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Clara Tanone - Q1: Is it better to pop your pimples or to leave them alone?

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Hey guys...


LOL... what should we all be doing regarding this matter?


I keep getting mixed messages depending who I'm talking too! :D


Hope I can get some insight from www.scienceforums.net elite group to shed some light on the matter!



Clara Tanone

Edited by Clara Tanone
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  • 4 weeks later...

A- if it really is a pimple it should be ok to pop.

B- Not all spots should be popped and can cause problems if not removed with the assistance of your doctor or surgeon.




Thanks for the info and video link.


I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your father. :unsure:

I will pray to God that your father goes to Heaven! :D

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  • 2 months later...

There are different kinds of pimples.

1. Blackheads

2. Whiteheads

3. Pimples

4. Boils or cysts.


1. Blackheads are gunk that has accumulated in a pore or a hair follicle. Do Not Squeeze! Squeezing or pinching will damage the skin and leave a mark. Use a cleanser such as hot water, soap that doesn't leave a residue, or alcohol. A soft brush or cloth may help. Remember the motto, "First, do no harm."


2. Whiteheads are infections at the surface of your skin. Your white blood cells, 'macrophages', are doing their jobs of eating invading bacteria and walling off the infected area(s). You can drain these CAREFULLY. There is some risk of making a hole through the wall that the white cells have made, allowing the bacteria to spread deeper inside of you. Disinfect and allow the wound to dry. These will often break open and dry out on their own when the surface layer gets stretched thinner and/or something bumps the bubble. Failure to disinfect may result in more infections near the first.


3. Pimples are slightly deeper infections than whiteheads. You will probably notice them first as a red and possibly painful swelling. Your white cells are trying to push the infection out. It is best to leave them alone when the core is near the surface and the inflamed, swollen area is painful and red. This inflamed skin is easier to damage than healthy skin. Squeezing too early and too hard may make a bigger, longer lasting (days longer) swelling or wound. Left alone, your immune system will most often push the infection closer to the surface of your skin within a day. When it gets close enough, the outer layer of skin will stretch. The pressure will reduce. The pain, caused by the pressure, will lessen. You will be able to see where the core is just under the surface. At this point I will diverge from the doctor's advice and say drain carefully. A pimple left too long undrained may become fully enclosed by the macrophages' wall building and remain as a permanent lump. Again, swollen skin is fragile! Squeezing risks popping the pimple bubble on the inside and spreading the infection inside of you. To keep the scar tiny, let your immune system work alone for a while even when it hurts.


4. Boils are infections that are too deep and/or large for your immune system to push out through your skin. If your macrophages eventually defeat the invaders on their own, you will have a permanent lump. (Most likely) If they lose, you will die. (Less likely) Get that bubble safely drained. It will hurt to have it cut open. It will hurt for days or weeks longer if you don't drain it. Give your immune system a nutrition boost for faster healing.


My best advice is to avoid this subject entirely by keeping clean on the outside and on the inside. Drink enough water, avoid eating too much at one time, and dump your s*** frequently. Get enough sleep. In short, live healthy.

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