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Posts posted by Sensei

  1. Is music a symmetry of noise ?


    Our ear could well categorize noise as music and vice versa (depending on our tastes).


    I think so. :wacko:


    Take any sample editing software.

    They can learn you how to generate sample, instrument, sound that's pleasant to ears.

    Each sample is volume (amplitude) at certain time. Currently stored in 16 bit signed integer, -32768... +32767 range. Or unsigned integer from 0..+65535,

    If sampling frequency is 44100 Hz, each sample is send to speaker every 1/44100 s=22.675 us. Speaker is set to given amplitude-volume by electromagnets passing higher or lower or none current or reversed current (repelling from magnet, or attracting to magnet). If same sample like 65535 is send to speaker for some time, it has constant current flowing through electromagnet, and remain steady not moving in one state, and there is no sound, even though volume is at max. To generate sound there is needed to move it all the time. Back and forth. It pushes air around speaker. And it propagates further in air around device.


    Programming approach:

    take sinusoid wave, square wave. sawtooth wave, or other input signal (better repeatable).

    output from it multiply by some value. It'll be amplitude of sound.

    Change linearly amplitude in time from 0 to max, and sinusoid wave is going from 0 (no sound) to its maximum.

    Then decay, then sustain stage (no significant change of volume).

    Then release, drop volume in time to 0,

    Initial sinusoid (or other) wave will be modulated.


    And it's ADSR (Attack,Decay,Sustain,Release) model of generating samples/instruments/sounds.





    Noise, contrary to music, is random.


    People call 'noise' music like techno,trance,metal, music they don't like, to discredit them. But they are not noise. They are not random.

  2. I like to think of events in a person's life as classified into two types :


    scalars - those lacking any objective eg) jay-walking on the street

    vectors - those with an objective eg) walking from home to office


    Needless to say the more vectors you have the more successful you are. :P


    What a gibberish..


    Increase of amount of money on your account, is scalar:

    money = money + income


    Decrease of amount of money also is scalar:

    money = money - expenditure


    Amount of money does not have 2nd dimension.


    Basically you don't know what is scalar and what is vector.


    Do you know how to convert vector to scalar?

    [math]length=\sqrt{dx^2+dy^2}[/math] for 2 dimensions.

    [math]length=\sqrt{dx^2+dy^2+dz^2}[/math] for 3 dimensions.

    it can be extended to further dimensions as many as we need.

    dx,dy,dz is relative between value at one time, and at other time,

    [math]dx = x1-x0[/math]

    [math]dy = y1-y0[/math]

    [math]dz = z1-z0[/math]


    [math]length=\sqrt{(x1-x0)^2+(y1-y0)^2}[/math] for 2 dimensions.

    [math]length=\sqrt{(x1-x0)^2+(y1-y0)^2+(z1-z0)^2}[/math] for 3 dimensions.

    etc. for further dimensions.


    You cannot convert from scalar to vector back. You lost informations while conversion.


    If we will have x(t),y(t),z(t) functions,

    You can make function f(t) like:

    [math]f(t)=\sqrt{(x(t+1)-x(t))^2+(y(t+1)-y(t))^2}[/math] for 2 dimensions.

    [math]f(t)=\sqrt{(x(t+1)-x(t))^2+(y(t+1)-y(t))^2+(z(t+1)-z(t))^2}[/math] for 3 dimensions.

    and convert entire data from 2d to scalar.

    or from 3d to scalar.


    f.e. take location from GPS of your smartphone/car, take time from clock, store them in database record, repeat all day long. Path can be drawn on the map in future. It's full of detail.

    Then after processing database with above function will be showing distance that you traveled, in 1 second steps. Without info about where you were. Some data has been lost during conversion.

    If you will sum the all scalars, you will have total distance traveled during entire recording.

    If you divide distance traveled by time, there will be average speed (scalar). Again local fluctuations of speed will be lost.

    Less data in scalar than vector (locations), but sometimes still useful for certain things.

