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New theory / theorem for Relativistic / Quantum Physics?


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Sounds intresting. Great thought, great women. But a question. That lumpiness comes from a network of individual atoms — but atoms that are themselves composed of small packages of space-time? So what does that mean.

Update: 2006

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Well, it's probably because I'm tired but this sounds a little showbiz for a serious theory. The references to lumpyness sound as though Markopoulou is trying to create catch phrases, to grab media attention with a theory that cannot be tested until 2006.


Mind you, I hate physics theorys. The 'lumpyness' descibes the proposed experiments with a NASA satellite to track gamma-ray photons from as far away as feasable. If the theory works, then individual photons should travel at slightly different speeds, depending on their wavelength. That would make bumps I suppose. But your right, it dosen't explain the dispersion, just makes pointers towards quantum gravity.


Apparently that's a good thing, but as I said, I hate physics theorys.:-(

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so you have 2 polarized filters, with the polarization at 90 degrees to each other.

no light gets through both. first one gets the "up and down" polarized light waves, witch is half, second is horazontal, so it blocks the rest. .... now put a third one in between the two... at 45% to either one... and somehow 25% of the original light gets through all three. something to do with waves bending

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how about the brain--mind relation?

i think mind is a caricteristic of brain.

its seperateness is an illusion. i guess its real, since thoughts are physical. but its seperateness, as well as the illusion of seperate bodies-are functions to keep "me" organized this specific way. why? because if i didnt, then i wouldnt be here, and any organized matter that didnt try to stay organized simply wouldnt do so. a wave in a ocean has no intention. truely, either do i. what are the chances? look at the effect infinite time has on probability. everything has to happen some time.




central state materialism?


thoughts are physical events in my brain, and therefore subject to determinism.

look at it on a very inaccurate phycological level, as to why i did something or am typing right now, or get down to the nitty gritty and think of it physically. as in photons coming from this computer screen blah blah...

but thats the realityi just read the other day that all humans emit electromagnetic radiation of all frequencies, all the time. like 200-250 watts an hour! presumably the majority is of infrared...

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On brain-mind relation.

Since I have all my senses, I close my eyes and my mind feels behind my eyes, between my ears, and behind and above my nose and mouth. If I were blind and deaf from birth and communicated by touch, do you think my mind would be in my hands since that is where my main sense would be situated?

Just aman

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Originally posted by Raider

The very basic discription for which you fault her is really just a dumbing down by whoever wrote the article IMO.



Actually I was looking at http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0007E95C-9597-1DC9-AF71809EC588EEDF&catID=2 and there is again evidence of creating catchy phrases, see the prominent nod towards cooking in this article. Journalists are being given enough information to make a fun story, Woman/Cooking/Physics/Einstein.


Mind you, I guess you have to do that sort of thing to get grants nowadays.

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