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Posts posted by hoola

  1. yes, best in the world is an overstatement at the present time, with our bill of rights still holding despite efforts to effectively rid them.   And I did say "arguably the best" knowing full well of the horrible contradictions, yet considering other country's histories (of which they tend to not advertise either), we have been better than most, most of the time.

  2. having said all that....we are arguably still the best country in this world, and that point is well taken, as all humanity is represented here with all the little problems delivered to us by the forces of evolution to grow bigger brains and we are slowly succuming to our ability at high levels of intellectual thought, as we have artificially extended the ledge we have been driven to by mostly instinct. We have gotten away with this until the population has risen to an unsustainable level. We as a society have the usual "social entropy" of all countries, that is a cleansing of the heroic war component of history, and a deliberate forgetting of the even more horrible parts. This deliberate forgetting is analogous to physical entropy as a supposed inevitability, so just "go along" with the general llow is the social norm. This is the main way we are deceived by the equating of the two, and the more you know about entropy and it's various form in the physical world, the more it seems not true. Just because the term is rather a recent one, the underlying paradigm was always there, as most countries self destruct. Another facet of this whole mess, is that wars are somewhat a desirable thing, they lower the local populations and the "fog of war" is a huge cloud under where both men and women get away with sexual crimes, in the normal sense of the word, as defined by the conventions of the time. Make America great and go out and grab some unwilling pussy...

  3.  The USA is a parasitic bully, does anything for the dollar including destroying the world if necessary, based upon an economic philosophy of short term  gain, under the guise of a pretended good will. This is not to say that the people want this, but are easily manipulated into acting against their own interests by shallow and very obvious propaganda. by the government and corporate entities. This is not to say that this country hasn't done good in the world, but only when "good" coincides with economic gain, such as our involvement in WW2, the shining example and perhaps the only justifiable war since 1812 within the many acts of barbarism committed around the globe. These imperial acts include the murder of 250,000 people in the Phliiapeans, theft of Hawaii, theft of Cuba, theft of half of Mexico, theft of all Native lands worth stealing, theft of Africa of millions into the slave trade. And more fake wars in recent years based upon falsified evidence such as Vietnam, and more recently Iraq. I don't want to leave out the subversions of the governments in Chile, the central american countries, destruction of the democracy in Iran in '53, at the behest of British Petroleum under Churchill in order to control their oil supply by installing the Shah, a brutal dictator The list of atrocities is not complete, I suggest you verify these listed,  and then research the details of others. It is all public information and not difficult to do. 

  4. doesn't information itself have a slight mass that upon whirling about at relativistic speeds, gives an increase to mass/energy that allows measurability, such as with the casimir experiment for virtual particles and some other fundamentals such as the photon? It does seem unlikely that information in an SD card or other small storage device could be measured by weight, but then, isn't a black hole an example of how information can be accrued into a weighty substance? Any experiment with weight of such small devices would have to figure in the background noise such as air pressure  variations, if not weighed in a vaccuum and also variations in gravity on the earth, and even if done in space, with the impinging effects of  variations in microgravity and even of gravity waves noise coming from all directions...

  5. if science proves that the universe is a mathematic equasion set, and if that equation set includes all various gods descriptions, then by default science would do as the poster wishes and prove the existence of all gods....and set accurate limits to their properties giving them "short range" effects on real physical entities, namely the brain that thinks them. The fact that they are irrational imaginary constructs means that they are "in the realm" unlike things that are not yet derived by the Bulk. These things are beyond sentient ability to conceive, as the Bulk has not made them available as of yet, the true unknowables. This sets an upper limit to present day sentient free will, but as the wheel is still in spin, stay tuned.

  6. I might venture that there is a god, but under a certain restriction.  I would also say that there are a near infinite number of other imaginary concepts competing for your attention, should you decide to indulge them. To say that they are imaginary is not a put-down, only a qualifier. In the model of everything existing within the mathematical Bulk, you have the possibility to think of them should you decide to do so, as an expression within the Bulk, accessed  by the phenomena of free will. What happens when you think of your personal god? Do you think of it the exact same way each time? Each perception is only a rough approximation, each approximation is a different alteration. Add in generations of variations since the stone age and I think you can see what I am getting to. The real reward here is that we can perceive these things, not that they are real, but a nice topic for thousands of years giving the human intellect a good workout. The development of these "intellectual lead boots" attached to our societies is a noble attempt of the why anything question, so the "gods" had their use in history, but it seems past time to take off the training wheels...we have arrived, the gods have done their job, let them retire in dignity...