  3. 1. Murphy's Law states that "if something must go wrong it will...".


    2. We make mistakes in life....(from 1)


    3. We live we learn (from our mistakes as per 2)


    4. This makes us wise...and more importantly we must be alive for this to happen (as per 3).


    So making mistakes is not so bad after all....(from 1/2/3/4) :wacko:

    As long as mistakes are quite insignificant. Huge mistake ends up in death. And inability to spread gens for further generations.

    Take for example motorcycle riders, and base jumpers..

    If somebody is addicted to adrenaline (or does not feel natural fear, or have issues with predicting future of his/her actions etc.) because of mutation in genes, might not survive to spread this mutation further.


    Intelligent people learn on other people mistakes. Even after their death.


    Seems like Schrodinger's cat is predictable in the above example...


    Original version of it, is about inability to predict whether unstable particle will decay or not, and when it will happen. It's about randomness in quantum world.

    Later with additional (unnecessarily) introduction of consciousness (making it even less scientific).

    Device measuring decays f.e. does not have any consciousness..

  4. Try for example Zinc Hydroxide and Acetic Acid.

    Zinc Hydroxide is white,

    Zinc Acetate is colorless.


    Other example is black Copper Oxide CuO,

    after reaction it often change to blue compound.

  5. I dont know maybe the guys at CERN can and if they can is it for a temporary moment? And what do they use to capture an electron moving? Im guessing camera's dont have that good a lens or frames per second so it must be electro magnetic right? send a wave in and measure the disturbance? in vacuum like conditions?

    Electron, or other charged particle, with high kinetic energy, while passing through medium is ionizing medium (and decelerating), and further electrons of medium are ejected and accelerated.

    This is how trace in f.e. Cloud Chamber is created. And can be seen by naked eye.

    Long thin trace is from electron, short bold trace is from alpha particle.

    Here you have instruction how to build Cloud Chamber by yourself.

    It's cost $30-$50 while using dry ice.

    But you need to have 1 kg (here they don't sell smaller amount) each time you want to run it.

    Electronic cooled versions (Peltier cooler) is much harder and more expensive to build. But more convenient to use.


    Bubble chambers are using liquid gas near 0 K temperature.

    f.e. liquid hydrogen below 33 K.


    Difference is in used medium.


    Further development of particle detectors:



    Other device you might be interested in is mass spectrometer.

    It's separating particles depending on their masses.

    f.e. split atoms of same element to their isotopes, each one to separate container for further experiments.


  6. just would like to say a quick thing, a while ago I got 2 huge old batteries (dc of course) when I doubled the amps by connecting them and stuck wires connected to the terminals in water, bubbles flowed (cannot remember if it was from one or both) and they turned green.

    Green color can be from Copper Hydroxide.

    Does it look similar?

  7. Massless particle means particle that has no rest-mass. Not that it has no mass. It has relativistic mass.

    (now will jump in people who are interpreting rest-mass and relativistic-mass differently)

    If massless particle is absorbed total mass-energy of particle/object that absorbed it, is increased.

    Reversing it, if massive particle is decaying to massless particles,

    like f.e. [math]\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma[/math]

    Total energy of produced photons is equal to total energy of pion prior decay.

    [math]e^+ + e^- \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma[/math]

    Total energy of produced photons is equal to total energy of electron and positron prior annihilation. Including their kinetic energies.

    So black hole that is "sucking in" photons is increasing its mass.

    Stars are emitting photons all the time, which have source in fusion, and losing their mass.

    Before fusion protons to He-4, protons have 4*938.272 MeV/c^2, after fusion He-4 nucleus has 3727.38 MeV/c^2, star lost +-25.7 MeV mass-energy (part taken by neutrinos).

    That's little more than 0.5%.

  8. Q=I*t= 90 Ah = 90A * 3600s = 324000 C

    With I=4.5 A

    battery will last 20h. 324000 C / 4.5A = 72000 s = 20h.

