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Everything posted by Peterkin

  1. Also, professional speech writers are usually canny about what gaffes, likely misrepresentations and contentious wordings to avoid. They're are keenly aware that every speech will be analyzed with fine journalistic tweezers under powerful PR optics.
  2. Sounds a lot like maggots. They can't go anywhere until they grow wings, and even then, they can't hurt you. Best solution: Do not keep rotting vegetables in the house. Put it out in the compost, where it has a chance to become something useful. https://whyfarmit.com/maggots-in-compost/
  3. As previously mentioned, in understanding psychology, ethics, social organization, relationships, all that stuff ophthalmologists don't do as well. If you're not interested in model trains, ornithology, cartography, antiques or philosophy, you'd probably be happier not discussing those subjects. Attempting to transpose them into different realms, or to fathom why someone else may respect the pioneers of those fields, may well prove frustrating. Also, when I need an eye operation, I look for someone with stead hands, as well as facts.
  4. The American people didn't make him president at all. The faction that did vote for him certainly also took his legal word whenever he pronounced fraud or criminal activity or election theft against other people and weasled out of his own legal obligations or forgave his convicted felonious cronies. Peculaire, is it not so, their understanding of 'legal' ?
  5. That's what I first thought of. But my SO mentioned Putin yesterday. Of course, Russian rewriting of history is nothing to us; the rewriting of American history is far more difficult for East Bloc immigrants to grasp.
  6. If you mean the Democratic, and potentially Democratic voters who most desperately need to turn out and vote in record numbers, in spite of the obstacles that will no doubt be raised even higher, yes, probably. Will they have the resolve? Will there be bloodshed? Who can tell? If you mean the moderate, sensible and potentially sane Republicans, I worry that it reached them only through the distorted medium of their own news sources, which might be more damaging than not reaching them at all. I haven't yet had the stomach to read the werewolf's reaction, among others.
  7. Not just some people. Everyone needs to learn before they can understand, and understand something before they can do it well.
  8. Hence 'delivered' rather than 'invented'. Presumably, he knew what was in it before he performed it. No. Can live without.
  9. Perhaps because they dispensed more useful wisdom without 'ie, facts' * than a great many modern people who have far wider access to a greater number of facts, yet keep denying those facts, keep telling lies, keep spreading noxious propaganda and inciting violence. Also, of course, * facts are not weapons, they're merely the building blocks of knowledge. All people, at all times, have been in possession of facts that pertained to their world and used those facts, and the resulting knowledge, to operate in their world. If the ancient Greeks used different metaphors from the ones used by modern Americans, they did, nevertheless, describe the workings of the human psyche far more accurately. And yet, here you are, beating up on the people you don't appreciate, rather than promulgating the wisdom of those you do.
  10. It's always just a matter of time. He stiffs them, he fires them, he throws them under random buses....they dump him.... https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/06/william-barrs-trump-administration-attorney-general/619298/
  11. He's never been a terrific public speaker. In this instance, it didn't seem to matter: he delivered it credibly and with conviction. Pretty much my sentiments https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/opinion-biden-s-fiery-speech-addressed-the-elephant-in-the-room/ar-AA11p4V8?cvid=7c22a17dd4d04544ba349c7d0fa7e4b2
  12. When did he have access? Alternatively: Who in the Trump entourage had access to Hunter Biden's briefcase?
  13. They could very easily be stuffed into folders with other documents, or in among the pages of Time, or in new folders with whatever proposed executive order was meant to declassify them, or hare-brained legal procedure he meant to bring against the writer... or under the bed with some old NY Posts hat carried stories about him. Or rolled up in the pocket of Russian spy who plans to use them to buy his way out of Russian service? FBI needs a lot more search warrants to look for them.
  14. This one of the best political speeches I've ever heard. Not because of policy or ideology statements, but because it directly - directly! and plainly! - confronts the single most important issue facing the nation. He didn't fudge and he didn't flinch and yet was positive. All-right!! Electoral reform is certainly long overdue. It's also very difficult. There has been a good deal of damage. First stabilize the structure, then start renovations.
  15. This was a departure from the generally - and officially - held belief of his times https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ancient-soul/#1, thus: During that period, Greek thought and literature were undergoing a shift in the conceptualization and elaboration of human nature, from a simplistic mythical narrative toward a far more nuanced and complex philosophy. Though sophisticated science was practiced in hydraulic, metallurgy and armaments, the scientific method as applied to the humanities was still a very long way in the future.
  16. I don't think he was such a fool as to think he - and every man who heeded his advice - would actually keep on living, if only they were virtuous enough.
  17. You mostly can't control your thoughts, but you can - presumably - direct them to a focus of attention, such as the object of desire with whom you are trying to connect, or the school subject you have to study for, or the football score on which you have a bet. You probably don't control your moves... and yet somehow find your way to the refrigerator when you're hungry and the bathroom when you feel bladder pressure, and across the street when the light is green and not when it's red, and it's nice to get credit for a clever chess move or well-played guitar solo - especially if you've spent a great many hours practicing those moves. So your movements and thoughts are being influenced, every minute, by changing circumstances in your environment, and you are responding in the present minute. If the bucket of the universe emptied all those minutes 13 billion+ years before you were in it, some very specific droplets were reserved just for you. Why not pretend you're interacting with them voluntarily? That's what most of us feel we're doing, most of the time, even if it isn't technically true.
  18. It's one of the more ironic immortalities. Everyone remembers him for the mode of execution - not the conviction, the charge, the problem he posed to the contemporary elite of Athens. Only a few scholars remember him for the actual teaching, and that, only through Plato.
  19. However, it does work in their favour. https://www.businessinsider.com/mar-a-lago-how-trump-special-master-request-likely-backfired-2022-8
  20. You enter into a contract, attesting that you have read and understood its terms. You do not have the option of changing the terms, or withdrawing your signature at some later date. How can this be any more plain?
  21. More accurately: "Do you know who my father was?"
  22. Even better! prokaryotes https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/bacteria-archaea/prokaryote-metabolism-ecology/a/prokaryote-classification-and-diversity
  23. Aw, now I get all nostalgic for those olden days when people actually composed music and wrote lyrics, rather than repeat the same bar and three syllables to an endless, boring beat.
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