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Everything posted by husmusen

  1. Now I'm in the right place. English and Swedish(Fairly well) German(Getting a grasp of it, understand o.k. speak so-so). Japanese(Still learning). Cheers.
  2. Whoops, dont know how I missed it. Anyone reading this post to the original topic. Thanks.
  3. Human languages that is, not computer . How fluent are you? I'll kick things off with. English and Swedish(Fairly well) German(Getting a grasp of it). Japanese(Still learning). Cheers. P.S. Any languages you think would be really interesting to learn and why?
  4. In post #3 john wrote "Yes, I wonder how long a baby without a brain can live without any extraneous help. Still, I think it more humane to kill than to allow someone to suffer." ? How does it perceive pain without a nervous system and hence suffer. ? How then would allowing it to simply die be 'cruel'.
  5. husmusen


    Douglas, I must disagree. Excerpt from 'A child is born'*1 by Lennart Nilsson. "At eight weeks, ..., the developing individual is no longer an embryo but a foetus. Everything that will be found in the fully developed human being has now been established. The foetal stage is one of growth and perfection of detail. The heart has been beating for a month." Therefore I do not see how any such line could be drawn *after* this stage. *1 Nilsson,L. 'A child is born' P71 0-571-111-394.(This is a really good read).
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