    But there is also another parameter, voltage,

    when it's multiplied by Q, we have total energy stored:


    your discharging cycles when voltage is increased, look like they shrink accordingly, less time was spend on discharging battery.

    Zoom-in your graph, and measure minutes between full load, and full discharge, of different cycles. Differences should be pretty small, barely visible.


    I can only speculate. You're passing quite significant current, with 55-60 Watts, for hours, perhaps there is made somewhere layer of metal oxide, that require higher voltage to be passed by electrons?

    Can you place your battery, and set up in container with Nitrogen only gas or other Oxygen-free gas.. ?

  9. This is a very odd question that I was wondering if anyone could share some insight on. So I've been reading about the history of science lately in particular how Joseph John Thomson discovered the electron / cathode rays. The discription of the device(s) he used is that he basically had an evacuated glass tube (vacuum tube) with a spark gap in it, and if you apply a potential difference across that gap electrons are ejected out of the material comprising the spark gap creating a "cathode ray". This effect is enhanced if the metal comprising the spark gap is hot.

    You should analyze this from point of view of particles.

    Electrons gather on negative electrode.

    If there is nothing else, the only attractive force is placed at positive electrode (far away on other end of tube).

    But if there is "heating element", that's wire (high resistance) through which there is flowing current (or there is gathering positive charge (much less than on 2nd positive)), it allows electrons to liberate more easily (because it's at very short distance from negative electrode).

    So electron is ejected from electrode, and "feels" attraction from positive electrode on the other end of tube, and is accelerated to it..

    Tubes with heating require smaller voltage/less energy, to start working. Even though they are harder to build.


    My question is what would happen if the metal was instead cold, like extremely cold, to the point that it was superconducting (assuming the metal is made from the right material)? Basically I am just curious as to how a spark gap, or even a capacitor behaves inside of a circuit once it becomes superconductive (for no particular reason this is just interesting).

    Gap has sense only for elements that are made of solid state material, and vacuum (eventually pretty rare gas) is between them.

    After exceeding some threshold voltage, breakdown voltage, electrons are starting flowing between electrodes, even though there is nothing there between them (vacuum).


    Cosmic rays, primary and secondary rays, as well as decays of radioactive particles, and isotopes, play significant role in causing spark.


    This one is interesting, as it's article not made by creationists fanatics.

    Do you see why it's giving false answers above 20,000 years +- 3500 y difference in water living animals with shells.. ?

    It's not carbon that has source in photosynthesis in the first place. But it's carbon in CaCO3.

    Animals with shells that died, their shells are starting dissolving (it's slightly soluble in water 0.013 g/L @ 25 C), and calcium carbonate is taken by other still living animals for building their own shells, obviously influencing results.

  11. Should we allow discussions about creationism?


    Yes, because this way we can explain these people the truth, that they might not be even aware of.

    Exclusion of these people, censorship of their threads, will just lead to inability of these people to learn something new.

    For instance, how to measure time using radioactive Carbon-14.

    This requires explaining them how to measure half-life/mean-life, and what is difference between stable isotope, and unstable isotope.

    Reactions happening in upper level of atmosphere, primary cosmic rays, production of secondary rays etc. etc.

    Where they can learn it, if not on science forum?

  12. Quit hiding from the truth. There's a reason why ISIS attracts followers. They claim to be a caliphate.


    These people are usually young lost male muslims from Europe that are feeling like 2nd or 3rd grade people in their EU country..

    But what a surprise.. ?! They didn't learn in school. They didn't get to college, nor university...

    It's easy to control such idiots (sorry, political correctness: humans with low IQ).. I could turn them to my own believers in few minutes. Showing them "miracles" of science..

    What future they have? As building workers? Taxi drivers? And similar low-paid, low-quality, jobs...

    They want money, and can't get it in EU, so they're upset and seeking for revenge for what they not get in Europe, and returns back with bombs and guns..


    ps. It's yet another example that education must be free of charge..

  13. I have put my ohmmeter across the output of the adaptor of a small pair of Logitech speakers.

    Ohmmeter should be used when device is turned off. Not when it's turned on...


