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Everything posted by j_p

  1. j_p

    Stimulants for ADD

    I suspect they are over-prescribed. However, I do know of one pre-adolescent that responded very well to them, and then made the decision to stop using them around the onset of adolescence.
  2. I would really like to see the evidence of that; I've been hearing that all my life, but no-one has ever offered any data to support it. I'm not talking about theories based on the importance of greater upper body strength in throwing spears, I mean some evidence.
  3. IMM: I did only scan your reply, but I think you missed one point; even if we ignore the possibility of bias in studies and the effects of enculturalization, and so accept that men and women do have different abilities in certain activities, the bell curves overlap. Some men are better than some women with babies and some women are better than some men at plumbing. To OP: I will agree to only two serious differences between the sexes: women can have babies, and men have greater upper body strength. I don't see that either difference has much importance; if men care for the babies they can bond with them as well as women can, and women can use levers and pulleys [and lathes and compound-miter saws and drills and detail sanders and routers and floor-sanders and bob-cats ...]. To most: I can not believe how many responses address only the subject line; could you take the point that your partener is a lousy cook at little further, next time? Like point out that she is a hell of a good sheet-rocker or investment banker? To add my anecdotal evidence, we have a very traditional division of labor in our marriage; the man puts food on the table and the women keeps the house. The man shops and cooks, and the woman rocks and muds the walls. [Of course, he is not allowed to do the laundry, and she is not allowed to take out the trash; you have to draw the line somewhere.]
  4. This is an interesting point: simply defining something as a social problem indicates bias, and science is ideally NOT biased. So, we could work with that. The effect of bias on scientific research. Is this a research project, with actual measurements and tests, or just a paper? If it is just a paper, you're all set; start with reading S.J. Goulds' "The Mismeasure of Man". Then find an instructor in Women's Studies with a scientific background, or any female graduate student in a hard science [biology would be your best bet; there are still socio-biologists out there], and ask for other references. Then go to an African-American studies instructor and an African-American graduate student; I think Economics could be an interesting field there. Then, compare and contrast the bias exhibited. Your only problem will be keeping the paper short enough. [Of course any non-SMW groups will do, but I think you would find the most references for women and African-Americans.] If you need to do actual research, I think I could come up with a project based on your illusions of sociopathy. Let us know.
  5. How about how the rate of temperature change of water in response to change in air temperature? And the rate of temperature as a function of depth? Or heat capacity as a function of salination in estuaries? Both of these would relate to niche survival strategies. Maybe the point of the requirement is to make the student think one step further; after all, is it really science if one can't find something to graph?
  6. j_p

    Childlove Movement

    So, if I understand you correctly, TK, you are condemning the 'Lock 'n Load' solution, rather than specifically supporting sex between children and adults? I think you have a point; we are scientists, so we should be interested in the causes of phenomena, rather than just condemning it.
  7. Having studied both languages, I would find 'Bufo anthropus' annoying. Unless the Greek term is used specifically to differentiate the species from the 'true' human genus. OK, just work that into the game booklet.
  8. That sounds great, but can you mix Latin and Greek like that?
  9. If I wish you luck, you'll end up at Northwestern [i love Chicago]. Remember your social skills.
  10. MIT, trendy?! My initial response to the OP was 'Piss off God", but then I got to the line Don't dis some-one's dream. JPQuiceno: If your old college admission counsellor can't help you, find an MIT alumna in your area, and write for an interview. Ask what you can do to make yourself a better candidate. Ask if she has an internship available that would make you a better candidate. Ask if she knows of any other alumae/i in the area you could ask for advice. What you are looking for is a recommendation; schools that have far more qualified candidates that they could ever admit give weight to alumnae/i recommendations. Other things to consider: Every well-educated nerd genius in the world applies to MIT [gross exageration; don't bother to dispute]. MIT likes articulate, well-rounded, intelligent, and emotionally stable prospects. They would like to know that your first 'C' won't send you out of a dorm window. They like candidates that might play well on 'Nova'.
  11. Go ask your former high school college admission office.
  12. YT, it is 5 days after the hurricane; most of the problems are being caused by the flood. The disaster did NOT 'occur' five days ago; it has been occurring for the last five days. Check out this article from the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-levee2sep02,1,6468899.story
  13. Damn you, YT, for forcing me to defend that idiot. I applaud Bush for staying out from underfoot; a bunch of high-level officials, with attendant security issues, are not going to help the relief effort. The reason that the situation is so bad in NO is that the levee broke and the pumps failed; the emergency occurred AFTER the hurricane. FEMA is there, the Red Cross is there, and the Guard is there. But roads are still impassible, power lines are still down, sanitation systems are not functioning, and the water has just stopped rising in NO. [Things may be improving; I haven't listened to the news today.]
  14. I think that a tripartate republic is the only system that would benefit from a strong third party. [They certainly play hell in a parlimentary system.] Two parties create a false dualism; I think that a strong third party would force the two main parties to work toward consenus. The Libertarian Party should find a way to be that third party, as its core philosophy appeals to those on both the Left and the Right. Unfortunately, it appeals most to those who have given up on government.
  15. I don't have to; I am not defending a position. Neither are you.
  16. I'll respond. "... the rest is inference, however reasonable ... 1980. "Gould's predecessor at Harvard, George Gaylord Simpson agrees..." in 1944! Even the more recent quote is a quarter of a century old [2005 - 1980 = 25]; and Gould challenged science in order to advance it.
  17. He's wicked smart. Americans prefer charm. Please contradict me with your votes. I think the U.S. system, unlike parlimentary systems, would benefit from a strong third party.
  18. I respect the decision of one who choses adoption, I could just never do it myself. Just because an ovum accidently gets fertilized doesn't mean one has to create a life one can not care for. As for public funding, I will listen to complaints against therapy when public transportation receives the same kind of funding as the roads. Those last two sentences read much more agressive than I meant them; sorry about that.
  19. But back to the main point; I think at least 40% of my tax dollars are spent on things I disaprove of. Why should one issue be granted special status? To digress: as far abortion v. adoption? I do not understand how anyone can chose to create another person and then abrogate all responsibility.
  20. Actually, the Supreme Court is interesting in this regard; justices can not be impeached for being incapable of fulfilling their duties. Let me look this up ... "America: The Book" should be required reading for every student of American History.
  21. That is not fair; they are allowed to retire, you know. And don't ever put me in the position of defending that super wacko again.
  22. Are you certain that july is hotter than august up here?
  23. Absolut Bathroom. Wear Bathroom. Ah, ha! A tough bathroom to follow. We got a repeat. i can't believe I ate the whole bathroom. Welcome to bathroom country. Live in your bathroom, play in ours. That's a good one, I'll stop there.
  24. What is neo about Robertson's conservatism?
  25. Well, I was raised in one of the monotheist faiths; not a good place for women. All that hierarchical and patriachal foolishness, 'He for God and she for God in him.'
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