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Posts posted by Sensei

  1. Electrostatic charged bodies are easily detectable, as they act like this plume for instance:



    Electrons want to be as far as they can from other electrons, causing movement of elements.


    Earth has radius 6370 km,

    Area A=4*PI*r^2,


    A=4*3.14159265*6370000^2=5.099*10^14 m^2


    You have Qearth=5.146043764 * 10 ^ 14 C


    That's ~1 C per 1m^2 of Earth surface..

  2. I have general advice for you for future.

    Simply enter label of whatever electronics you find in google search field, and you will see shops selling this stuff, with details, and everything mentioned, or even wikipedia page.


    Google "magicgate"



    BTW, there is plentiful of flash card standards. Every company has its own version. These connectable to USB are just minority of the market.

    If you have few brands digital cameras, you need special flash cards reader like this:


    Yes, I know, it's ridiculous quantity of "standards"....

    It's to screw customers by electronics companies..

    Customers are forced to buy one company products for years after initial digital camera/video recorder/printer/scanner/game/phone/electronics purchase.

    EU from time to time, force companies to make standards, but they're too quick, and too greedy.

    And now they made different batteries/accumulators. You have to have spare accumulators, rechargers, AC->accumulator replacements, for all the time running camera etc. etc.

    After initial purchase there is list of support stuff needed to buy for 50%+ of initial price. And matching exclusively model you bought and nothing else..

    The next year same company will make different model, with different standard of everything.. And it'll repeat again.

  3. You didn't mention what ports have your old TV..

    I assume it's CRT, not LCD/LED?


    Early LCD had VGA 15 pins,


    Later LCD have DVI analog, DVI digital, or both (better).



    Having to convert HDMI Full HD quality signal to obsolete digital, or even more obsolete analog, would be dramatic loss of quality though.

  4. If it would be general OOP language question, like for C++, I would make class for entry like pseudo-code:


    class Entry



    String m_Name;

    String m_Category;

    int m_Price;



    // constructor with initialization of fields..

    Entry( String &name, String &category, int price )


    m_Name = name;

    m_Category = category;

    m_Price = price;


    // Get/Set methods for each field, so they're keep black-boxes (private).



    and yet another class for dynamic list of entries:


    class DataBase


    Add( Entry *entry );

    Remove( Entry *entry );

    int GetLength();

    Entry *GetEntryByIndex( int index );

    // etc. support functions



    At the beginning of app, make instance of database, and add all entries to it. Could be from file.


    Database db;

    db.Add( new Entry( "Egg", "Food", 1 ) );

    db.Add( new Entry( "Chicken", "Food", 10 ) );

    db.Add( new Entry( "Bread", "Food", 3 ) );

    db.Add( new Entry( "Mercedes", "Car", 100000 ) );

    db.Add( new Entry( "Core i7", "Computer", 1000 ) );


    You can override += operator to be even more OO (if it's the main aim):

    db += new Entry( ... );

    If it would accept Entry &, it could be shorted to:

    db += Entry( ... );


    Then whenever you have to find entry by name, you go through all entries in dynamic-list like DataBase class object (db), and compare one by one with parameters like name, category, price.

    It will be slow with too many entries but good enough for a start for beginner.


    int count = db.GetLength();

    for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )


    // required overloaded operator [] in dynamic-list class

    // required overloaded operator == in name class (in the example above it was String, but could be subclassed, and overriden)

    if( db[ i ] == name )


    // found




    eventually the main loop (less OO friendly):


    Entry *entry = db.GetEntryByIndex( i );

    if( entry->GetName() == name )


    if( entry->GetCategory() == category )


    if( entry->GetPrice() == price )


    You could later sort them, and use binary-search algorithm to speed up operation.

    Binary-search allows finding entry in f.e. 4 billions big dynamic-list, within 32 comparison operations.


    Searching/filtering functions should be implemented as methods of class DataBase. For easy upgrade to the real database like mentioned MySQL in future.


    ps. Implementations will differ, from language to language. Just giving the basic idea how to organize data.

  5. "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter". - Winston Churchill

    Who is guilty for this? The all politicians which are not supporting free education for everybody at every stage of education..

    Extremities of this are in US and UK. And result is known: the largest number of prisoners in US from the all civilized "western" countries..

  6. Does that mean the force is derived in a similar way ? Say +and - electrical charges ATTRACT and would free fall or accelerate toward each other if there was nothing stopping them doing so .


    If there is a similarity in the FORCE, and a similarity in the ACCELERATION , might that not indicate there may be , ( ever so just be ) other similarities of Gravity and Electrical attraction?

    Read how we calculate e, elementary charge, 1.602176565*10^-19 Coulombs, in oil drop experiment:


  7. However if you have heard there are proven particles called neutrinos.

    I doubt you know anything about neutrinos.


    If you do, please tell us, what is maximum kinetic energy of neutrino produced by proton-proton fusion.. ?


    These particles pass through matter without changing itself or the substance.

    You're repeating very lousy interpretation that spread to general public knowledge.


    Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos act weakly. Not "at all", like in your lousy interpretation.