    Reverse to voltmeter and ampere meter.


    Voltmeter/ampere meter should be used when device is turned on.

    But voltmeter parallel to circuit, while ampere meter serial in circuit.

    So it's pretty hard to measure current in majority of ready electronics, because you would have to disconnect their wires/paths on electronic board.


    If you plug ampere meter parallel to circuit, the most likely you can destroy either device and multimeter. Because it's like plugging there wire, and making short circuit.

    Plugging voltmeter serial in circuit, rather won't have any influence.


    The reading just moves about haphazardly.

    What a surprise.. You should not measure resistance of your transformer/adapter. It does not even have any sense. What you were interested in anyway? Resistance of wire in transformer?


    Only voltmeter you can plug to adapter/transformer to measure voltage between electrodes.


    Would this be something to do with the magnetic action of the transformer or am I not doing this properly?

    Quite obviously.


    More to the point, I wish to buy a replacement (as it is kaput) and I fancy a "universal" one. How important is the output and how far can I stray from the manufacturers requirement?

    As long as it's 16 V, and above or equal 1.2 A it should be pretty ok.

    P = I * U = 1.2 A * 16 V = ~20 Watt adapter you have.

    If you will use 30 W, 40 W, with 16 V voltage, should be fine.


    It's resistance of wire in speaker, where is electromagnet, will limit current flowing through wire.


    Say, If I have a speakers with an adaptor of 16 volts, what kind of percentage of milliamps up or down would make a difference and how would I judge which setting? I would not like to blast my speakers into oblivion by setting it say 50% higher than the speakers can handle.


    If you will use adapter with U=24 V, it'll be 50% higher voltage than 16 V,

    You don't know what current will be flowing through whole device in reality.

    It's limited by resistance of wire in electromagnet. There is probably not another stabilizer in circuit.


    This 1.2 A from label of adapter is just maximum value this device can give. While normal working it'll be LESS.

    After exceeding 1.2 A it'll be destroyed. f.e. shorting electrodes of adapter will destroy it.

  14. Today, couple hours ago, two young girls (20-25 y) visited me. They were from Jehovah's Witnesses. They gave me some bible ad.
    I took it. Took couple empty piece of papers and pen. And we sit on the floors.
    And asked them whether they "believe Universe was created by God?", obviously answered "Of course!".
    So, I asked "then why do not learn about Universe?",
    And started from pair production of electron-positron from high energy photon, wrote it on paper, wrote what is mass-energy of electron/positron, first I wrote 9.11*10^-31 kg, then I explained it's just round up, and exact value is 510998.928 eV/c^2
    then I explained them what is proper speed of light (they didn't even knew 300,000 km/s), I explained them it's 299792458 m/s,
    then I started explaining conservation of charge in pair-production (e=1.602176565*10^-19 C). And how light turns to matter and anti-matter.
    And how to change from eV/MeV/GeV to Joules, and back. And from Joules to kg, and back.

    Then continued to annihilation of electron-positron,
    then to pair-production of proton-antiproton.

    Then to fusion of protons.
    Now girl surprised me,. She told me than Deuterium with charge +1e won't match with 2 proton also with charge +1e (I told her first that Deuterium is proton and neutron bound together). So she was actually learning/listening for real.
    I obviously congratulated her for it, and explained that from fusion of 2 protons, there is produced also positron and neutrino and 0.42 MeV energy.

    Then to how to create free neutrons..

    Then to neutron capture, and radioactive decay...
    I asked them to gave their smartphone, and went to YouTube to show Cloud Chamber videos of radioactive isotopes and explained the basic cosmic rays-atmosphere reactions, producing secondary rays, explained pion meson production, and muons, and showing them on videos how they look like/behave..

    That was probably the longest talk with girl I had in the last 10 years ;)

    I will skip further details..
    At the end, they knew how nuclear weapon and nuclear reactors (Uranium-235) do work..

