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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. In any case, proof of (X,Z) dimensions holding all information of Quantum Numbers. 1 H 1s1 2 He 1s2 = [He] 3 Li [He] 2s1 4 Be [He] 2s2 5 B [He] 2s2 2p1 6 C [He] 2s2 2p2 7 N [He] 2s2 2p3 8 O [He] 2s2 2p4 9 F [He] 2s2 2p5 10 Ne [He] 2s2 2p6 = [Ne] 11 Na [Ne] 3s1 12 Mg [Ne] 3s2 13 Al [Ne] 3s2 3p1 14 Si [Ne] 3s2 3p2 15 P [Ne] 3s2 3p3 16 S [Ne] 3s2 3p4 17 Cl [Ne] 3s2 3p5 18 Ar [Ne] 3s2 3p6 = [Ar] 19 K [Ar] 4s1 20 Ca [Ar] 4s2 21 Sc [Ar] 4s2 3d1 22 Ti [Ar] 4s2 3d2 23 V [Ar] 4s2 3d3 24 Cr [Ar] 4s1 3d5 25 Mn [Ar] 4s2 3d5 26 Fe [Ar] 4s2 3d6 27 Co [Ar] 4s2 3d7 28 Ni [Ar] 4s2 3d8 29 Cu [Ar] 4s1 3d10 30 Zn [Ar] 4s2 3d10 31 Ga [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p1 32 Ge [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p2 33 As [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p3 34 Se [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p4 35 Br [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5 36 Kr [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p6 = [Kr]
  2. So, that pulls through the ghost operator then?
  3. Alright not miss any QM objects electron configuration and quantum numbers can be explained by (X,Z) Dimensions, so that is the right Hamiltonian, Einstein's view of QM was retarded, which is why his equation for quanta is invalid.
  4. Which Coriolis coupling is not general enough only diatomic molecules, but the constant version is and also I think I know why Quantum entanglement happens now same reason as why molecules bind, synced rotation/Angular velocity and vibration states equal opposite perfectly.
  5. I think it has fully absorbed the standard model at this point. and everything but molecules in chemistry. Along with GR + SR Four Momentum SR. QM still needs to be altered to get molecules and such. I think this is what is needed. I did notice this it has to include Antimatter Z± Transform. ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y) = (Ĥs((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2)/-(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2)
  6. Well, Electromagnetism would be the Solid part of matter then, as you get closer the negative and negative repel making it feel solid. That would make DM non solid by that view which is what is found.
  7. So your saying that Star ship trooper's aliens are real. Maybe there is no reason to think that intelligence could not evolve that way given the diversity of life on earth, like ant colonies and such along with how much more diverse the Universe would be then that. Given that there are more stars systems in the Universe then every grain of sand of every beach in the world within the Universe.
  8. Also because of this one part is getting reverted back to Hamiltonian, that transform is no longer valid with this new addition. ħωs = Ĥ ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y) = (Ĥs((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2)/-(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ+)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2)
  9. Add Left and Right Handed Neutrinos for now but Right handed may get removed later. V(φ) = (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2) Dμ = (δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ) Transform. ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y) = ((ħωs)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2)/-(δμ + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ+)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) So, I will add it like this on Flavour Charge saying all are possible states. Y = 1 Left handed Neutrino Y = 0 Right handed Neutrino without SNF1 ,ENucleon binding SNF = 0 , Dark Matter Type I Y = -1 WIMP with SNF1 ,ENucleon binding SNF > 0 , Dark Matter Type II But, -1 and 0 cannot both be true for "Real Universe" Depends on the Ghost Operator's State (δμ) in "Real Universe" does it go Sterile or Anti-ghost. I) II)
  10. Ya, I still think there is a SNF interactions like mesons on Dark Matter as WIMPs while in Sterile Neutrino it would not have SNF interaction, but we can all say that any model with electric charge in DM is false because of Electroweak decoupling in W-, W+, and Z bosons along with lack of interaction with photons at all, even charged particles that make a neutral bound would be false.
  11. I think I am going to stop taking both sides in arguments like in the DM post and this one because it gets me way too down-voted.
  12. I never said it came from nothing I said the Energy came from another dying universe, which still holds the conservation of energy. The Energy was never Created from nothingness the energy was transferred from another system like heat transfer in thermodynamics. You quoted the Third law of thermodynamics without understanding 1 and 2.
  13. Ya, I thought this fit in a odd way but it doesn't.
  14. Oh, I see where this goes now the symmetry break.
  15. Well, I am in a relatively good mood because of PCCO + graphine superconductor analysis says 100x Iron based, which has nothing to do with this but is wonderful for another project.
  16. Which I noticed another error upon a transform missing division sign, when subbing Friedmann equation. ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,u) = ((ħωs)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμDμψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - V(φ)/-Dμ2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ+)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) I did this quickly so if this happens a third time, I will reconstruct the entire equation to make sure they match, three strikes and I destroy and reconstruct, luckily I remember every change.
  17. surface proteins in humans. CTC : CD8 More On CT Receptors NKC: CD16 and CD56 More on NK Receptors Depends on how detailed you want it.
  18. Half life is exponential, not linear, like Cellular reproduction and such, so it is not that simple.
  19. Which photons not having mass and imaginary mass does not effect SR means that I don't have to change literal anything on this equation for C2 as the Speed of Light in time-space as Einstein's Aether Medium. Good would have been annoying anyways.
  20. Good that means I don't have to change anything which means I am right either way. So, No photons don't have Mass They would have to go into a Tachyon Condensation to get mass which they don't. "all elementary particles are massless. At a critical temperature, the Higgs field becomes tachyonic; the symmetry is spontaneously broken by condensation, and the W and Z bosons acquire masses."
  21. The term "tachyon" was coined by Gerald Feinberg in a 1967 paper[7] that studied quantum fields with imaginary mass. Feinberg believed such fields permitted faster than light propagation, but it was soon realized that Feinberg's model in fact did not allow for superluminal speeds.[6] Instead, the imaginary mass creates an instability in the configuration: any configuration in which one or more field excitations are tachyonic will spontaneously decay, and the resulting configuration contains no physical tachyons. This process is known as tachyon condensation. A famous example is the condensation of the Higgs boson in the Standard Model of particle physics. In the standard model, at temperatures high enough that electroweak symmetry is unbroken, all elementary particles are massless. At a critical temperature, the Higgs field becomes tachyonic; the symmetry is spontaneously broken by condensation, and the W and Z bosons acquire masses. (This is also known as electroweak symmetry breaking; EWSB.) A tachyonic field, or simply tachyon, is a quantum field with an imaginary mass.[1] Although tachyons (particles that move faster than light) are a purely hypothetical concept, fields with imaginary mass have come to play an important role in modern physics[2][3][4] and are discussed in popular books on physics.[1][5] Under no circumstances do any excitations ever propagate faster than light in such theories—the presence or absence of a tachyonic mass has no effect whatsoever on the maximum velocity of signals (there is no violation of causality).[6] I don't care either way, but this made me think I had to make corrections for Tachyonic Fields in SR with imaginary masses.
  22. it says this is the source of that Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder (1995). An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Perseus books publishing. We are about to find out why it says that then.
  23. Then plug a imaginary mass into SR and see what happens, if you get a answer that is sensible which the Higgs mechanism says they have for a short time.
  24. yes but when both are put into the same medium it causes two different states for Timespace to appear, one that allows tachyonic stuff one that doesn't
  25. Ya, but I am trying to renormalize this stuff, as Timespace and Higgs have a different medium either Einstein or Higgs are right, but not both..... which has nothing to do with this post.
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