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Posts posted by hoola

  1. pardon my over-assertiveness, I didn't think I was being so, and I will revise my responses accordingly. I am asking "real" questions, and as far as I can tell, quantum mechanics is a subject that some know quite a bit about, but nothing as to why it works. I realize the ludicrousness of what I propose, and expect to learn enough about the subject to see how silly my idea is. The idea is getting wet, but I have heard nothing yet that rules out my basic premise; that imaginary (or complex) numbers, if you will, are the functional basis for QM structure...I guess a definition of both terms is in order, as I have seen them used interchangeably...

  2. ok then, give me a real number as a result of the equation : sq.rt of -2 = X give me X without the "I" in front of the answer...It cannot be done, can it? Forgive me as I have no formal training in math other than the basics, and this is my learning process. Thank you for your patience...

  3. in short, the classic/quantum divide is based upon the realm of real numbers vs. the realm of imaginary numbers...each having it's own internal, yet incompatible form of underlying logic that offers functionality and consistency (durability) of product results.

    "this is a well defined mathematical operation...." this operation is not a concrete result, is it? Granted, it can influence the result as a factor within a.logical equation, but in isolation is not of itself logically based.

  4. "expansion is not a speed..." I am referring to the inflation period of the BB era, when the universe grew from plank size to an orange size in a quantized manner. "I don't see how this model..." It divides the classic world and quantum worlds and gives a rational basis for that division. "what equations?..... There is a realm of imaginary numbers, which has functional inter-action value (equations), and stem from a logic other than the one that rules conventional math. "And how are they failing?" They fail to be expressed in the first 3 dimensions, as our logic cannot supply a result to the question...what is the sq.rt of -2? Our mathematics can pose the question, but not the answer, hence a sort of flying pig is imagined (the equation), but how the feat is accomplished, cannot. (the failing)

    "there are now, (yes).............and always have been, (no)........ points that have been separating faster than the speed of light"

  5. one piece of evidence is what i have read about the faster than C proposed inflation speed, almost a "quantum" jump in geometric space, the horizon problem issue ( if that is what you mean...)

    another bit of evidence is the observations of virtual particles and dark energy having no apparent source...

    and this model explains in a crude way, how this could be happening, and as john wheeler asked..."why the quantum?"

    If virtual particles annialations have a left-over energy, perhaps as a sort of "quantum nuetrino" being expelled, these "quetrinos" could be the dark energy.

    as each equation fails in the pursuit of a QM logic, the cessation of the data stream is a reaction that forms the quetrino... inflating space in a small way, just as the large scale failures inflated space in a large way, at the BB...

  6. ok then, the expression reaction happened prior to the matter/anti matter reactions...

    what I am saying is that the BB was a complete math expression, including Imaginary Numbers. The numbers are extensions of logical derived mathematics, yet themselves are not logical entities....hence the brief large scale quantum expression (inflation) in the classical universe...then becoming restricted to hidden dimensions, and why they are useful in quantum calculations...

  7. Why inflation? If the mathematical BB contents expressed were a complete set of all derivations possible, then the matter/anti matter destruction issue is further amplified by the failures of the Imaginary Number information, such as sq.rt.- 2, and etc. This failure was resulting from the underlying logic of our classic world not supporting this family of numbers, as they are obviously illogical. The IN file calculations ended in the first 3 dimensions (classical world), yet continue in the remaining dimensions, four thru ten (quantum world), as the quantum world has it's own, to be determined "logic". The duration of the inflation would have been limited to the time it took for this lack of support by classical logic. Nothing happens instantly in classical world, so some time for this would have had to occur. This inflation interval was the first and last large-scale quantum expression in this universe. These IN driven calculations go on in the other 7 dimensions, and are responsible for the dark energy/virtual particles phenomena. The classical world has a formed flawless logic, so our standard model is fixed. The quantum world itself is still calculating as it is still in the process of determining it's own logic. These calculations will go on forever if there is no logic to be derived from extensions of the equations, the expansion will go on forever, and space should remain intact and consistent, with rare exceptions, such as at event horizons...yet another reason to like silly things...

