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michael nelson

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  1. we are only aware of what we can see-just as a fish in a bowl can see out and see what it see's-in his room his fish bowl is in-perhaps at some point out there something differant is going on but we cannot see that far-so we can only guess alot as the fish in the bowl could only guess within its limited scope only from what it could see-same is with us-and how much can we know?,our brains are not unlimited-our abilities to understand are limited-and so it is- we are limited we are not but what we are-wish for the rest-Mike
  2. Me thinks that in the beginning it was not a big bang-it was matter everywhere mixed in space-fairly evenly through out-then gravity this force began-sepperation occcured between space and matter-via the force of gravity-without this force no matter would be as it is today-call it the energy force that holds or seperates space and matter-causeing also time-in the process-the big bangs occur when in space time-they are overwhelmed by the collection of to much mass-in one spot-and thus Bang-it explodes with energy! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedMass origanally was in its finest form smaller than dust-most likely atom sized all through the space-evenly there-then this force began to seperate space thus we have gravity-and time was started at this place too-because of distance between massive objects-in space-with light at a speed of light-made time but only relative to any physical body-for there are things that are not subject to these things-as we see-Mike
  3. You can study a subject once,then again later,then again,and as you go you will increase your intelligence about that subject,the more you study a subject the more you will have I.Q. wise in subject matter,,,if you spend alot of time and hands on with any given subject the more you'll increase your intelligence-does this make some of your answer?Mike
  4. Maybe its not such a good idea of wanting to hallcinate,some t.v. shows on tv can resemble something hallucinogentic-and they are not allm the same-going without sleep will do it but its because the brain is off chemically due to lack of sleep to restore chemical balances-Mike
  5. we know that gravity is,,,,this is obvious,,,,as in magnets steel is attraction to itself,this also shows that in gravity there is a force we call gravity like a magnet only its in matter itself-this shows itself in mass attracting to mass the grater the mass the greater the force of gravity-in the same way that the bigger the magnet the bigger the magnetic force,,,so this shows that even in the least amount of matter is the force of gravity,,,without this force matter would not be matter,,,,in fact all things that are matter would not be with this force-the gravity force is,,,,no doubt about it,,,the deeper question might be how can you find out more about this force,,,,has anyone had any new ideas to help explain the force of gravity?Mike
  6. well this is just to say,hi,Im just looking for some discussions on things of science-on my mind is electrolites however thats spelled-and also nurotransmitters-preferring the cleaning thereof-using the simple apple juice and simple salt as primary tools for good operations of the body-michael Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I'll give you some answer,,,,as it comes to me,,,Im old now so I may have a short version or a start for you?Mike and myself since Im new to this forum as of today-am I GL to us all,,,,in this forum stuff hope it works well,,,, Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged do you think about the chemicals that cause ageing?Mike
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