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Status Replies posted by koti

  1. Remember that prof asking me if I were interested in helping another prof with statistical analyses of some data? Seems like all of a sudden I'm officially involved in an international study concerning socioeconomic demographics of medical students and health workers :)

  2. I am proud of myself and my partner. We hae a 6 month old, after my partner obviously refused to drink, one of the guests at a gettogether at our place last night stated that brestfeeding doesnt make sense after 6 months as the mothers milk becomes null nutritionally. Both me and my partner managed not to engage in conversation which would inevitably result in me having an episode.

  3. I am proud of myself and my partner. We hae a 6 month old, after my partner obviously refused to drink, one of the guests at a gettogether at our place last night stated that brestfeeding doesnt make sense after 6 months as the mothers milk becomes null nutritionally. Both me and my partner managed not to engage in conversation which would inevitably result in me having an episode.

  4. I am proud of myself and my partner. We hae a 6 month old, after my partner obviously refused to drink, one of the guests at a gettogether at our place last night stated that brestfeeding doesnt make sense after 6 months as the mothers milk becomes null nutritionally. Both me and my partner managed not to engage in conversation which would inevitably result in me having an episode.

  5. I am proud of myself and my partner. We hae a 6 month old, after my partner obviously refused to drink, one of the guests at a gettogether at our place last night stated that brestfeeding doesnt make sense after 6 months as the mothers milk becomes null nutritionally. Both me and my partner managed not to engage in conversation which would inevitably result in me having an episode.

  6. Lesson for 2016: Never underestimate an electorate's capacity for collective stupidity.

  7. Oh for Fucks Sake!

  8. I found it rather funny than alarming when I saw the results this morning.

  9. I found it rather funny than alarming when I saw the results this morning.

  10. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  11. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  12. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  13. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  14. Oh for Fucks Sake!

  15. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  16. All US citizens please accept my condolences. Also, I heard there's a huge party at Putin's place tonight. We are all officially screwed.

  17. Returned my unused Zyban and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

  18. "Déjàbrew" (noun) - Slowly remembering things you did while drunk.

  19. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  20. "Déjàbrew" (noun) - Slowly remembering things you did while drunk.

  21. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  22. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  23. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  24. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  25. "Déjàbrew" (noun) - Slowly remembering things you did while drunk.

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