  7. I suppose this whole idea of observed waving speeds for both astronauts is dependent upon the size of the BH in question due to the smaller gravitational gradients apparent with ever larger BHs...but if the falling observer of his reflection gets the light waves redshifted going out and bliue shifted going in, wouldn't he see his reflection waving in sync with his own hand waving locally, independent of size, while his friend's observed decay rate of wave freq. of him is BH size dependent?

  8. so, how does the relative wave rates appear to the two astronauts even if that analogy is erroneous...?...it would seem that the infalling astronaut's perceived reflection would travel twice the distance in the high gravity field, with his wave rate slowing twice what his friend sees, and that the infalling astronaut sees his reflection as if from a remote observer's virtual position twice the distance of the stationary friend...

    I order to clarify a point, what if the two astronauts agreed that they both will wave and at identical rates. Would the infalling astronaut see the same slowing of wave rate of his friend that his friend sees of him? IOW, does the appearance of time dilation work equally both directions?

  9. I would think that the rate of waving would be seen to be slower to the infalling observer's reflection, as the time slowing in a high gravity field upon the light beam as it travels twice, just as a fast traveller leaving the earth and coming back would be aged more slowly. The fact that the traveler comes back to the earth does not reverse the time slowing effect as he is leaving it....

  10. If two astronauts were near a large black hole, holding onto a mirror which was affixed so as to remain still, and one astronaut was to let go of the mirror and descend into the hole waving goodbye at a steady rate, would the falling astronaut see the identical wave slowing of his reflection in the mirror that his friend would see of him directly?

  11. if gravity expression is due to a warpage of space, what is doing the warping? In space is a sea of virtual particles, I conjecture that the geometric orbits of these annialations are affected by proximate energy/matter, thus extending the annialation process resulting in the observable effect of gravitation. This local change of annialation process expands out in a phononic-like manner at c with the inverse square law with tensor expression into the surrounding sea of VPs, thus inferring then stiff, yet deformable flux being the observable result of what we call space.

  12. my thinking is that larger BHs have a smaller effective gravity felt at the approach of the EH due to the averaging effect on space shear, by it being closer to a flat surface than smaller ones....but that the gravity felt at the EH should be the same for all BHs or else the horizon wouldn't be where it was...strange, I don't understand your last remark about escape velocity of c not being why things can't get out...I thought that was a pretty settled issue...

  13. I saw a discussion of black holes of different sizes having differing gravity forces at the event horizons, but if the horizon is established by C, and C is constant, shouldn't the gravity at the surfaces be equal?

  14. I think that self awareness is an offshoot of generating and processing quantum abstractions of a given a specific stimulus. The stimulus could be considering a math problem, or looking in the mirror. The ability to "show all answers" generated by this stimulus and then go thru the process to pick a few conclusional outputs to place in memory, uses an individually distinct process of information processing each time, regardless of the stimulus. Our individual process pathway, or our particular "algorithmic data set" allows self awareness as it is essentially the same each time, thus we gain familiarity with how our brain works, and self-identify as "it", but really we only "with it" and somewhat vulnerable to "it's" quirks and charms. In a larger sense, our personalities are the way our brains "crunch the numbers", and also remain pretty much fixed throughout life, but are less rigid, as the overall personality is a more complete combination of all brain components, of which are in a perpetually competitive state, not only of behavioral contol aspects, but also of competition for basic nutrients, oxygen and waste removal. .

  15. wow, what can I say but that you may have left out a few steps there...question : does ( mean void ?. You wrote your thinking down in an interesting manner. I have my own floorplan of pre BB events. If you are indeed serious, please elaborate...and why are you sorry for the name?. One thing I noticed is that you equate intelligence with energy. Don't you mean information instead of intelligence? This way you don't violate conservation, as information describes energy, and is not energy itself, and so remains neutral.

  16. for what it's worth, there is a utube video that claims that he Titanic and Olympic identities were switched as the Olympic had unrepairable problems, and the re-branded Olympic was sent on the cruise to be "accidently" sunk.

  17. thanks for the reply....I hadn't considered that issue. If some nitrogen leaks out over time, what if little oxygen migrates inward (ambient air is 70% nitrogen), perhaps some benefit would result. I suppose a test of inward/outward gas permeability rates of a wrapper would have to be done. Most convenience foods come in cartons. The products could be in a similarly gas charged overall carton (shrink wrap), giving more time before gas transfers can occur as the nitrogen would have to transpire 2 layers. In practical application, a store keeps the product in the carton until ready to display individual wrapped items, leaving little time for gas transfer in a wrapper exposed directly to ambient air. In the case of the depleted CO2 coke bottles, did any oxygen get in is the salient point, futhermore the food packages will be under atmospheric pressure, not pressurized.

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