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Everything posted by Psion

  1. I don't know the latex symbol to get long division symbols but hopefully someone can figure this out for me. I've been doing pretty good until I came across this problem: (x^3 + 1 + 2x) / (x^5 + 3x + 2) Answer is: [hide]x^2 - 2 + [(-x^2 + 7x + 4) / (x^3 + 2x + 1)][/hide] I was going to go in depth about this, however, I don't see the latex symbol that closely looks like the square root symbol for division.... It's very obvious to me that I need long division. I just didn't know how to solve the problem, that's all. I don't understand the long division processes used in this. Long division in plain numbers is somewhat easy, however, this polynomial division isn't. I was wondering if someone could give me detailed steps on how to take on this problem.
  2. I find it wrong that they didn't let out the information to the general public right away. It's not like we can do anything to the planet at this time. At least we have kewl hackers to thank. Maybe black hats aren't that bad after all.
  3. My brother and I were discussing this earlier today. Perhaps there are satellites to this planet? Maybe Pluto could be considered its satellite?
  4. I'd have to say that cockroaches would lead dominate either way you look at it. I figure that anything that has lived for long periods of time since the dinosaur age will continue to dominate.
  5. Some people just say it's reincarnation...
  6. I think in early studies they cut off the head didn't they? Well either way, this is still being research. If any of you have read the front page article about zombie dogs, you'll notice that the science is still being perfected. I believe there are government regulations to actually try it on humans at this time.
  7. I would think baby. I personally think there were different type of environments that existed way back in time that we don't truly know about, things that could have altered and mutated DNA that effected the next offspring.
  8. In the College I attend currently, I have a 4.0 G.P.A.
  9. Thank you for correcting my English. I meant branch. +1
  10. Yes, that's a good idea. I should try that. Less than an hour you can learn Calculus? That's amazing.
  11. I have the ability to actually learn things twice as fast as average people. I find that I could probably earn my Associate's Degree in one year if I chose to go for it. What worries me is the ability to transfer credits/units and the degree to a different educational institution. From what I have researched on the Interest the only place that seems to go quickly is a place called Excelsior College. I'm sure that other online institutions could offer me a speedy course schedule, also. From what I've been wanting to do, I've actually thought about joining the U.S. Military so that I may obtain money for living and education. Taking five years of time off schooling isn't something I readily wish to do being the usual minimum commitment is five years. I was wondering if anyone knew of a place that allows a speedy education or course schedule. I have the ability to learn things in about 15 days. For Example: A mathematics book is learned within 15 days for me. Of course I don't eat too often or go outside for air when learning things that quickly. I believe I read something about the University of Chicago having an inclined learning process. I looked through the course scheduling and it did not seem to be as quick as I thought it would be. Does anyone know of a place that allows a speedy education or course schedule with advanced learning? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Of course this is just one of my many choices of things to do with my life, I could just attend a regular college and take my time.
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