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Everything posted by swansont

  1. For Fermions, no. For Bosons, yes.
  2. swansont


    In the ship's frame, it is not 10 light-seconds away, due to length contraction.
  3. Makes no sense to you, perhaps. But argument from incredulity is hardly a compelling argument.
  4. A Classical formula for a relativistic effect? And such egregious use of significant digits, too. For v=.866c, gamma is 2. So the kinetic energy is equal to the rest energy, or 0.51 MeV
  5. Between this data and the aphelion/perihelion table I gave in the "If any of these definitions are wrong, please let me know" thread, you should be able to calculate it.
  6. But one has no basis for accepting this, seeing as it has been experimentally falsified.
  7. If you are referring to its magnetic field, then the answer is yes; the poles flip every 11 years. If you are referring to something else, you have to specify what you mean by polarity.
  8. That's a proposed plan, but hasn't happened. The twelve people that live near Yucca mountain don't want it there, but neither does anybody else. The NIMBY (= Not In My BackYard) syndrome in action.
  9. The beam won't get smaller unless it's focused that way. As Atheist said, the beam has a gaussian intensity profile, so just by visual inspection you might not be making a consistent measurement. As I had said, you need to pick a point, like the 1/e intensity, and measure that diameter. Your eye isn't a linear device, so you can be fooled in trying to determine the diameter.
  10. Because angular momentum is conserved when there is no external torque on a system. Things crash into the sun all the time, and into planets, too. But planets, even though they are falling toward the sun, have roughly circular orbits and miss.
  11. By what tortured, twisted, misshapen logic is this obvious?
  12. I don't think logic has deigned to make an appearance in any of your assertions.
  13. Why does distance NOT deny their effects? The movement of the constellations is a natural result of the precession of the earth, on a 26,000 year perion, and so this scenario has played out many times. The constellation doesn't shift, the earth does. What's the interaction, and what's your evidence. No, I don't. Of what stress do you speak? Time isn't the issue. A quote from this site which sums things up nicely: This is the origin of the "Age of Aquarius" celebrated in the musical Hair: a period when according to astrological mysticism and related hokum there will be unusual harmony and understanding in the world. We could certainly use a dose of harmony and understanding in this old world; unfortunately, it is unlikely to come because of something as irrelevant as the position of the vernal equinox with respect to the constellations of the Zodiac.
  14. The inverse-square law applies to a point source which a laser is decidedly not. Whether a laser follows the inverse-square law (e.g. measuring to the 1/e point of beam intensity) depends on how its optics are arranged. It will behave that way from the beam waist - a reasonable approximation of a point - which could be inside or outside the laser.
  15. Pray, tell us what stimulus the new astrological age is supposed to provide that would have any influence on evolution whatsoever?
  16. So the vacuum of space pushes on the atmosphere? Why doesn't a vacuum I create in the lab spontaneously push the remaining air out of a chamber?
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