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I'm looking for James Holmes' defense attorney's email address or contact info


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If anyone recalls the neuroscientist who killed people while he was dressed as a joker, this thread is about that. I'm looking for the defense attorney's email address or contact info. I'm having a hard time locating it. I have information that may be valuable to that case. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have studied law and neuroscience for some time. I believe he was insane. I also believe I know what happened.


In general, he had a source-monitoring error. Large amounts of emotional distress, his dysphoric mania, caused him to lose large amounts of information about his identity and personality. As he lost knowledge and information due to the large amount of emotional distress, he later developed a false memory. The false memory caused him to misattribute sources of knowledge, which eventually brought on a new identity and personality. Now, the thing is, there needs to be an explanation as to why he underwent large amounts of emotional distress and dysphoric mania. He may have forgotten it, but I believe he has knowledge of it. The large amounts of emotional distress caused him to forget the textual information that he had for so long encountered: He was a high GPA individual. He had became emotionally detached from that information, which also involved his identity: He was a scholar. As his dysphoric mania (or emotional bout) caused him to quickly become detached from his scholarly ways, he had a brain drain. In that brain drain, he lost part of his identity: That he was a scholar.



Edited by Genecks
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