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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. I think your conclusion is wrong and one can equal two using the assumptions you proposed.
  2. Why is space not a "thing"? Is space-time a thing?
  3. Is self awareness really necessary? Given an infinite Universe there will be infinite monkeys banging on typewriters but also infinite primates (us) doing just what we are doing simply because it is possible. Now if this is one of those infinite Earths that is identical to this one and has only one self aware primate then I'm sorry to tell you that it is me and not you.
  4. So in this model the mass absorbtion of space creates curvature as well?
  5. How would orbits work in your model?
  6. Has anyone done any analysis of the gas and drawn any conclusions about the monsters diet?
  7. As for entangled pairs would a test on A which collapses the probability wave of both A and B not change the odds of a different test on B?
  8. A particle in an unknown but definite state would presumably not be interfered with by it's "other" possible/unknown but "definitely not" states.
  9. There are aliens out there that "eat" gullible intelligent lifeforms. But they don't waste their time looking for them, that would make finding needles in haystacks seem easy. So they just wait for the signals...
  10. I look at it as the "effective" mass if you wanted to accelerate it further and still use F=ma which would be incorrect otherwise at relativistic speeds.
  11. Or if the bug was really really massive!
  12. I've seen a lot of references calling "classical" pre-quantum/post relativity (even though they overlap), although I was thinking the same thing.
  13. Is it possible to have only 4 dimensions?
  14. Of course I have an incomplete (read wrong) view of the Universe but I don't picture a vibration so much as cycles in extra dimensions. So this "space" combined with the energy/momentum in this closed "space" effects the "vibration".
  15. How many hours & minutes does it take for the Earth to rotate once?
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