    She said something like "you made me feel like really stupid...",
    "That was not my intention... Did you learn how Universe is working today?"

  15. I like openness. Let everything be visible to all.

    That's complete reverse what you proposed in thread title....


    Have people educated and encourage them to think for themselves. Encourage them to question, without judgement.

    Judgment in scientific sense, is confrontation of theory with experimental physics..

    If theory can't pass it, it's rejected.


    The reason why I'm wondering if science can benefit from anonymity is because scientists are human. And they too are susceptible to ego.

    Some people are interested in science just because "to get Nobel price", like couple our young scienceforums.net members.. Mentioned it couple times..

    They would ignore physics if you would tell them that nobody will know their name ;)


    There was a time when we thought the idea of flight was ludicrous. There was a time when we thought the universe was static.

    It's ridiculous. People who rejected this idea, didn't prove they are right..

    Statement was made in times people already flight in balloons (lighter than air objects).

    People who claimed it, didnt understand physics, as bird and other living organisms fly in air.

    Even thought they're heavier than air. It's just a matter 'how long'.


    Try harder to find the real example what you claimed in 1st post..


    Would anonymity help propel ideas that contradict the commonly accepted 'truths'?

    Accepted truth, is knowledge. Anybody can perform experiment and confirm it.


    If you don't know how to confirm some knowledge, you should make thread about it asking for details. It will be given, I am sure.


    And there's no sense in a dialogue with that individual, at least not yet, because he's still salty.

    Genius state means in his case enough positive votes on forum, by other forum members. That is it.


    If you would be writing about science, and have plentiful positive votes up, and wrote 6000+ posts, you would have also "Genius" title on forum.


    Agreed. As long as discoveries are open to all, at all times, always and not kept on the down low for the personal gain of a select few.

    Which discoveries are kept in secret?

  16. You should have your own distillation setup (even couple, you don't want to use same set up for organic chemistry as with some poisons),

    dephlegmator, beakers 100mL - 1000 mL, round-bottom flasks, flat bottom flasks, alcohol lamps, couple lab stands and clamps various types f.e. for condenser and dephlegmator.

    Graduated cylinders, blender, mortar and pestle, laboratory funnel, Büchner funnel.

    Hot plate, magnetic stirrer (can be in one set up). Vacuum flasks and pump.


    You can create metal oxides and metal hydroxides by yourself doing electrolysis of water with metals as electrodes.

    Add acetic acid to them, and you have metal acetate (or put metal to acetic acid, but it's long time going process).


    I'm 100% broke

    Lab equipment is quite expensive..

    What I mentioned above, except magnetic stirrer and vacuum pump, would cost you at least few hundred usd. With stirrer and pump easily $1k.


    literature on the subject of home chemistry?

    What is "home chemistry"? How it differs from not home chemistry?

    Home chemistry could be making your own ethanol, acetic acid, metal acetates various types, from ethanol you can make Ethylene. Then your own plastic..

    From plastics that you would normally throw to trashcan you can make liquid of hydrocarbons, and even make your own fuel for car..

  17. We have proof testing because tests to destruction can never be repeated, but when made they are never rejected.

    It's something else. It's exam whether calculations made by engineers were right, whether building workers did job right, whether used materials have durability within limits etc. etc.

    If something was ignored at designing or building stage, it can end up f.e. like Tacoma bridge:



    Proof tests can be also screwed up. Metal properties change depending on temperature/pressure. It will have different volume in cold winter, than in hot summer, or altitude.

    One pilot destroyed his airplane because of too dramatic movement of cabriolet in turbulence caused by previous airplane in landing queue (he learned this in pilot school).

    Engineers never took it into account while designing it. Nobody thought about so dramatic changes from far left, to far right, back and forth, several times, in their calcs. And it caused lost of whole vertical stabilizer.

    None engineer thought/calculated what happens if airplane causing turbulence is starting turning. Turbulences add up behind it in precise location. If there is smaller airplane behind it, and turbulence is on one wing, and not present on second, it can cause tail spin..