  8. I see everything as a component of math, including all the gods, devils, persons, matter, and the energy that drives it all. Everything is information, so there is a "leveling of importance", attributed to each entity, including humans, horseflies, atoms or the deity of your choice. I see these "bitstrings" of information evidenced as the functional component of string theory. With this surmise, some bits describe something, say a devil or angel or some impossible flying pig, that we feel must somehow exist on some level, and we are right. While existing only (so far) within the advanced awareness of the human brain, and not in physical reality, they do exist in overall mathematical reality, or else we could not imagine them. This gives the illusion that they do or could exist outside of our head (as in art), and with enough wishful thinking (religion) they seem loosely coupled, but fundamental structures. I also see them as fundamental structures, functioning as "seat fillers" in the Oscar theatre of reality. There in there, but nobody is going to call them up to the stage to give a long boring speech.....their "acting ability" seems a little sub-par to the selection committe.... I group the universe into logical and illogical sections, the logical ones have "durability" and can exist (and persist), while the illogical ones don't (so can't), as the math equations that describe them allow, and not any moral choice on our part to determine...

  9. in this idea, the physiologic structure of the human brain has 3 components, Reptilian, Mammalian and Human. Prior to the development of the human, the mammalian/reptilian co-processors were in charge. Prior to that, just the reptilian. This heirarchy of control has a built-in conflicts caused by jealousies between domains of who has active control of the human organism, of these 3 structures. This internal psychological competition is amplified by a physiologic need for each domain having to share a common nutrient supply. When we were 2 brained mammals, the brain/body size was smaller, allowing the body an easier job to supply the brain. There seems other interesting problems with the modern human. The awareness lies mostly in the intellectual human and is less related to the emotional mammalian, and even less aligned with the primitive reptilian. To have the intellect construct an intelligent plan of optimum behavior (enlightenment), says little about the other 2 structures ability to cooperate, if and when needed to do so. There is also an analogy to the 3 (orbiting) body problem here. The awareness shifts to varying degrees among these three domains, as external environmental and internal physiologic needs require. The human animal is somewhat unstable as a result of this, as in a typical 2 brain mammal, the emotion is dominate and the reptile is subordinate in active overall descision making, and the introduction of a third giving the issue of unpredictability. To make the subject of enlightenment even more difficult to achieve, the intellect can only go so far in the path to complete enlightenment without the cooperation from the other two, which in most humans, seem barely to be on "speaking terms". So, it is the job of the intellect to educate the emotion, and the emotional system's job to enlicit the cooperation of the reptile. Overall system enlightenment is achieved through a synthesis of cooperative communications among the 3 participants. Success is limited to the degree of the intellect's overall plan towards the goal, the cooperations offered by the other two participants, which itself is limited by the degree of their functional ability to understand and accept the task , while still carrying on the traditional ancestral duties evolution assigned them.

  10. ....why is there all this suffering that seems a part of daily life in human societies? What, if any cause could be attributed to such an impossible question...? I conjecture that it is because of a fundamental flaw in the structural basis of this universe. In this thought experiment, I propose that everything is math, or a component within it, and this "error" is an inescapable component of functional reality, even of our brain's thought process.. I propose that an error of calculation occurred somewhere in the chain of informational evolution from the void to the eventual culmination of formal mathematics as it existed at the moment of our big bang. This "distorted output" of that final equation set affected the CP symmetry, giving the leftover matter we are made of. My model proposes a finite number of extant universes, each having a unique "error signature" that allows for the CP asymmetry along with other possible differences. If QM has a built in error correction code as described by S. Gates, that seems to lend some support to the model. After all, why is it there and what is it constantly correcting? The model also proposes that some gamma ray bursters are caused by a nascent universe's big bang described without an error signature that includes the CP symmetry disparity ... quickly ending in fading gamma rays... ----(I am fixing myself, therefore I exist)---

  11. drm doc, I believe (most of) my dreams are continuations of the running dialogue over a question I am pondering upon entering dreams state, of the positive or negative issues facing me of things I am doing, or have considered doing. I see them as a survival strategy in dealing with realities and theoreticals. Another rarer type of dream in the "nightmarish" category, seems to place me in situations that I am uncomfortable, not allow a resolve, and force me to deal with my inadequacies. There is a flip side to this that has me interacting with possible tricky life situations, and I manage to deftly manage a series of "tests". I have these dreams only a few times a year, and wake up feeling especially good, thinking my overall path in life is the right choice. Lastly, there are the erotic ones, which seem occur a few times a month surrounding a specific theme. I have two of three of these dream clusters per year.

