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Everything posted by raphaelh42

  1. i think i still don't understand why users don't have the ability to delete their messages is it like van Gogh wouldn't be allowed to get his paints back from museums because people can get interest from them ? is it fair ? of course if he would have sold his paints it would be logic that it's too late, we don't sell our messages...
  2. I understand it is important to keep replies for the share of the knowledge... I guess replies containing quotes of the deleted posts could hide the writer username... I feel preventing people to get their posts deleted is like google saying : we will not remove your face from google images and your video from youtube, you can just regret now or try to assume... I feel it is cruel even if the user account is considered anonymous
  3. I like this idea of visualizing, I think it's going to help me to reduce my inner voice But I think I asked for something that is not consistent, like asking how to drive a car without using the engine, I could always get it pushed or pulled, but the drive would not be the same... So I am going to accept that it is the way it is. I thank you for having helped me, I'm sure that visualizing the mustard will be less exhausting than repeating "don't forget it"
  4. But I guess what follows is not the same if I finish or not...
  5. Hello, I did not read all the responses sorry, I would say love If you are a man, I think that sharing love with a woman is the thing that can give you the most happiness I'm not talking about sex (only) Also I would say don't being addicted to drugs, don't being addicted to porn and don't do self masturbation (but i guess if your partner want you to do it when you are with it's cool......) I would also say learn how/when to fight or avoid fight Hmm I think all this makes you feel stronger and then happier I think you can't enjoy things when you are/feel weak I've been through depression One thing I like is lay in my bed with no video/music, in the dark/night, close eyes and think to the things I try to forget, like a fight, to the point you accept them, I don't want to dig things because they can go back to the surface so I try to leave with. I also try to have 0 regrets, I don't know what will have fully happen if I did different so... Maybe if i did not broke my tv i would have been killed by a bus......... Of course if tommorow i fall of a tree and finish my life in a wheel chair, i will regret.........but.... we don't know what would have happen if I didn't fall................
  6. I have read on internet that some people are not able do to intrapersonal communication
  7. Hello, I just wanted to say that spiders can make me think of a cut human hand moving using fingers. (I did not read the full thread (yet?) but searched in it for this thought(ctrl f))
  8. Hello I try to find a way to think without talking to myself in my head using my language. (I don't mean I have my own language) (I don't always speak to myself when thinking (for example when I take a quick decision), and I don't ask questions like there was two me) I want to find a way because often it makes me tired, like it's to much, I also want to check if it would be more effective/faster. Sometimes I notice the thought is over but the sentence is not yet... so recently I started to try to don't finish them. Do you have any suggestion please ?
  9. @Peterkin I didn't notice that nuts has that much carbohydrates : o I thank you very much for these information @TheVat I thank you for detailing that much @exchemist @Phi for All I try to do a recipe that contain all the recommended elements (without food from animals) (I would try to do several to avoid getting disgusted/tired) I imagine a bucket containing all the recommended elements (with precise quantities) for a day, and I would divide the bucket for each meals I have in the day. I don't try to follow trends, I love convenience and simplicity but my goal is really as I said above, I would do complicated and uncomfortable for efficiency and apparently this is the way to achieve my goal, I say that because I realize now that nutrition looks very complex... _________________________________ I was thinking that one food for carbohydrates, one for lipids and one for proteins could be "good" but of course it would have be too easy. I know that it is recommended to eat varied to improve chances to get everything needed, but I don't want to buy everything in the store and hope I will be great without too much of this or too few of this... I want to know as much as possible what I need precisely... So I will continue my researches, thank you all for helping me, information are still very welcomed.
  10. Ok I think I will try to get tested regularly and try to find a health care provider/physician. I have read the abstract part of the study, I don't understand everything but I will continue learning. For the moment I will maybe take halves of 1000µg pills daily. Thanks again, a lot.
  11. I thank you very much for your response, after your message I did some quick researches about wheat vs potatoes and it looks potatoes are "better" although I see they contain less carbohydrate. So I am going to replace wheat by potatoes for this combination. (I'd like to edit my first post+title but it looks I can't, I'll probably contact a moderator) I am going to do serious researches to try to fully reply to my question, I think I wanted to be able to discuss about it before starting...
  12. Hello, I was thinking about eating only wheat(for Carbohydrate), hazelnuts(for Lipid), chickpeas(for Protein) and B12 supplements. Of course I guess I would want to change food after some time and I would but let's imagine I wouldn't please... I did not calculated yet if I could get enough calories without overdosing Carbohydrate/Lipid/Protein... maybe I should calculate before asking but I'm asking anyway... Do you know what deficiencies this diet would cause (if it would cause some...) ?
  13. I thank you very much for your response, I think it is getting more clear for me now, I'm interested about B12 because I don't eat food coming from animals anymore and I understood that I should then take B12 (I read animals don't produce it but some bacteria does and farmed animals get B12 from water/supplements/injections...) If I understand, to know how much B12 I should take, I should do blood analyzes and compare them over time ? And if I know how much I need, how to know the base quantity needed to get the final result quantity that will get absorbed ? Doing an internet research, it looks that people in my case just simply need to take one pill of 1000µg /day and they are good to go... I'm a bit lost...
  14. Hello, do you know how to absorb 2.4µg (or around) of B12 per day using supplements ? I read 2.4µg is the recommended daily amount, I notice almost all B12 pills contains 1000µg and they say to take one pill/day I struggle finding why they contain 1000µg instead of 2.4µg, I read it could be because it is easier to put 1000, I don't understand why monster energy drinks are able to put 2.5µg of b12 in 100ml, do you ? I also read that your body absorb 10µg of a 500µg pill, I read it's because the body don't absorb the unneeded amount, so the body would absorb 10µg of a 10µg pill ? same for a 1000µg pill ? Something is strange ! Or did I miss something ?
  15. hello, i'm a beginner we are not able to look inside a black hole, could we see out of it if we were inside ? when we try to look at the past of the big bang, would we be trying to look at the outside of a black hole from the inside ? what do you think of about this ? Are there any theories evoking this hypothesis?
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