    I was thinking about scientific measurement in sense of gaining knowledge, or checking previously gained knowledge.

  18. Intuitively, observation is straightforward. You use your senses and things appear to you. But, it's not that simple. Even the most basic of observation is loaded with theory.

    If we make measurement equal to observation, what with animals, and other living organisms?

    If observation and measurement is equal, they're doing measurement as well.

    Is their observation loaded with theory?

    They learn and remember world using their own senses.

    And then interpret reality to not hurt them self.

    Not jump from cliff (so they must know gravity? and what happens to body that fall from too high altitude. Chamois will jump from 1-2 meters, and refuse to jump from larger altitude in mountains).

    Not hit hard wall (so they must know what is hardness/softness of materials?) etc.


    Apparently "animal's theory of physics" must be very similar to our theory.. :)

    So they must have self understanding of laws of physics, without actually theory-ladenness in following understanding of this term:



    That level of theory-ladenness, however, isn't given much thought since, this happens prior to sensation reaching consciousness.

    All living organisms have consciousness?


    Some scientists who work on consciousness, are considering that self recognition in mirror is the first sign of consciousness of animal or human.

    Kids are self recognizing them self in mirror at 2 or 3 year old.



    Imagine 10 people. 1 of them claiming to see ghost, 9 don't.

    There are two possibilities. 9 are right, and 1 has imagination/brain failure. etc.

    Or 1 is right and see (measure? making observations?) of something really real to him/her, while others can't do it.

    Who is right? How to objectively check this?


    Scientific measurement requires repetition of measurements/observations.

    And general objectiveness: no matter if measurement is done by electronics (lack of consciousness?) or human (or animal?), or which exactly human (as many as possible people must be able to share the same experience, and being able to repeat experiment any time).

    Once done measurement, that is never able to be repeated will be rejected by scientific community.

    Similar like observation of ghost by 1/10 people in example above.

    If measurement is done by electronics (like digital camera), we cannot longer say it's imagination, illusion or mental illness.

    What we see is just recording done by machine.

  19. The experiments I did compared the displaced weight of a fireworks surface blast to the displaced weights of a piece of pre cut rock in the ground and the weight of the water removed from a soup can. My estimates on efficiency's are 40+% for the cannonball, 2-18% for water cannon, and 5-10% for the pre-cutting the earth method.

    Show calculations..


    That means if you used a 10 billion kilowatt explosive to remove a piece of pre cut earth at 5% efficiency then you could gain back that energy by lowering weight into the cavity made and get 5% of 10 billion kilowatts which is 500 million kw which is at twelve cents a kw right now.

    kilo watt is not unit of energy..


    The United States carried out a program for peaceful uses of nuclear explosives from the 1950's to the 1980's called Project Plowshare. They conducted several thousand test experiments with underground explosives and cratering mainly to build ports for ships.

    One of the stupidest ideas I heard about..


    Inevitable contamination..


    Now you have results. Cancers everywhere.


    Do you understand that getting a patent does not mean that the idea works?

    If they will reject patent, he will lose money few thousands $.

    If they will accept patent, he will have to spend something like $10+ more, and more for maintaining it, year by year..

    And then if nobody will be interested in patent, he will never have return..

  20. You should start from learning how do we measure whether particle has charge or not.

    It's done by passing particle in external electric field created by metal electrodes, one negatively charged, other one positively charged.

    Negatively charged electrode has abundance of electrons, and positively charged has absence of electrons.

    If we fire electron (electron gun) we will see that it is attracted to positively charged electrode.

    If we will use positively charged particle, such as positron, pion+, muon+, kaon+, it'll be attracted by second negative electrode.

    But if we would emit neutral particle (such as photon, neutrino, neutron, pion0, kaon0), its motion won't be altered by our external created electric fields..


    Some unstable neutral particles, such as neutron, pion0, decays to positively and negatively charged particles.

    So while doing our experiment in particle detector, its trace is starting appearing in middle of nowhere (without trace leading to place where it decayed).

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