    Tell us, what material is used to detect neutrinos.. Show us, that you know subject, you're trying to discuss.

  8. NOTE: This is not a fully developed theroy,



    things are missing,

    I see no mathematical equations...


    out of order or incorrect i just want your initial thought on it

    Bunch of words?

    Not entirely this is partially based on others work however as for the math.

    Your "work" is based on nothing.


    Since dark matter isn't nothingness as seen by quantum physics my theory is correct.

    Quantum physics is not saying anywhere that dark matter is nothingness..

  9. Does that loosely fit in with my idea that , without light the space between "things" would no longer exist ?

    Not really.


    (so light would be entirely fundamental to our understanding of "separateness" (of course I do not follow your maths or even your follow up)

    I was referring to your what if "EM radiation did not exist".


    1 MeV = 1000000 eV

    1 eV = 1.602176565 * 10^-19 Joules.

    So for example proton-Deuterium fusion reaction is releasing

    5.49*10^6 * 1.602176565 * 10^-19 = 8.79594934185*10^-13 J

  10. Photons in core of star prevents total collapse of it.


    [math]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow D^+ + e^+ + V_e + 0.42 MeV[/math]


    [math]e^+ + e^- \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math]

    Annihilation of previously created positron with electron, creates 2.433 times more energy than the first reaction.

    Absorbed, scattered photons accelerate particles.


    [math]D^+ + p^+ \rightarrow ^3_2He + \gamma + 5.49 MeV[/math]

    Deuterium and proton fuse together, producing photon with plentiful of energy.

    5 times more than in the above annihilation.

  11. It's roughly a thousand times easier to weigh liquids than gases.

    Gas pycnometer doesn't measure mass, but volume of gas.


    "Gas expansion pycnometer is also known as constant volume gas pycnometer. The simplest type of gas pycnometer (due to its relative lack of moving parts) consists of two chambers, one (with a removable gas-tight lid) to hold the sample and a second chamber of fixed, known (via calibration) internal volume referred to as the reference volume or added volume."

  12. Electrostatic generators can generate few thousands to few millions volts. Enough to ionize gas.

    Plug electrostatic generator to discharge tube, and you will have very bright light source that can be used in night.

    It's easier to make discharge tube, than light bulb, though. It doesn't require vacuum, doesn't use rare metal for filament.

    Neon lamps are examples of modern discharge tubes



    Geissler tube 20 years predates Incandescent light bulb:


  13. For instance, if the en​tire universe is currently 13.8 billion years old, then Earths that developed at the 13.8 billion year mark are already "present".


    The "Earths" that are about to develop there and now as far as we can see, developed when the universe was 13.7 billion years old.


    Using standard models, it's not possible.

    Because 13.7 bln years ago, there was only Hydrogen-1 and Helium-4 in rates 12:1 quantity, which is 4:1 per mass.

    Earth-like planet is made of plentiful of heavy atoms, starting from Iron in the core.

    13.7 bln years ago, there was no Iron, yet.

    It was made later by fusion in the first stars and supernovas.

    Rock/metallic planets are made of dust and remains from them.

    You need to take into account time needed for life of these stars, explosion, and cooling down remains to the level, they could be reused.

  14. If you would be covered by material that only absorbs photons, and not release them, it would quickly heat your body to the level you would die because of life threatening temperature.


    Black materials, are absorbing photons in visible spectrum, 400 nm to 700 nm wavelength, but release photons at IR and microwave range.


    See how Top Gear made "invisible" car:


  15. Bitwise operation



    To set bit, you should use

    flags |= 1 << x


    To clear bit, you should use

    flags &= ~( 1 << x );


    and to test bit you should use

    if( flags & ( 1 << x ) )


    // bit set




    // bit clear



    where x is bit index from 0...31 for 32 bit integer.

    << is shift operator.


  16. A plant grows regardless of whether there's an animal around to breathe the oxygen it gives off.

    That's not quite true.

    If there will be no CO2 in atmosphere, plants won't be able to grow.. And spread gens for the next generation.


    Animals are active CO2 producers.

    Absence (extinction f.e.) would impact plants as well, as they would lose source of food (CO2 from atmosphere).


    Without animals, plants would have to rely on natural CO2 sources like Vulcan eruptions, or fire. Quite not reliable sources, as they're pretty random.

    Extinction of animals would lead to mass extinction of plants, in few thousands or millions years, not able to grow anymore without CO2.

  17. Personally I would write Android app to gather data.

    Devices have GPS, which can be periodically, say one time per second, read and stored.

    I have done such app. Records are stored in database/file (CSV), that can be transfered to computer.

    We can also read accelerometer periodically.

    Then you can make script/app on computer analyzing these data, filtering out and ignoring obviously wrong entries. Compare results from GPS <-> accelerometer.

    GPS locations (latitude,longitude) can be used with Google Maps (even directly in Android app, but there you have to get special certificate and include it in app; there is needed full Google developer account (you have to pay for it)).

    But in desktop computer version there is no such high level requirements.

    So, database entries will end up as series of lines in map, satellite view mode, you will verify whether path is correct.

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