worrying.
    This is the part I'm now questioning, that restraint of a young woman is a non-sexual crime. What age do you have to be where restraining someone against their will and saying, "Come here, little girl!" has no sexual overtone? Try that with a twenty-year-old and see if the charge isn't attempted rape. Haven't you ever seen a fourteen-year-old (of either sex) that could pass for a college student?
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