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Everything posted by AtomicMaster

  1. Java is not the most popular programming language, C/C++ is still more popular, don't follow the propaganda...
  2. Python or Ruby work well for NP, security is in your code, so that depends on how you write things, and overall they are both excellent languages also How much speed? I can easily term 10k cps with a ruby server, maybe more if i wanted to get fancier with it, python would be no different, so how much performance are we talking? Speed-wise i would be done well before C/C++ even goes into debugging. If you intend to do real network programming, with real performance, really emphasizing security, and uptime, Erlang is the tool for the job.
  3. Don't be silly, that is not a security solution, give you an example: i steal your cookie while you are browsing the site at starbucks... we have the same IP... or do you trust the IP address i sent you? There is no way to prevent session hijacking, short of really good crypto (dnssec + strong ssl) and even then it is possible locally. The only thing you can do is to detect it. The way you detect it is you have a 2 token system, one is your login token, another token rotates every request. as soon as a login token matches but the rotating token does not match, you know that someone hijacked the session and can therefore alert the user. You can not prevent it and you can not detect it while it is happening if the user goes offline...
  4. It does, but not for the reasons you have listed. Boy, you must not have had any high-end gaming mice then; my rat does not work like a basic mouse without the driver, glitches like you wouldn't believe (os x and windows) Yes and no, if you want to draw something to the screen, yes, if you want to be a progressive gaming engine than no, you have some code that is different on NVidia then AMD; they do things vastly differently and so your optimizations and some implementations will too differ. If I'm to take interest in modern eyephones, I want it to be the same thing; A new technology that can be developed and supported by anyone and everyone, rather than being some corporation's toy.Sorry that has a very low probability of happening, because different companies provide different implementations and different technologies, for the most part they require a very specific kind of adressing, distortion, even drawing to make the technology work, and this is before head-tracking. I dont think that will slow them much, Facebook has a good legal team to where oculus doesnt have to worry about that too much, and the developers they have themselves have numerous patents, they are bright people some are legends at the forefront of their respectful fields. They have the money, they have momentum, they brought the cost down, they are growing their name, Oculus i believe, and i really want to, is becoming a force to be reckoned with. Google glass does not render stereoscopic images, unless you are revealing to us that the next generation may have 2 displays? Answer is 2-fold. On one hand if the physical technologies are similar enough, and the driver interface is the same, then yes, you could potentially support different manufacturers. But as i have already said, the physical technology is different thus the drivers are vastly different thus SDKs are different thus engines will have to write separate code to draw on different kinds of devices; luckily usually its not that difficult a task. You will require different drivers, you will require different SDKs, i feel that game engine developers together with video drivers writers, as they currently do for many things, will take care of the transforms for you and abstract the vr devices away while having different code for each one, and if you want to write an engine, you will have to implement different SDKs for different devices. I will not exclude the fact that Oculus may push for some sort of a standard, but i doubt that everyone will comply.
  5. Don't take sans courses, go to people who are good at it, like offensive-security or eccouncil, and really nothing replaces real hands-on experience...
  6. 4 - Not if you have a wire long enough, which for cars would not be achievable. And another thing, you can deliver power via other em spectrum frequencies, microwaves or IR for example. I'd be interested to know how much if any efficiency would be gained by that...
  7. I bet its a UTF-8 issue, try simplejson sir, its a much better library. (you can install it through pip or apt)
  8. OO gets as complex as you make it. I mean you throw in complex data-structures like dancing trees, templating, virtual classes and virtual inheritance and you got yourself a party!
  9. There are tons and tons of resources on setting up MySQL, it is only the most widely used database engine on the planet, and there is plenty of documentation, official and otherwise. No you cant set up mysql through python, you can access a mysql service/database with python, but its a database, a daemon, a service, and thus needs some system setup. You can create,delete,modify users, tables and databases with python, but you cant set up mysql itself as a pip install... You dont tend to store whole lists in single fields of databases, that is generally a poor db design (unless you are postgres). Database tables are optimized to have a few columns and many many rows. If you really critically need to store an array of data in the database, you can serialize it, but i would say that if you are doing this, your data layout design is most likely wrong. I can help, i have years of experience with databases, mysql in particular. If you want, PM me and we can talk off the record, i can help you do everything, i just need a little info.
