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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. AI = Artificial Sentience effectively.
  2. Esperanto, for a more obscure version of the joke that's already been made.
  3. The process of evolution is a fact. Whether it occured to end up with us is another matter.
  4. People have said I'm many things. A Bernard Black/John Nash hybrid for instance. But currently they're saying I'm a mix between Spike and Prof. Farnsworth.
  5. Calculus is dead easy for the most part. The difficult bit in physics is the algebraic manipulation of equations.
  6. Probably at some point, like when it had an atmosphere.
  7. If you want a reasonably high level course, I think electrodynamics are covered in the second book of The Feynman Lectures on Physics.
  8. It is down to the stereovision, and is essentially uses parallax to create the illusion of three dimensions. ps. Futurama is a great source of science jokes, such as the line from Leela (a cyclops) 'Stay still dammit, I don't have good depth perception!'
  9. Nope. Mass is a form of energy. (Your E = mc^2 and the like.) Of the other forms of energy, there are two types. The first is potential energy in a field (be it from the strong nuclear force, weak nf, electromagnetic or gravitational), the interaction taking place by carrier particles (eg. the photon, or the graviton). The second is kinetic energy, which is from movement relative to the rest frame, and so is a bit more ambiguous. ps. I'm assuming the graviton exists.
  10. I presume you mean planets in the solar system; there are many known outside it.
  11. Please define the question better. See the work of William of Occam. If a God exists, 'he' is definitely not the God of the Bible. That's an exceptionally bad comparison to make. Electrons do not 'orbit' the nucleus, they merely have a high probability of existing nearby. It'd be like saying that the CDs on my desk orbit my PC.
  12. No. Energy is conserved through all measureable interactions. Mass is just a type of energy.
  13. JaKiri


    Einstein won the nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect, which whilst being about electrons and photons, (as implies the name), is more about the wave/particulate nature of an EM wavepacket.
  14. My DVD/CDRW Drive. Exceptionally unhappy in my newer computer.
  15. JaKiri


    Reflection of the sky, which is blue due to refraction, or one of those things.
  16. It was the first thing that came into my head following the '4D Cup' statement.
  17. She was accused of it before she married him. She was beheaded because she didn't give Henry a son, and he tired of her.
  18. If that's right, then I'm wrong, and all the special relativity I was taught last term was wrong. Between the University of Cambridge, Richard P Feynman (who's lectures I referred to on occasion) et al, and the other forum, I think I'll go with the physicists.
  19. Well, he is correct in saying that any theory of gravity is not fact, but to the extent that he takes it.
  20. It doesn't really matter, as the main products are Alpha sources anyway. http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/radon/chain.htm 4,460,000,000 years for the half life of 238 btw, I was out by a factor of 10.
  21. I'm reminded at this point of the south park quote 'There are no stupid questions, only stupid people' No offense to anyone in the thread, I got that from the title.
  22. And you justified that fusion was hot because it was a plasma. And then you justified that the plasma was hot because it was used in fusion. Nice cyclic operator you've got there, I've got to get me some of that!
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