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How to destroy the Earth

Bruno da Silva

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Whatever the way I would choose to destroy the Earth: Would I need more people? Where can / How do I recrute more people?


You could recruit a robot army: https://what-if.xkcd.com/5/

Why isn't mine a serious one?





How has the Earth been destroyed if we're still here?


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You don't seem to be taking these answers very seriously. Maybe you should give the computer back to your mum and get on with your homework.


I did wonder if getting everyone to jump at the same time would cause enough damage. It turns out it would be pretty bad, but not that bad.



I still don't get why you keep saying I'm not taking it seriously.









You would also be ending all the joy. I have reported you to the FBI as a terrorist.


Simple. But not easy. Classic example.


OK, now that we know what you want to do, we can start paring away at the task. Single-celled organisms, do you really think they feel pain? Or are you just wiping them out too because they might evolve into something that feels pain? In five billion years, before the sun goes red giant, that could certainly happen.


Let's look at this from another angle. Removing the Earth as a habitable place is probably beyond your means. You'd have to recruit an army of minions who also hated life because of the pain, and would agree it's OK for you to make that decision for everyone and everything. Sooooo, if you could talk people into that, why don't you just convince all the people that life is too painful and we should all work together to destroy the whole planet?


The toughest part would be historical precedence. What you describe is pretty much the definition of Evil, and I think people will be suspicious and defensive when you first start talking to them. DO NOT GET A CAT. Don't give up, and if you find a few people who think the pain is worth it, well, nihilism isn't for the faint of heart.


I will say this, if you can't destroy the whole thing, don't destroy any of it. You'd just be creating more pain.


Edit to add: Hey, if you're serious about this, have you researched pain at all? Do you know why we feel pain, why it helps, why it's absolutely necessary to human life, or have you just decided pain is only painful and unnecessary?


How many wars, natural desaster, epidemics, toture have already happened, are happening right now and will happen; How many living beings will die from hungry?; How many living beings will suffer in wild life?; How many living beings will suffer on the hands of those torturers in deep web?; HOW MUCH TIME WILL PAIN RULE THE EARTH?; Have you experienced those things? If so, you know what I'm talking about.


It must come to an end. There's no reason to fight for a world like this. Pain rules the Earth, since sentient life started to exist. You guys are saying this because you really don't know what pain really feels like, only a sufferer to understand another one. I doubt you say the same thing after experiencing all those things.


And yes, I'm REALLY serious about this. I'll dedicate my life into it.

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I'm serious about this. I really wanna do it. And it's not about vanity. There's only one reason for me to be wanting to do it: pain. Ending with all life you will also be ending all the suffering on the Earth. Simple.



Moderator Note

Dealing with pain means this is a matter of you seeking help we can't give — that of a qualified professional. And the discussion topic has gone out of bounds.



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