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Status Updates posted by ajb

  1. Now what? How will funding of UK science recover?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. blue89


      I believe I am qualified , but I hated from someones in my lifes. unluckily I have had too much frustration and all of them relevant to economic problems. then to Raider ; the islan will not be as same as in your imagine.

    3. blue89


      for instance there will be a giant flat on that island and have very much comfortable departments in it ,and especially it will contain high numbers of laboratory,the laboratories will be the most important.

    4. Theoretical


      Headline news: Brexit crash has wiped out 3 trillions dollars, and climbing. Perhaps time for a second vote.

  2. OMG, I just made a remark about test particles in a semiclassical theory of quantum gravity in slight reowrking of a preprint!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MigL


      So, give us some details already.

      But dumb 'em down for us.

    3. ajb


      Over reacting... I just wrote a very speculative and loose comment. Basically we would expect the semiclassical limit of a 'quantum space-time' to be a smooth manifold with both a metric and a Poisson structure. I just wrote a passing comment on how to use these two together. This is already know to a few 'stringy' theorists, but maybe not widely


    4. imatfaal


      stringy theorists :)

  3. one of my papers has now been cited!

    1. Zolar V
    2. DJBruce


      Awesome!!! Just the first of man I bet.

  4. Singing - " Heavy Metal Or No Metal At All Wimps And Posers Leave The Hall Heavy Metal Or No Metal At All Wimps And Posers Go On Get Out Leave The Hall "

    1. Moontanman


      Take a ride on Heavy Metal! It's the only way you can travel down that road!

  5. Symposium on a Saturday morning...

  6. The mechanics paper is now online. I will blog about this when the interview is online. http://iopscience.iop.org/1751-8121/48/20/205203/article

  7. There will be some big changes comming...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ajb


      My professional life... I will update this status soon.

    3. imatfaal


      Hopefully in a good way - finger crossed and look forward to hearing news

    4. blue89


      uuu ajb ,I will be waiting to congratulate you :) ,really I am being happy when I see my friend's happiness. :) :)

  8. Trying to understand differential calculi and the Cartan calculus on Manin's quantum superplane.

  9. Trying to understand if the classical BV-formalism of gauge theories can be generalised to situations where the odd bracket does not satisfy a derivation property. Watch this space : -)

  10. Trying to understnd 11d SUGAR in terms of Loo-algebras. :-\

    1. Schrödinger's hat

      Schrödinger's hat

      Is it as delicious as we hoped?

    2. ajb


      I will let you know when I have it licked.

  11. wrestling with a proof that should not be too hard!

  12. Yeah, no longer evil

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PureGenius


      Destruction and creation both arise from the same potential energy, therefore evil and good are but reflections, within the field of one's own individual consciousness.

    3. decraig


      had you trouble controlling your temper? Maybe you could teach me a thing or two.

    4. decraig


      In frustration I have posted awful things hurtsome to others. Did you find a way to control yourself?

  13. Yes, should be L_{\infty} in LaTex, but Loo is far easier to write!

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