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About jajrussel

  • Birthday 07/20/1954

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    Old man with short attention span
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  1. I got the courage up to go out into the world. Made the paratransit travel arrangements. By the new world definition I am not paranoid. Something I already knew, but now it's official. According to the world I am a walking target. Note - they moved the appointment date back two weeks. Today the phone rang it was their office but they left no message. Honestly, I am now actually starting to feel a little paranoid... laughter plays a huge part in getting my courage up, but it's hard to laugh when simply going to the Doctor's office can be deadly. Neither, an angina caused heart attack, stint surgery, two mini strokes, nor brain surgery to remove a tumor the size of my fist all occuring within three months has yet to kill me. I shouldn't be afraid of anything.

    But, the government didn't need to make it official, I was already pretty certain of my target status. Personally, considering the definition of paranoia, I would rather be paranoid.

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