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John Cuthber

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Posts posted by John Cuthber

  1. How often does one accidentally consume methanol?


    Generally, just once.

    However, it tastes sweet (like glycol) and it gets spilled so pets sometimes drink it.

    Also it's a matter of definition. If I drink moonshine and some bastard has spiked it with methanol, does that count?


    Spectroscopic grade alcohol still smells like alcohol to me.

  2. Most of them are nuclear power.

    Solar power is nuclear power, but with the reactor 93000000 miles away.

    Wind and hydroelectric power are solar power, but you don't build the solar collectors yourself.

    Coal is solar power that's very old.

    Geothermal power is a rather big slow nuclear reactor and hydrogen isn't really an answer because you can't mine it.

    It might have been worth adding tidal power to the list.

  3. It's possible that lots of different groups become engineers, but only the engineers are actually able to do anything that brings them to the attention of the authorities.

    There might be zillions of terrorists with English literature degrees, but writing iambic pentameter defaming the government doesn't get you arrested.

  4. It's possibly useful to note that the UK birth rate isn't keeping pace with the death rate. (or at least it wasn't doing so recently- things might have changed since I checked the figures)

    Without immigration we would have a falling population. That's not generally good for an economy.

    Also many, if not most, of these people are adults; they can, in principle, already contribute to the net worth of the country in a way that "native born" Brits can't. They aren't just any adults either; they were resourceful enough to get here so they have already proved that they can work towards a well defined goal. That's one up on a lot of people.


    We need immigrants in just the same way that they need us.

    What I'm not sure about is how much we need the BNP.


    BTW love the video Bascule.

  5. I was thinking about all these SciFi stories about how massive amounts of shuttles, and or dropships entering the atmosphere in an invasion force; you'd need quite a lot of them, especially if you had deal with a continent's worth of military power.


    Now, would all those dropships, fighters etc. heat up the atmosphere when they enter? Enough to any invasion would be accompanied by a heat wave?


    It depends on whether the author thinks it helps the plot.

  6. We're talking about the trading of charge (wanna call it quarks, go ahead) between the nucleons. The nucleons. Don't mess with this stuff, it isn't really up for debate. Temperature is not powerful enough to matter at this scale. Think Higgs bosons and what they are actually made of.


    I doesn't make any difference. The effect is still random, but predictable on a large scale. Think what temperature does, and then think weak and strong nuclear forces. It's not brain surgery, folks. It's simple thermal dynamics. Kid's stuff. Like it or not, that's the way it is. Sorry.


    Temperature isn't capable of influencing the actions on the Quantum Level. There just isn't enough energy there to make a difference.


    Bill Wolfe



    It's not font size that's important.

    The whole point I was making was that thermal energies are too small to affect nuclear reactions.

    However at high enough temperatures (for example in the sun) nuclear reactions do take place (but very slowly ,which is why the sun is still going after billions of years).

    To really influence the rates you need to get up to much higher temperatures.

    It's not brain surgery- so it's a pity you didn't understand it.

  7. "However, are you in favour of assisted death, if the person wishes to end their lot? "


    Also you need to realise that healthcare is an infinite sink for cash. It doesn't matter how much you spend, people will still suffer and die.

    The question of how much you spend is political, so morality and ethics go out of the window.

    This problem is generally swept under the carpet unless, as you put it "you publicise your cause in the media"

  8. guys please don't be scared about this december 21 2012 thing. That is the date of my birthday and i plan on sharing my findings then, a lot of people are probably going to want to kill me but i do have the knowledge to advance our planet.



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