  12. In the classical case, I think the proportion of making sense/not making sense from one person to the next on non-trivial matters is a "function of the square of the distance" from the world one has experienced, to another's. In a quantum sense it is the degree of psychological entanglement and distance doesn't matter..(instant karma)

    dimreeper...filling the gaps doesn't lose understanding, it adds to it in many ways, sometimes improving it...

  13. I see sentience as the active thinking component of the universe, and with that comes a certain responsibility to ourselves, our planet, and the cosmos, to be be on the correct path to comprehension of the elements of reality. In short, we are the cosmos in the process of self-analysis, doing our bit as individuals, as has been done since we grew the brains big enough to entertain advanced curiosities. Existential depression is one of the many fires we must walk through, just as our animal ancestors endured the rigors of competitive evolution to give us these big brains, it seems to come with the territory........Merry christmas geko ps...any thinking of my A through Z minus M thing? pretty funny, huh?

  14. the void fragmented to chaos, regions within the chaos froze out to assemble logic, logic then organizes a primitive mathematics using chaos as a primary signal source....later, the accumulation of information invents endless equations, such as pi, E, sq.rt of 2 and etc.... As self-sustaining equations co- evolve, the chaos signal is no longer needed. Based upon it's own extrapolations, what I call the "informational black hole" develops, delivers the finalized data stream for the first physical representation, the singuarity. I see the singualrity as a lone virtual particle, the same as we see today, but without it's anti-particle to cool things down, as power source for the big bang.

  15. to me, dreams are a series of still pictures, the initial one establishing the premise of the movie, and the next frame is an analysis of the previous, expressed as a conclusion or step to a conclusion of the premise. In this manner a dream goes on till some resolve is achieved to the satisfaction of the awareness, aimed towards the original premise, not so much the intervening steps...Sometimes one of the intervening step satisfies the original premise sufficiently that the awareness considers the original premise essentially resolved. At this point a review of the dream (double dream) sometimes happens if there is enough time left in the REM state.

  16. I think there is no stoppage of change, which I define as time, within the cyclical universe model. One dissipates, another appears. Even with a one-shot universe, dissipation goes on forever. But time must have existed before any universe, in order to form it. In either type, if the universe(s) are finite, this makes the void timeless since it is outside the influence of any particular universe it contains...hence a sort of time stoppage. It would be more accurate to say it never got started though...

  17. in thinking about the apparent rapid speed associated with entanglement and the supposed rapid speed of inflation... If the primordial energy could be thought of as a sea of entangled particles, could the inevitable entropic increase have broken the entanglements between the particles, thus establishing the limit of the length of the inflationary period, leading to particle formation and the establishment of C?

  18. thanks geko, the dark matter thing is a little tacked on, but the concept there was that a durable substrate ordered through other principles, may be detectable. My favorite dark matter candidate is from the same "reality M" substrate of mathematics...as a casual interference of type rM universes within the chaos...with gravity as a common feature

  19. I consider a non-human concept one derived from a non-mathematical subset of the chaos output. The void spits out the chaos, of which a certain finite portion eventually gels into mathematics, the substrate of our reality. This allows for all known and unknown concepts possible to sentience within our reality, lets call that "reality M". I see the chaos creating other universes based on various non-mathematical structures, allowing for a number of alternative universes, each of which does not interact directly with the others, lets call those universes "realities A through Z minus M". Any universe within the overall alphabet has no interactions with any other, given these sharp divisions, constituting "true unknowables" of the substrates of, or concepts within, between these "adjacent" universes. I see the void as the fundamental driver of the chaos, therefore a common root, and may someday allow some knowledge sharing between alphabet members. I further see these adjacent universes as candidate for the dark matter affecting our universe's gravitation...

  20. hey, that reminds me of a curtain of magnets held on strings that once set into motion would make varying interesting patterns for quite some time. Spinning one in a lower corner for example, would have a cascading effect that spread throughout the entire curtain. Eventually the rocking of individual magnets, about 50 in all, would come to a stasis point and only move slightly, as with air currents in the room...the concept of perpetual motion only seems to hold for the quantum realm in this universe.

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