  10. JS does follow a standard set by ECMA-262 specification and ISO/IEC 16262, that said, having read the spec, it is very strange in a lot of places. The original ECMA script spec literally stated that semicolons were not necessary to terminate the lines, but can be used as such, and that the actual point/use of the semicolon will be determined later... Tis a strange language Ok, i would not do my job if i did not pick on this statement, but a compiler actually does not generate assembly. C/C++ compiler parses the code into a parse tree, checks syntax and common mistakes, consistency, etc, in the process, fills in constants, drops code in paths that can not be reached, runs one or a number of optimization cycles (some optimizations can be done in parallel, others have to be done serially), converts the parse tree into opcode for the linker, and passes the code over to the linker (usually there is an optimization cycle here too), which will eventually call the assembler which will convert the opcode into assembly, and then also usually run an optimization cycle.
  11. More correctly it's a job for somebody who has a lot of experience in protocol developement, computational linguistics or compilers... Implementing protocols correctly and safely is part science, part black magic.
  12. You can create an arc that is < 1m long, you need a lot of voltage to do this. Following Paschens law, the breakdown voltage necessary to jump 1m of air is 3.5x10^6V. There are many problems with your idea however, and no, it can not be made safe. First problem is the current of an arc has to be stabilized, because an arc will only stop at the power supply level, this is a problem. Arc looses a lot of energy to photon and heat emission as the current travels through the plasma. And then there is the safety of the arc itself, the moment you speak of a an arc, you are talking about plasma heated so much that it emits photons; you are talking temperatures in 18-19K degrees C. This much heat may cook the proteins in humans, considering that Medium Rare steaks are cooked to 54 degrees C, and an exposure to a water at that temperature is painful at any time over about a second (from many, many personal experiences). Containing this kind of power takes a special kind of a power unit, which is not undoable, but it is not for the faint of heart, nor is it light or portable... In short, this is not easy, this is not safe, this is not practical, this is not efficient; in short, this is not a solution to wireless charging.
  13. Java is no more, and i would argue is less complex than C and Python. You can express object design in C, while cumbersome, it is doable. And Python is also an object-oriented language. Objects are just ways to represent your data, there is nothing scary about them
  14. Twitter has an API, please consult it https://dev.twitter.com/docs
  15. That would typically be covered by some sort of an official API, or database access, which you would need to inquire from the websites you are trying to scrape. I would also not tell them that you are currently scraping them...
  16. 1) You can do this with IR, as was demonstrated a few years back. Arc? Well you can make an arc, but are you shooting for the least efficient and most dangerous wireless charger on the planet, i mean gas is a horribly poor conductor? You can make really long arcs, have you heard of lightning? Unfortunately, the longer you make an arc, the lesser the safety of the said arc is, and no arc is really all that safe... 2) Tesla 3) How far do you need it to go, and how much power are you willing to provide? 4) Earth's magnetic field already has a useful amount of power, northern lights are a proof there-of. Problem is that you need a really long antenna to harvest it, superior conductive properties wouldn't hurt either... Think something the length of east to west coast of the US for example, or if you want to work in extreme environments, something a bit shorter, but closer to the magnetic poles...
