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White Paper on Revolutionary Technology - X-FORCE


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When a subject matter is introduced in the path where; in a uniform magnetic field' date=' the magnetic plane intercepts the plane created by the X-FORCE field, this subject matter will be converted to Neutrinos....


The resulting neutrinos also travel at a speed faster than light and thus into another time span. That is the future time span in relative to the present time span.


Therefore even if neutrino detectors are employed, these cannot be detected directly and only the insignificant loss of matter is the only indirect indication of the occurrence of this effect in the present time span.[/quote']


hold on, neutrinos travel faster than light? i don't think so.


so, why can't you detect these neutrinos?

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I am basically referring to particles which are having characteristics similar to Neurtinos (zero or insignificant mass and can pass through matter) and which can travel faster than light.


1)where does the faster than light stuff come from? neutrinos travel slower than c. they have been detected. particles that travel faster than c are tachyons and for all intensive purposes a mathematical curiosity. they have NEVER been observed directly or indirectly nor have their effects.


2)they do have mass, not a lot, but some.

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1) what makes you think that these neutrino-like particles travel faster than light?

2) any evidence AT ALL of matter changing into these particles?

3) why did you change the whole topic of your thread?

4) what doe the original topic have to do with teleportation?

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RealTimeGuy: What is your point? You've posted over 3000 words with no discernible purpose, other than to encourage "people to discuss and debate the existence of a Physical Force that can convert matter to neutrinos." You have provided some concise descriptions of certain physical laws and theories, and an analogy or two, without demonstrating any connection with your thesis. I wonder if Tycho is being over kind when he calls your post convoluted. If you want discussion please be clearer as to what we are discussing, why we are discussing it, and how the rest of your post relates to it.

Ophiolite (closet teleportation enthusiast)

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give one example of any credible source saying neutrinos travel faster than light.

sun spots and supernovas give off neutrinos because of this little thing called fusion.

how would this fictional phenomina lead to advances in teleportation? all that pseudoscience at the bottom of your last post has no place in QM.

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I believe there is a government conspiracy to cover up research into metals that would work better than aluminum hats, because if that information got out then the government couldn't control us as well. RFID tags are just antennas to improve the mind-control reception.




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IIRC We don't detect all the neutrinos because the experiments are typically set up to detect only electron-neutrinos. But results from experiments at SNO confirmed that "neutrino oscillations" occur - they change between the three generations, and that accounts for most if not all of the "missing neutrino" problem, as well as indicating that they have mass.

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If you read the complete article, you will understand that theories can change and predictions go awry. Though the present readings from both water and chlorine and gallium detectors predict the same amount as the standard computer model, how do we still be sure that what was predicted by the standard computer model is accurate. This model will definitely be using existing rules and laws which may change over time based on future discoveries.


If you're a scientist you understand that theories change and predictions go awry.


Considering how complex the sun (and other stars) and its interior is (leave alone other bodies such as supernovas' date=' black holes) etc, it will be naive to stick to the standard computer model though it seems to satisfy us for the moment.


Besides, I am speaking of neutrinos that are propelled at velocity greater than light due to a certain force that we have yet to discover. The standard computer model most certainly would have ommited this in its calculations.


The fact is we can be certain about certain things only for the moment not forever as time and again proved that new research overturn many physical laws.



There are basically two avenues for research: you observe something or do some experiment, and try to explain it, or you think up some model and then go get some data to verify it. At some point, there has to be an observation that confirms the theory.


What you propose is coming up with a model to explain something that has not been observed.

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