  17. Step 1: Get model numbers off the devices, and figure out what the hell kind of a protocol is used to communicate with those devices, get full spec, how they work, what they can and can not do. Step 2: Get some sample data. Step 3: Try to find some libraries to help you communicate using the protocol. Step 4: Implement the solution/protocol in code (if no solution is found already) Step 5: Make sure that when you feed the sample data into your program that you see the expected outcomes Step 6: Write a protocol fuzzer Step 7: Fuzz your code with at least a few hundred million messages Step 8: Figure out what software your software is going to interface with Step 9: Figure out how to interface with that software Step 10: Follow step 2 through step 7 to develop that side of things Step 11: Test you solution on the software side with fake data Step 12: Test your solution on the hardware side with fake actions Step 13: Test the whole system and make sure that you get expected results both ways Step 14: Fuzz the whole system Step 15: Have a drink, play with your final solution.
  18. Lol I think we need a button for that... Like Report, MultiQuote, Quote, Google It
  19. I suppose there is an infinite amount of places where AI could be used in education. For example on one side, you could use AI to customize the education program to each student's learning ability/how they learn best. Another place would be to check student's work, for example, having a record of how a student talks, writes, etc, an AI can highlight areas of work that could be plagiarized. Another area would be to teach AI syntax and have an auto-grading/test generation system for english, math, history, etc. You could apply AI to helping and correcting students in physical activities and sports. Students can use AI to narrow down narratives and books to key facts to be usable in problem-solving. AI can be used school-wide, using student tracking data for better positioning of classes and other logistics to improve efficiency. You can use AI again while tracking students to track and notify students that skip, you can learn things about students to promote better habits and educate, for example behavioral analysis can tell you that a student smokes for example, enjoys physical activity, is or is not social, etc, which again can help one guide the student to tackle their weaknesses. I feel like i can go on and on on every aspect of schools. Even security, AI can fairly easily determine that there is a conflict and immediately notify near-by faculty, or take steps to self-resolve the situation, same type analysis can tell you that there are untracked people in the school, people with intent to hurt others, etc. Just apply your imagination, and yeah...
  20. Not necessarily, if you browse the directory, there is the creation of thumbnails, also its your data, so you are bound to open the file at some point, so the infection "could" reoccur, though your scanners could pick it up by then.
  21. So what if the data gets infected so as soon as your image reconnects, it's owned again?
  22. I would like to see the independently-gathered data please, this claim seems to be a bit, um, marketing-like...
  23. That should start with "In my opinion and without any actual data to back up my claim". For anyone reading, please read all of the material presented in the at least few recent posts (go back a few pages maybe), especially the links to actual research and actual testing of the various solutions, and form your own informed opinion about what product(s) you choose, this is why free speech and free press exist in the US, use those rights to your advantage! If you actually look at test data, you would find that Kaspersky does significantly better than windows defender with exploit protection, blocking phishing sites, blocking socially engineered sites; compared to other recommended or mentioned products here like Avast and AVG, Norton, for example both Kaspersky and Windows Defender do better with compressed payloads, however KAV doesn't (or at least didn't) do as well with packed payloads. This would all be research as a part of making the decision about what security products you are going to use. I already said, there is NO clear best, there are better products, there are more or less affordable products, there are products that provide better protection in some areas, but it is up to you to decide how you want and can protect your system and yourself. There is no end-all solution to security and there most certainly is a security/performance trade-off. But it is up to you to decide, just like nobody can tell you what the definitive best way to defend/protect your home is.
  24. Programmers have to learn how to program, syntax is merely a language in which you express your programming ideas, it's like a color in a painting, you have to know form, you have to know shape, you have to know how your idea will read before you draw something, color, while important, is not the end of the world, you can have a painting in one color that still conveys your idea. Same thing with programming, when you know how to program, syntax is merely the language to expressing your solution. It can limit you, and there are some different programming types which make that not a blanket statement, but for the most part, it is true, you know what structures you need, what constructs, what constrains, what data, etc depending on the complexity of your program (could be contexts, namespaces, semaphores, locks, sockets, etc, etc). Once you know what you need to do, you can look up the syntax of doing it in whatever language you are using, you also learn its constraints and so you have to sometimes find other solutions, but that is what makes it fun in the first place to learn a new language
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